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A note about skill


Posts: 1321
 27 Apr 2007, 15:29

Re: A note about skill - Postby synthetic » 14 Aug 2014, 18:29

ShadowRunner wrote:I only pulled up on the FGS comment and the fact the entire topic, besides FGS, is aiming the blame entirely almost on Phantom. your response is overkill. I'm not making a stand against you or your topic, I just don't agree with a topic that focuses negative comments on ONE clan and ONE person. Personally I don't see FGS as the clan mainly responsible for cheating accusations, nor do I see that Phantom is the number one reason people cheat, or don't play anymore, although that is highly debatable probably.

Did you read what I wrote? We are talking about a figure of authority in the cheater circles, circles that largely exist because he made them! Cheaters that exist because he said everybody cheats anyway and he has a little trick for his special friends on how to play better.

And you are talking about what overkill again? I was so angry at your post the other day that only way I could give some kind of meaning to it was by thinking that you likely have some kind of learning disability. A grown man cant talk this much many metabolic end product.

Anyway, Hey and Mastakilla are gamers and know what they are talking about, so I apologize if I skimmed over them for now :P What sparks these flaming(?) debate threads is that several individuals here *think* they are gamers, when they aren't. At least not dxmp gamers. That is not a problem. Problem is the false statements that are posted from that background. Certain non-gamers are the root of this binding issue that actually isn't an issue in the real game. These individuals perform poorly, lack interest to play better, and start coming up with nonsense that would excuse everything. If a beginner is retarded then everything is a problem for him, if a beginner is smart he needs no outside help to shine in months. Then again, most of these ideas were put forth by someone who suggested giving prisoners copies of DXMP.

Anyway, I made this thread for the select few players that visit these forums but also still play the game in normal servers, and perhaps could do with some advice. And in part I made it because I wanted to rant somewhere. In reality, there are practically no normal players left, and I will in part blame that one person for it. If I visit a game and find out there are people proud of cheating, I'd turn the *love* around and find another game. I can't very well convince my friends to return to a game that has fallen this low, either. And, in part all this is happening because its just gradually gotten older and older.

I say there is balance in universe, and if something weird is happening then it'll balance out. Unfortunately I am generally not patient enough to wait it out. It would cause lot less drama if I waited another 5 years for Shadowrunner to either correct his erroneous views, or simply give up on the game. But, every time I end up arguing with him because.. its annoying. Darko has well established himself as a clown, but SR is too old for me to see him as one, even if I might one one of the few to have that faith.


Posts: 19
 10 Jan 2014, 09:49

Re: A note about skill - Postby RP-G-eorge » 15 Aug 2014, 11:47

anax wrote:I decided to make a video about these issues from reading all this.
Can apply to this thread and Dxmp in general.

i think if you want to progress in Dxmp you basically need to bind augs so they are easy to use at a speed.

~: Learn the Skill system.
~: Practice moving and shooting.

Great video and quality of video. :-)

~ banhammered ~
~ banhammered ~

Posts: 183
 18 Aug 2012, 23:43
 Stockholms LAN

Re: A note about skill - Postby DaniSaggenza » 15 Aug 2014, 15:31

anax wrote:I decided to make a video about these issues from reading all this.
Can apply to this thread and Dxmp in general.

i think if you want to progress in Dxmp you basically need to bind augs so they are easy to use at a speed.

~: Learn the Skill system.
~: Practice moving and shooting.

Im agree with the video.


Posts: 1321
 27 Apr 2007, 15:29

Re: A note about skill - Postby synthetic » 15 Aug 2014, 19:16

Hey Dani, nice of you to pop in the thread :)

Mind revealing why you tried to prove phantoms secret hax to us for a year and then went back to him like a good puppet?

For clarification, Dani here is one of those many random new players Hivemind gave a chance to, and I actually considered him a friend. And our disagreements about 0augs and augs aside, what did my little friend here do? He went straight back to the speedhacking group that he came from :S One of our members made a comment about him going back to the dark side, but I think noob is a noob. :wave:

Also, all you do is spam many metabolic end product about me in the game. Come here, post your evidence, in front of everybody. You know yourself you have none. Your case makes as much sense as Darko's. Prove me wrong.
I knew there must've been something wrong with a guy who spends more time tweaking cheatengine than playing the game.


Posts: 15
 09 Jan 2014, 15:31

Re: A note about skill - Postby Solid » 15 Aug 2014, 20:08

Hmm Ken, I guess you'll inevitably continue to accuse me and Dani of hacking/cheating, but funnily enough, I have done you a favour. Me and Dani are thinking of kicking Phantom for many reasons, oh and the favour wasn't direct to you, was just joking about that, I've had quite alot of problems with him and see him to be lying and having his sideman Fullmoon follow him aswell which is extremely irratating.

As for you, you seem to continue accusing us AND offering to let YOUR clan hack on our server, which I find extremely ironic and contradicts the whole point of your clan, therefore, it shows all the flaws in you're weird, weird mindset, I'm sure many people can agree.

You know, I really don't blame you or your clan, just your dumb ass brain really, which in the end builds up to be you but still, you know what I mean.
You have some annoying grudge that began when olo was suicide shelling in which I commented saying "homosexual" for which I was banned for almost 6 months which as many agree is over the top.

As usual you're going to reply with some over offensive comment appearing to be friendly but currently I have no time for your stupidity and ironic, pathetic comments.


~ banhammered ~
~ banhammered ~

Posts: 183
 18 Aug 2012, 23:43
 Stockholms LAN

Re: A note about skill - Postby DaniSaggenza » 15 Aug 2014, 20:13

synthetic wrote:Hey Dani, nice of you to pop in the thread :)

Mind revealing why you tried to prove phantoms secret hax to us for a year and then went back to him like a good puppet?

For clarification, Dani here is one of those many random new players Hivemind gave a chance to, and I actually considered him a friend. And our disagreements about 0augs and augs aside, what did my little friend here do? He went straight back to the speedhacking group that he came from :S One of our members made a comment about him going back to the dark side, but I think noob is a noob. :wave:

Also, all you do is spam many metabolic end product about me in the game. Come here, post your evidence, in front of everybody. You know yourself you have none. Your case makes as much sense as Darko's. Prove me wrong.
I knew there must've been something wrong with a guy who spends more time tweaking cheatengine than playing the game.

Hey Ken, nice to see you posting useless rubbish on every forum, pretty common on you.

Now, you're calling "BB" speedhacker group because we recruited Phantom giving him a second chance, but hey, we just kicked Phantom yesterday because we saw how noob he was by abusing of bugs, Hey knows that I don't like Phantom, im the first one who wants him out of game, but meh, as some players said, you keep living in past and you don't know to give second chances to players, but eh, wait, theres more:

One day after a 0A match where I really spanked you hardly and another ATDM match (where you did it with Plasma and Geps and etc..) you went hardcore on me talking usual cr*ap on Skype, days later, decided to quit your clan and go back with Solid because I knew that I was going to get more skill there than in HVM, and then asked you NICELY: "Do you want to war us?" and you went ironically: "Maybe the day that Darko learns to code and fixes bugs of game bla bla bla...", later, I continued with my guys, and you entered one day in 0a when I was with Phant saying "Hey Noobs", then, I went angry and started insulting you with reasons "because you also did.", and I said: "Forgive me Fear because you had reason all this time", and in fact, HE HAD, you're just a cu*nt who brainwashed his whole clan, you live in the f*cking past, and thats why everybody left your clan or it's about to, you keep saying that I have no reason in that, but hey, let's check something:

Sile [Left]
Dani [Left]
Killer [Inactive]
Solid [Left]
Fear [Left]
Sonny [Left]
SpecX [Left]
Price [Left]
Machete [Left]
Bajas [Left]
Unknown [CO-Leader and Left because of Ken]
Psycho [Inactive]
Clixor [Inactive]
CaS [Inactive]
Politra [Inactive]
Tuler [Inactive]
B2S [Inactive]
Bubba [Inactive]

Me, Solid, SpecX, Sonny, Fear, Price, Bajas, Unknown left because of you, but heh, good luck trying to convince DX that we left because we're "emos" or "cheaters".

Im still waiting to the day when you prove my speedhack, aimhack, aimbind or all the sh*t that I have, but seriously, stop talking sh*t on forums and start proving things, because, at the moment, you're just a clown, and not only for me, you were saying that I make as sense as Darko, BUT HEY, you both have something in common: Big mouth but small balls, and, hold on, let's teach to all the community how much of a prick you are:

About Price and Bajas:


When I said that I was going to ban your whole team from my server was because of this:


And then you call me cheater...


Go jerk, try to fool another one or just quit this game, you used to tell to Solid that no one liked him in game, but who the f*ck likes you mate?

Seriously, you're idiot.

Oh, still waiting to you and Darko to prove my cheating on DX, my steam banned account, or what ever.

Go have fun.

EDIT: Ah, and I remember how you used to call us noobs speedhaxors and all that bullsh*t, but hey Undead, as I said before you have a really big mouth:


Btw, still waiting you to accept my 1 on 1 request in 0a and in augs, just to show to the last few players of DX how overrated you're :D


Posts: 1321
 27 Apr 2007, 15:29

Re: A note about skill - Postby synthetic » 15 Aug 2014, 21:32

Darko #2 basically, nick can repost that trashcan pic.

You see, I'd be slightly concerned about your efforts with Phantom and Solid (backed by couple other experienced cheaters ie Mango, Fullmoon) as you've come up with quite a thorough plan to destroy one clan, but your plan has a small flaw. Namely, it doesn't make any sense. It is a bunch of noob cheaters convincing couple of my members who had never even heard of Ricci or any other veteran players, that I cheat and manipulate and whatnot. It is unfortunate that they left, but my duty in Hivemind is not to babysit people. My role is to make sure people have fun the way a real clan has, and that is by playing together, practicing together, and staying clean. You had your nose up in cheats before you even installed dxmp, and came a full circle. You were a very promising player, like Phantom 8 years ago, but now you are nobody.

edit: as for the roster, you've painted a nice image there, forgetting that Hivemind was all about giving chances. In some cases it paid off, in some other cases it didn't. It was a calculated risk that my core was aware of. If I wanted normal clan, you probably wouldn't have gotten in, considering the metabolic end product you uploaded to youtube.

~ banhammered ~
~ banhammered ~

Posts: 183
 18 Aug 2012, 23:43
 Stockholms LAN

Re: A note about skill - Postby DaniSaggenza » 15 Aug 2014, 21:50

synthetic wrote:Darko #2 basically, nick can repost that trashcan pic.

Quite funny how you call me "Darko #2" when some days ago you admitted that you were stealing and using his nick, heh.

You see, I'd be slightly concerned about your efforts with Phantom and Solid (backed by couple other experienced cheaters ie Mango, Fullmoon) as you've come up with quite a thorough plan to destroy one clan, but your plan has a small flaw. Namely, it doesn't make any sense. It is a bunch of noob cheaters convincing couple of my members who had never even heard of Ricci or any other veteran players, that I cheat and manipulate and whatnot.

I never planned to destroy Hivemind, you destroyed it, not me, I was just the guy who went tired of your bullcr*p and showed to the members of your clan the truth about you, so, you keep talking without having idea m8.

Oh, and you should watch more your mouth to be honest, your 2 members who decided to come with me, are really talented, especially Price, and they are already far better auggers than you, FAR BETTER.

As everybody can see, you keep talking about cheats without giving evidence, means that you have no idea what you're talking, so, your post is completely rubbish and useless, my guys have been playing for weeks on Hey's ATDM server, no one of them has been banned, and no one saw anything suspicious on them, Phantom it's not anymore a BB member, we failed on giving him a chance, but as some players know, I was the first one who didn't want Phantom on our team, and Mango.... I guess that you can't handle the fact that he has an i7, and your PC is pretty much a potato, but eh, he has FPS capped and plays in servers with the last anti-cheat.

My role is to make sure people have fun the way a real clan has, and that is by playing together, practicing together, and staying clean. You had your nose up in cheats before you even installed dxmp, and came a full circle. You were a very promising player, like Phantom 8 years ago, but now you are nobody.

Yeah but the problem is that you make the people of your own clan get tired of you dude, I haven't seen 2 "hiveminders" on the same server since a looong time, neither practicing, yeah, I had my nose in cheats before I installed DXMP, when I had 14 or 15 years old exactly, back then was a kid and I admitted more of 1 time that I looked for cheats, but now I play fair, even if you don't want to trust it, it's the truth.

But hey, I guess that you could be one of that pissed off dudes who can't accept that in 3 years I'm better than them when they've been playing 10 years (in 0 augs, augs it's a different history :P), but I can tell you that if we bring 20 counter-strike decent players, in 0 augs, they get better than you in less than 1 month.

very promising player, like Phantom 8 years ago, but now you are nobody.

And you keep talking about Phantom, man, you should start thinking on him at least a moment, I know he is a noob who wants to abuse every single bug of the game but, hey, im not thinking on him 24/7, you are like Darko in that sense, Darko has a homosexual obsession for me, you have one for Phantom.

Anyways, now seriously, I hope that in your next reply you post some evidence of my hacking, speedhacking, and BB haxors players, because at the moment you seem a bit stupid, on my first post I gave you the evidences that you wanted, now it's your time to give me yours, but eh, probably you've not.... that makes of you just another big tongue sad guy like Darko.

edit: as for the roster, you've painted a nice image there, forgetting that Hivemind was all about giving chances. In some cases it paid off, in some other cases it didn't. It was a calculated risk that my core was aware of. If I wanted normal clan, you probably wouldn't have gotten in, considering the metabolic end product you uploaded to youtube.

Yeah and my videos are still there, everybody can see them, I won't remove them, as I said, they were published exactly 4 years ago, but you keep living in past, and Hivemind will never be a normal clan, trust me, not as long as you keep being the leader. :bwahaha:


Posts: 1321
 27 Apr 2007, 15:29

Re: A note about skill - Postby synthetic » 15 Aug 2014, 22:17

As for proof..

  • Tested higher than 150 fps effect on 0augs in 2008 (earliest that I know of), after REN's death pushed FPS speedhack to a point where it was visible to anyone who had played longer than few years. It would also be apparent from any demos taken in games against him. He would continue to speedhack (shoot times faster than anyone else, above the speed developers coded) through 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.

  • In following years he would combine ~300 FPS with CPU speedhack (same effect but is triggered differently), as witnessed blatantly, and by his own words. Any demos taken by anyone against him in that pre-fix time would prove it. 4 ex-trainees of Phantom have also independently explained these vulnerabilities and how Phantom teaches one to use them.

  • Servers that banned him started experiencing mysterious lag at peak hours that caused everybody to lag out of paid and high performance servers. No proof, but connect the dots for reasonable doubt. Same happened at least on one occasion when 0augs had nobody active, atdm had 10+ people playing. Combine with various threats our gipsy friend has made about hiring Romanian coders and whatnot.

  • After speedhack fix, it became apparent Phantom is either using CheatEngine or something equivalent. Normal FPS and CPU speedhacks no longer effectively worked in new miniMTL servers, but both Alex and DejaVu noted that a certain feature of speedhack software allows to easily bypass the fix implemented in miniMTL and tested in ANNA.

  • Phantom uses at least behindview for poor mans wallhack, and combines it with camp and spray speedhack. I have a skype chat with Dani where Phantom was teaching Dani how he bypasses the behindview blockers on newer patches.
  • I wouldn't be surprised if Phantom uses some kind of bot, but that is the only thing I really don't have proof for. All I know is that he mostly hits torso and thus makes for an easy kill for an enemy that comes prepared. Ste used to rape him in 0augs because of that. It is possible to find a bot that works in dxmp by googling for 2-5 minutes. Testing has shown that a skilled player is more efficient than the cheap trig bots.
    What I do know as a fact is that due to recklessness on my part (we discussed griefing phantom in servers that didnt ban him), Dani took a trigbot straight to Phantom. So whether he uses it or not, he has it.

  • Real life friend of Phantom, even if all the kids like Dani and Mango abandon them, Fullmoon will never be too far from Phantom. They mirror eachothers playstyle, with Phantom being the more efficient one. Visible speedhacking since 2008 if not before. I recall one particular fight where he shot 1 burst at me while I moved behind wall to cover. That one burst can theoretically kill if all bullets hit head, doing full damage. Instead, he made my torso and legs red with that one burst, that is 50% the damage head would take. Much like with Phantom, any demos by anyone taken against Fullmoon, particularly pre 2011-2012 would be sufficient proof. We are talking about a very visible cheating here, and nothing in moderation.
  • I've seen him cheat in speed-fixed servers, so while I'd have to go by memory (and consider the above) he likely has phantoms cheatengine as well. We are talking about a guy who researched those few asus wallhack official drivers released on two occasions, and he gave phantom a gfx card for birthday.
    He plays active role in helping phantom tweak the speedhack and binds, and whatever else they fancy.

  • Hand-me-down knowledge of cheating from Phantom, the guy is clinically retarded gamer from Italy and Phantom praises him as his number one, after Dani betrayed him in 2013. Visually identifiable (or audible, if you prefer, or count damage if you like math) speedhacking pre-firefix, post fire-fix I have no proof, but given that he remains very close to Phantom I would not trust his game.

  • Thorough knowledge of how speedhacks work, as he helped test the firefix. Visual and *admitted* speedhacking pre-2013, this is a guy who paid hundreds of euros for counter strike cheat deal monthly updates. As I haven't played him a lot lately, I have no proof whether he currently uses speedhack.
  • Extensive knowledge in cheatengine (compared to anyone else I know that has tested it), he spent hours trying to replace in-game crosshairs with modified parameters in the program, as well as used it in some games against phantom (and I dont know whoelse). If someone for some reason really wants this proof, I can dig it up from Skype history on personal requests.. forwhatever its worth.
  • Knowledge of aimbots and trigger bots, obtained a trigger bot from me that I used in three games against phantom, and in one game against dani on his request. He noted I play a lot better without it. The bot is useless or hard to work with AssaultRifle or any wide crosshair weapons, works fine with Pistol and Shotgun. You will see him use those weapons frequently, but as to when or if he uses it.. don't ask me, ask him.

    As this is a guy who helped develop anticheats for DXMP, worked hard to prove Phantom's cheats that even I wasn't aware of (some kind of renderer wallhack), it came as a surprise to us all when he suddenly put phantom's tag back on and started recruiting for the man.

There are many others that temporarily abused speedhack, but we generally know the names and the new miniMTL servers block it if configured to. These names are experienced cheaters that justify their actions and evade bans. Dani conveniently forgot to post screenshots of what he told me before I replied to him in-game, and was very proud of the ability to evade bans.

Noobs will be always noobs, but the truly sad part is that both Fullmoon (aged ~45+) and Phantom (~35-40) work with children. With this mentality, they belong in the mines.
As for the names, they form a group (I refuse to call group of cheaters a clan) that plays under tags NKZ, FPS, B4N, and is currently synonymous with BB. Hivemind currently is home to 4 more Phantom's trainees that along with Dani shared their experience in Phantom's clan, but unlike Dani they went straight. I am very proud of them, and their progress has been crazy.

edit: as a personal note -

While Fullmoon is simply a poor sport (ironically, he teaches sports), Phantom is a Romanian or slavic immigrant that resides in France. Based on observations, the gipsy culture and-or difficult background likely contributes to his poor sense of ethics. Most all who end up reading this have had some kind of experience with gipsies. Dani and Mango are simply kids with troubled background that ended up under Phantom's influence. A chess fanatic, Phantom has the ability to estimate how much of his knowledge he can entrust with someone, and whom to recruit. The players we perceive as "normal" or "nice" usually do not last long there, as all it takes is for them to understand the meaning of cheating. This difficult childhood combined with visibly crappy attitude in game are traits you will see shared across pretty much all Phantom's teenaged followers, while Fullmoon sort of remains this enforcer type big uncle for them. - as observed, and heard from past (and present) members.

All of them, without exceptions, can be categorized under the label chronic Noobs, but if I have to explain this in this post, then it would make it even bigger. Play better than any of them and you will see with your own two eyes what I mean.


Posts: 1321
 27 Apr 2007, 15:29

Re: A note about skill - Postby synthetic » 15 Aug 2014, 22:51

Solid wrote:As for you, you seem to continue accusing us AND offering to let YOUR clan hack on our server,


To be honest, I haven't yet figured out where you take most of your many metabolic end product from. I suspect you say it for the sake of saying it. Pretty much everything you state about me or Hivemind is some kind of bizarre lies lmao.

Anyway, who hasn't put it into context yet, Solid is another one of Phantom's trainees. If you combine the end of my last post with your games against Solid I guess you can all connect the dots without me having to write a wall of text lol.


Posts: 15
 09 Jan 2014, 15:31

Re: A note about skill - Postby Solid » 15 Aug 2014, 23:01

I wonder why your stupid, ignorant, arrogant brain decides to offend me, sometimes I lose 10 hours of sleep thinking that you're related to Darko and were born from the same parents as you definetley share likely genes.

As for my "Hacking" how may I prove this? Shall I record a whole game with stat fps open so you can see? You're just too retarded and dumb to coherently understand the word "Cheating"

Because technically in your terms, "Cheating" is someone who moves to another clan, which is straight up bizarre. If someone where to shoot someone and be imprisoned for 40-50 years and come out as a 75 year old, don't you think they've changed and figured out the consequences? To be fair, the only time I EVER cheated is when I used to have 180 fps pre Nkz.

Now shut your stupid mouth and grow a pair of balls instead of consistently bitching, threatening and being a down right keyboard warrior, because frankly, you're skills stink and so does you're logic, you incompetent retard.

~ banhammered ~
~ banhammered ~

Posts: 183
 18 Aug 2012, 23:43
 Stockholms LAN

Re: A note about skill - Postby DaniSaggenza » 15 Aug 2014, 23:03

synthetic wrote:As for proof..

  • Tested higher than 150 fps effect on 0augs in 2008 (earliest that I know of), after REN's death pushed FPS speedhack to a point where it was visible to anyone who had played longer than few years. It would also be apparent from any demos taken in games against him. He would continue to speedhack (shoot times faster than anyone else, above the speed developers coded) through 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.

  • In following years he would combine ~300 FPS with CPU speedhack (same effect but is triggered differently), as witnessed blatantly, and by his own words. Any demos taken by anyone against him in that pre-fix time would prove it. 4 ex-trainees of Phantom have also independently explained these vulnerabilities and how Phantom teaches one to use them.

  • Servers that banned him started experiencing mysterious lag at peak hours that caused everybody to lag out of paid and high performance servers. No proof, but connect the dots for reasonable doubt. Same happened at least on one occasion when 0augs had nobody active, atdm had 10+ people playing. Combine with various threats our gipsy friend has made about hiring Romanian coders and whatnot.

  • After speedhack fix, it became apparent Phantom is either using CheatEngine or something equivalent. Normal FPS and CPU speedhacks no longer effectively worked in new miniMTL servers, but both Alex and DejaVu noted that a certain feature of speedhack software allows to easily bypass the fix implemented in miniMTL and tested in ANNA.

  • Phantom uses at least behindview for poor mans wallhack, and combines it with camp and spray speedhack. I have a skype chat with Dani where Phantom was teaching Dani how he bypasses the behindview blockers on newer patches.
  • I wouldn't be surprised if Phantom uses some kind of bot, but that is the only thing I really don't have proof for. All I know is that he mostly hits torso and thus makes for an easy kill for an enemy that comes prepared. Ste used to rape him in 0augs because of that. It is possible to find a bot that works in dxmp by googling for 2-5 minutes. Testing has shown that a skilled player is more efficient than the cheap trig bots.
    What I do know as a fact is that due to recklessness on my part (we discussed griefing phantom in servers that didnt ban him), Dani took a trigbot straight to Phantom. So whether he uses it or not, he has it.

  • Real life friend of Phantom, even if all the kids like Dani and Mango abandon them, Fullmoon will never be too far from Phantom. They mirror eachothers playstyle, with Phantom being the more efficient one. Visible speedhacking since 2008 if not before. I recall one particular fight where he shot 1 burst at me while I moved behind wall to cover. That one burst can theoretically kill if all bullets hit head, doing full damage. Instead, he made my torso and legs red with that one burst, that is 50% the damage head would take. Much like with Phantom, any demos by anyone taken against Fullmoon, particularly pre 2011-2012 would be sufficient proof. We are talking about a very visible cheating here, and nothing in moderation.
  • I've seen him cheat in speed-fixed servers, so while I'd have to go by memory (and consider the above) he likely has phantoms cheatengine as well. We are talking about a guy who researched those few asus wallhack official drivers released on two occasions, and he gave phantom a gfx card for birthday.
    He plays active role in helping phantom tweak the speedhack and binds, and whatever else they fancy.

  • Hand-me-down knowledge of cheating from Phantom, the guy is clinically retarded gamer from Italy and Phantom praises him as his number one, after Dani betrayed him in 2013. Visually identifiable (or audible, if you prefer, or count damage if you like math) speedhacking pre-firefix, post fire-fix I have no proof, but given that he remains very close to Phantom I would not trust his game.

  • Thorough knowledge of how speedhacks work, as he helped test the firefix. Visual and *admitted* speedhacking pre-2013, this is a guy who paid hundreds of euros for counter strike cheat deal monthly updates. As I haven't played him a lot lately, I have no proof whether he currently uses speedhack.
  • Extensive knowledge in cheatengine (compared to anyone else I know that has tested it), he spent hours trying to replace in-game crosshairs with modified parameters in the program, as well as used it in some games against phantom (and I dont know whoelse). If someone for some reason really wants this proof, I can dig it up from Skype history on personal requests.. forwhatever its worth.
  • Knowledge of aimbots and trigger bots, obtained a trigger bot from me that I used in three games against phantom, and in one game against dani on his request. He noted I play a lot better without it. The bot is useless or hard to work with AssaultRifle or any wide crosshair weapons, works fine with Pistol and Shotgun. You will see him use those weapons frequently, but as to when or if he uses it.. don't ask me, ask him.

    As this is a guy who helped develop anticheats for DXMP, worked hard to prove Phantom's cheats that even I wasn't aware of (some kind of renderer wallhack), it came as a surprise to us all when he suddenly put phantom's tag back on and started recruiting for the man.

There are many others that temporarily abused speedhack, but we generally know the names and the new miniMTL servers block it if configured to. These names are experienced cheaters that justify their actions and evade bans. Dani conveniently forgot to post screenshots of what he told me before I replied to him in-game, and was very proud of the ability to evade bans.

Noobs will be always noobs, but the truly sad part is that both Fullmoon (aged ~45+) and Phantom (~35-40) work with children. With this mentality, they belong in the mines.
As for the names, they form a group (I refuse to call group of cheaters a clan) that plays under tags NKZ, FPS, B4N, and is currently synonymous with BB. Hivemind currently is home to 4 more Phantom's trainees that along with Dani shared their experience in Phantom's clan, but unlike Dani they went straight. I am very proud of them, and their progress has been crazy.

edit: as a personal note -

While Fullmoon is simply a poor sport (ironically, he teaches sports), Phantom is a Romanian or slavic immigrant that resides in France. Based on observations, the gipsy culture and-or difficult background likely contributes to his poor sense of ethics. Most all who end up reading this have had some kind of experience with gipsies. Dani and Mango are simply kids with troubled background that ended up under Phantom's influence. A chess fanatic, Phantom has the ability to estimate how much of his knowledge he can entrust with someone, and whom to recruit. The players we perceive as "normal" or "nice" usually do not last long there, as all it takes is for them to understand the meaning of cheating. This difficult childhood combined with visibly crappy attitude in game are traits you will see shared across pretty much all Phantom's teenaged followers, while Fullmoon sort of remains this enforcer type big uncle for them. - as observed, and heard from past (and present) members.

All of them, without exceptions, can be categorized under the label chronic Noobs, but if I have to explain this in this post, then it would make it even bigger. Play better than any of them and you will see with your own two eyes what I mean.

Oh my, wait, my stomach hurts, seriously, I'm rofling xD, lets go step by step...

As I said some posts ago, you keep talking without having idea and you're ridiculing yourself a lot, if you had read past posts and you had looked the BB rooster in our forums, you'd see that half of the members that you mentioned on that "proof" aren't even in our team, so basically you posted bullsh*t for the tenth.

Phantom: Obvious cheater, it's not in BB.
Fullmoon: Obvious cheater, neither in BB
Mango: Fair player and haven't seen him playing "unfair" since 2011, good CPU, decent snipes, probably better than you in every aspect, and no one banned him at the moment.

And now, most funny thing of all the reply :

Thorough knowledge of how speedhacks work, as he helped test the firefix. Visual and *admitted* speedhacking pre-2013, this is a guy who paid hundreds of euros for counter strike cheat deal monthly updates. As I haven't played him a lot lately, I have no proof whether he currently uses speedhack.
Extensive knowledge in cheatengine (compared to anyone else I know that has tested it), he spent hours trying to replace in-game crosshairs with modified parameters in the program, as well as used it in some games against phantom (and I dont know whoelse) Knowledge of aimbots and trigger bots, obtained a trigger bot from me that I used in three games against phantom, and in one game against dani on his request. He noted I play a lot better without it. The bot is useless or hard to work with AssaultRifle or any wide crosshair weapons, works fine with Pistol and Shotgun. You will see him use those weapons frequently, but as to when or if he uses it.. don't ask me, ask him.

This lanes just made my day seriously xD, hold on, let's try to organize all this.

Firstly: "Thorough knowledge of how speedhacks work, as he helped test the firefix. Visual and *admitted* speedhacking pre-2013, this is a guy who paid hundreds of euros for counter strike cheat deal monthly updates. " -> Do you think that someone is going to sell a cheat for 100 MONTHLY EURO? That's just stupid, as long as I've been reading right now cheats are 30 or 50 euro per month, maybe 60 but not more, I even sent what you wrote through my Steam friend list, and they rofled to the accusation.

Secondly: "As I haven't played him a lot lately, I have no proof whether he currently uses speedhack.
Extensive knowledge in cheatengine (compared to anyone else I know that has tested it), he spent hours trying to replace in-game crosshairs with modified parameters in the program, as well as used it in some games against phantom (and I dont know whoelse) Knowledge of aimbots and trigger-bot"
-> You accused me of speed hack, and now you say that you have no proof of it, really clever, now, you say that I spent hours trying to replace IN-GAME CROSSHAIRS (still no idea why I would do that, and neither know how to anyways xD), funny thing considering that you were the one interested in knowing the CPU bug to play against Phant.

Thirdly: "obtained a trigger bot from me that I used in three games against phantom, and in one game against dani on his request. He noted I play a lot better without it." -> Finally, here we are!, you admitt that you sent triggerbot to many HVM members just to play against NKz and Phantom, all because you were pissed off of him, so yeah, you just admitted that you sent cheats to your teammates, and also, that you used one, awesome.

I never requested you to play against me with trigger bot, and when you did, you get raped again, IN FACT, you were the one that sent me that cr*p, saying that you wouldn't like to see at Phantom owning you, then you told me to don't share it with the community, and later, another player from your clan (I won't say his name because I respect the dude) also admitted that you tried to sent him some external software haha, also, when you told me to use it against Phant, I told you minutes later that I preferred to play without, so I could stay fair, and you used it :D.

Fourhly: "The bot is useless or hard to work with AssaultRifle or any wide crosshair weapons, works fine with Pistol and Shotgun. You will see him use those weapons frequently, but as to when or if he uses it.. don't ask me, ask him." -> Not first accusation of this, in fact, CaS and AjiT, both members from your team, requested me a demorec of me using pistol against them, I gave them both the demorec and only thing that they deduced it's that I play like Fear (so, by your deductions, I guess that Fear did cheat too or something :-D), per day, a lot of people spectates my Pistol, Shotgun etc, Hey, Price, Bajas, Prequel even Solid, and Players aliassed did it, no one of them said I was using anything weird eh... but meh, it's up to you, you're the one that thinks that everybody who can own you cheats, not me. :P

Still waiting for proof, what you sent me now are the simple deductions of a dude without much things to do than searching cheats on players that have not.

Have fun

EDIT: Also, remember that after I shot your LAM that day, you put the white crosshair fix on your server and I played like 2 months with it, I played the same than when we had the old MTL without the fix, so, I guess your trigger bot theory is down :P

EDIT x 2: For proof I mean a demorec, a "busted", a video where I am clearly being spectated and cheating in a public server, some solid proof that REALLY argues your theory of my aimbot or what ever its that called.

Last edited by DaniSaggenza on 15 Aug 2014, 23:56, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 19
 10 Jan 2014, 09:49

Re: A note about skill - Postby RP-G-eorge » 15 Aug 2014, 23:54

synthetic wrote:Hey Dani, nice of you to pop in the thread :)

Mind revealing why you tried to prove phantoms secret hax to us for a year and then went back to him like a good puppet?

For clarification, Dani here is one of those many random new players Hivemind gave a chance to, and I actually considered him a friend. And our disagreements about 0augs and augs aside, what did my little friend here do? He went straight back to the speedhacking group that he came from :S One of our members made a comment about him going back to the dark side, but I think noob is a noob. :wave:

Also, all you do is spam many metabolic end product about me in the game. Come here, post your evidence, in front of everybody. You know yourself you have none. Your case makes as much sense as Darko's. Prove me wrong.
I knew there must've been something wrong with a guy who spends more time tweaking cheatengine than playing the game.

I'm not going to argue or debate about anything you said here, but I'm just speaking as a viewer of this thread and this post of your's just derailed this entire thread completely into a massive argument.
This thread and the thread about why Darko is banned in certain servers has gotten out of control. Way out of control.

From what I'm reading and from what I'm seeing, Hey appears to be running a server in the cleanest way that he can and he's actually active on the server to, so perhaps best let this thread be now and enjoy what's going on in the server. Have video and pictures ready to take screens with and when someone is caught, then one can show what it is to Hey and out them to the public to name and shame them, but at the end of the day, Hey will know who's IP it is to give the final word on it and that's that. If there's any way to prove if the IP shows on a program and the program can have a screen taken of it, then that would help even more.

Last edited by RP-G-eorge on 15 Aug 2014, 23:55, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 512
 21 Jan 2012, 15:27

Re: A note about skill - Postby atrey65789 » 15 Aug 2014, 23:55

I could of made 5 or 6 chapter books with all of these lengthy replies. :P

~ banhammered ~
~ banhammered ~

Posts: 183
 18 Aug 2012, 23:43
 Stockholms LAN

Re: A note about skill - Postby DaniSaggenza » 15 Aug 2014, 23:57

atrey65789 wrote:I could of made 5 or 6 chapter books with all of these lengthy replies. :P

In fact I am the first one who will stop arguing with him after his next reply tbh, I just came here posting my opinion about Anax's video, and he created a massive cheat history or what ever xD, meh, I must have bad luck, first time I log on FGS forums since months and I see this.. x)

EDIT: Anyways, I've read the whole topic again and just decided to stop arguing with you because I see that it's practically impossible convince you of anything, you can post what you want now, your cheat, aimingbind, "sniperbot", aimbot theory because I won't read it anyway, just not arsed to waste my time quoting a mental handicapped dude trying to explain him things, anyways, Im not a teacher to explain anything.

By the way, I just asked few DXers in server, Steam and Skype, if they see aimbot or speedhack on me, all of them said that no and one of them gave me suggestions to play better with shotgun (amazing, eh?), 3 of them said that I should start ignoring you because you don't even make sense... wise words.

Also, I just read there that you said that I have an steam account banned, oh well:


I don't see any ban there...


And there it says when I started on Steam.

Anyways, thats it, you talked too much about proofs and about sh*t, but still didnt prove anything, as I expected.

You can keep trying to convince whole DX universe that I am a hard hacker, but, even if I get banned in 1 SERVER (thing that I really doubt xD) I won't really care, because even if everybody thinks that im a cheater, I know that I'm not, so my mind is really calm :P

Anyways, yeah thats it, "Dany-Boy" went tired of quoting this dude, as last suggestion I'll tell you that you should spend more time playing Augs than replying quality bullsh*t, at the moment, you're really bad in augs.

My apologies to FGS guys for all this drama and sh*t, I didn't pretend to, just entered here to give my opinion about something and get blamed, I promissed it won't happen again.

Have fun & See ya on DX


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