FGS Altfire Server Battle

The time is right for a suicide!
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FGS Altfire Server Battle

Post by [FGS]Chees »

FGS. Altfire Server Battle tomorrow at 8 PM GMT. Unknown, Fits, and me so far. WHOS UP FOR A BATTLE?
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Re: FGS Altfire Server Battle

Post by TheWolf »

inb4 darko posts something long
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Re: FGS Altfire Server Battle

Post by anax »

Aye I suppose I might as well join.
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: FGS Altfire Server Battle

Post by Kuchcik »

We should have a long-term, once-a-month calendar schedule, like every 15th of the month.
I could hop on someday for shits and giggles.

You guys got Teamspeak or something like that (I have my own if needed)?
Also is anything needed to play DXMP now that the Gamespy masterservers are dead?

PS add me on steam if you haven't yet http://steamcommunity.com/id/cat_blini_cat/
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Re: FGS Altfire Server Battle

Post by [FGS]FlyingGhost »

I agree with what Kuchcik said above :D

I'll be in for some good old dx :p
Mounir12 wrote:Hey guys i am Mounir i was banned cus i lam bugged so someone can unban me (btw i want to be memeber of fgs)
~DJ~ wrote:I don't want to discuss anymore, he's outta his mind!111
ShadowRunner wrote:Altfire is not altfire without Ichotolot...
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