Proof of Darko sucking total ass

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Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by Pacomeister »

Here we have video proof of mr Darko himself the man of an inflated ego the size of falete's belly and a male sex organ the size of DX's multiplayer playerbase, playing with a supposed "hacker" destroying him on a zero aug server

the video has been gathered and uploaded by GrandeKeeh's elite group of officials
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Re: Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Funny because I have proof how you fakes with my nickname, and how I kicked your ass same day when I discovered who you are. There is much more pictures, those are from me. Yes I know who you are because I asked 17, and FUN server guys who told me you impersonate me in there WITH MY NICKNAME. What you have not expected is that I will see that, that people will tell me, and what is more funny you were stupid enough to challenge me 1:1 after you filmed fake movies.

I will ask you now one thing. Are you seriously so stupid person that you film fake movie with your pal, and then you raise your ego high enough to think you can beat me??? Seriously? I almost feel sorry for you. I will remember you how that ended for you just 2 hours later, in ATDM, BTDM, FUN and Zero augs. As you can see WE PLAYED SAME maps where you claim you beaten me. So tell me, MATER WINDOO, why you could not beaten me again, what stopped you? :)

Nice joke, anyway, sadly for you here you have my score, look and cry:

As I said on my topic, or you guys are Dani, Emilly and Bajas. What is maybe not case......


Just reminder what i did to you just few howrs later, enjoy. Dont worry you can film 100 fake movies, I will film 10 and post link on your same channel. Dont forget DD has own chanell and you can challenge us on any game. But we know that aint gonna happen, YOu know why? In DX you cant beat me, and in GTA 3, Urban Terror, etc etc Lucky is in top 1-50 players in ALL MODES and servers. So basicly good luck. Watch our channel, soon insane stuff will come. You will see how insane we aim with sniper, no binds, no abuses.

That is why you will never be pro player, because you use aimbot, but real gamers can overpass that, check those pictures, they will remember you that people can beat cheats, enjoy.

Last days I seriously enjoy in game which haha, lets just say some people try to ruin, but well lets be honest, they will not success. Lets start with some facts.....

I was here for some time and I saw KillJoy, DJ, Shadowrunner, Chinny and others FGS users, all cool people. Honestly even Nobody and Cheese were, but they turned to some different road. Its not hard to know why, they supported biggest abusers in this game.

I remember when my nick impersonation started, when people like Anax and Dani took mine and Lucky's nickname, and instead to ban them, they banned Lucky, and only 2 days later, without explanation even I was banned by Cheese & Nobody. 2 years later as you know I was "polite to them" and said them, now you have real reason to ban me, since I considered you as friends. Well there also stopped my communication with those 2 from FGS I have nothing to say to such people who ban 2 guys who basicly did nothing, because of 2 guys (Dani & Anax) whoo used abuses and tried to ruin game MP. Many legends which returned this days admited why they left...... So its not they chased 5-10 people, they chased much more, not only them, even those before.

Based on Dani's words (in 17 server) before few days he told me: Do you know that I used aiming bot so basicly I did nothing, I had wallhack, body checker, and much more metabolic end product which even they did not have.

Dani told me, why do you think they erased my post so fast from forum?

And people, Dani has point, there was aiming bot, there was wallhack (we all know that), there was 5 meds spawn abuse which we later detected at MINIMTL, there was also body targeting bot. So guys do you remember when they said ITS ONLY SUPERBIND? No its not only skills + superbind as they said, its pistol + sniper glitch + body detector in one. Combined with superbind which with one click changes to medkit, heals, changes to sniper and shoot by default, that is it. Because on that medbind they had also body detector, which basicly could kill you from close.

So put all that crap together + include raised FPS to 180. Even assault fight against them was not possible. They basicly did all what they could to ruin natural players.

Only what was missing is to ban bigger maps where natural skills come close like sniperbox and that is it. But problem was next, better players like me played on distance from 50 metters with randoom bahind wall jump shoots and surprised them despite their wallhack.

So where are problems now? Well despite Dani's honestly before few days....... THERE IS SOME FACT. Only day after that, someone used Sile's nickname, and Bajas nickname, and my nickname when "that someone" faked my fights and called "easy and you suck" words.
Its hard to say if someone revenged to Dani and Emilly right after they returned to game....... Or those are really Dani and Emilly. One moment polite, other not? Its not that i bother with that. Fact is I saw Dani and Emilly to speak Spanish...... So probably they were there.

But what confuses me is next, only 2 hours before I heard someone took my nickname (not important who told me), and he came to ZXC and asked me if I want to play 1:1 with them. He said me i quote: Be carefull, they seemed to be like insane....... I said just bring them......

They were surprised when I revealed myself on ATDM (where I usually dont play) with perfect score without any death, and when I beaten those fake users in zero augs also.
One day later they used Bajas, Sile, Darko, Emilly and Dani Saggenza nicknames......... So it hard to say who is behind those, could be Dani and Emilly, but also could be Solid, Sinthetic and company........ I will not go in that, not my problem. Not my problem even if they film fake movies...... As I said I will come here and then undercover as last time (showmyself on end of the match) and then they will see THAT REAL DARKO WIN! Theat will be anyway attack on their ego when they will see that I beat them and that who supose to beat "fake Darko". There is nothing better when they take my nickname, other guy beat fake Darko a lot, and then I came, showmyself, and beat them a lot.

They tried to see how good I am on infinite augs but result was same. So you dont believe there is fake Darko? Good, I dont care honestly.......... I dont even care if they film to youtube fake movies, who cares, we all know we play for fun. Besides I know I will win and loose sometimes, but same as any of you, I will win. People always win, you will always win.

Here are some results from that day, so you judge for yourself to who you will trust:



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Re: Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

You told truth, someone seriously sucking in here, but that was only you. See you in game, dont worry, you can impersonate, even show on youtube 100 videos, we will have own community, and honestly there is nothing you can do. Enjoy in your stealing clan marks and nicknames together with those admins who allow you to do it. That only says they are involved.

In any case we have materials too, which we will post on our website, youtube, and social networks. But I dont bother with you. You maybe have some problems in life, so I will not insult you or anything, wish you all best, and hope you will feel better soon.

Enjoy in game and all best.
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Re: Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Oh I forgot to say, that video was filmed also on FGS zero augs, where I am banned by the way :) After I found them on Revenants server, they went to FGS server where Nobody can easily check they played WITH EXACTLY THOSE nicknames. He can see I tried to join to involve fight, but server has not give me accesss. Nothing more to add. How I know: GOOGLE -> Deus Ex Server List, and you will see them how they lay with nicknames even if you cant enter.

I dont care they filmed fake movie. I dont care they even posted on youtube. But if they start to continue, and if they start to insult people, seriously check their IP, its not Croatian (even if they use proxy), admins should be able to detect them and ban them. And seriously if they start to insult people, I suggest to ban them.

I dont care what they film or do, but if they start to insult people, I suggest to defend Deus Ex MP with ban list for those who do it. Thank you.
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Re: Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by Pacomeister »

we did not appear in any of those images and the video file was sent by yourself i don't know what you are talking about :-D

in any case if you think this video damages the reputation of the DedicatedDicks Clan we can take down the video if you ppay a fine of 40$ to the official GrandeKeeh team
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Re: Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by ~TheClown~ »



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Re: Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Ok here is also proof, mistery is down I managed to track them and from their location is obvious they are both from EUROPE. So that think that this is not Anax (how Kai said) its lie. Why its lie? Compare my 40 mbps DSL connection ping with their ping, its obvious he uses same IP (I know that) not important how and I know he is from UK almost 100 %. So that will put down things to 2 people. Solid and Anax. Since we know who did it in 2012, its probably Anax. One more reason why is Anax? He insulted me in server, together with Dani.

Result? No ban, no warning to change nick, no even kick. In short 17 goes know very well who that guy is. They protect him, so its almost 100 % sure its Anax, because he is very well protected in FGS servers also, where he filmed fake video after all.

About our match, Dani said, time to take popcorn, so I offeered him 100 euro + normal offer to play vs me with all abuses on server which he wants, he just ignored me. I told him I will post direct video record of our fight so that he does not film here fake movies.

If you do not believe 17 has full conversation, there is my offer towards fake Darko, my mone yoffer if they beat me, I even said he can use same abuses as in 2012 when he lost, but they basicly ignored me.

So tell me "OWNER OF VIDEO", why you refused with me LEGAL 1:1 FIGHT? I will tell you why, because I would beat you, I would shame you even if Dani would play with you I would still beat you both, and you know I will post youtube video and shame you, and put record link here.

In any case, not only that I know now who you are, I also know you are scared as "bip bip". Enough said. Enjoy.


Story closed. And as I said since WildCat returned to 17 I was positive I will play there cause of him, but after this support to those guys I will not spen d my time in there anymore, at least not so soon. I will not support ruining of Deus Ex MP as they do. Shame.

In any case. BUSTED.

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Re: Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by ~TheClown~ »

Busted? Hardly. Checked his IP logs, no matches. I DONT know who it is, actually.
Not my problem. I'm not banning everyone who pisses you off or I'd have no players left.
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Re: Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

You lie IP matches, and you know. How I know? Not important, but he has stable IP adress (fake Darko) his IP does not change. I will not tell you how I know, but I know. And you know. Otherwise you would put here IP adress from him before 2 days, and now. But you will not do it. We both know why. Because he is from UK, its same IP, and we know who is using it.

Anyway I will not argue with you, I know you protect them, and how you protect them that is how I have rights not to play in server where such people are protected. Enjoy.
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Re: Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Anyway I prooved my point I will not argue with anyone, there are servers where I will be protected against such people and servers where I will have to tolerate such crap, In any case I will refuse to play in such servers where I will have to see how they insult other people and how admins tolerate that. Except when I will be in mood to kick their ass.

That is all from me, nothing more to add.
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Re: Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by ~TheClown~ »

Obviously you dont know what your talking about. You cant see their IP's, I CAN.
I can post the entire IP log, with IP's if you want. The only times the name Darko appears in my log are with no previous names, one with an 87.* range, the others on 93.139.* or 93.142.*.
Firstly, not Nax, because his IP's registered, not Chees either, or whoever else. So no, I dont know who it is, and frankly I dont care. I don't ban people on my servers, because whats the point. Meaning your avoiding the only server that wont ban you just because I wont fight your battles for you against your enemies. Meh.
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Re: Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by Pacomeister »

oh my god i cant handle this im *loving* dying from laughter LOL...

have fun trying to figure out who the criminal is darko, i have like 7 proxies

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Re: Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by Pacomeister »

here's Darko's magic ability fps unlocking and he's still bad at playing

Here's proof:

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Re: Proof of Darko sucking total ass

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

You have 7 proxy connections? Funny, how is then possible that I located you today when you visited my website, and exposed who you are. Basicly i can do with you what I want, not only that I can locate you when I want I can even report you when I want. But you are just hilarious guy.

Ps: Whoo has ping 165? Funny, because I have either 200 + on US servers or 50 on Euro servers. Anyway you just film fake movies, I dont care, we both know I will kick your ass easy, together with those who think they beaten real Darko. As I said, whoever thinks he can beat me, he is welcome to come to FUN server, he can send report on my site, I will reply to him, and he will know he talks with real Darko.

Since you dont speak Croatian (and me and people have secret code), those people know you are not real Darko anyway. So in short, you make me laugh :bwahaha:
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