The first version of Project ANNA is finished.
First of all.. what is Project ANNA?
It's literally the child of miniMTL (my last version) and CRD.
It's a new security mod and its main goal is to provide a high degree of bug and hax-freeness.
Thus, it combines the slimness and performance of miniMTL with the effective cheat protection of CRD.
However, ANNA is more than the sum of its parts where it originated from.
It also provides stuff like a reliable fix for medkit GPFs.
The first version "ANNA100" is being hosted on FGS Altfire, FGS cozmo/0aug and the Bowen server.
Since it's a BETA version, this topic will serve as node for collecting bug reports.
Thus, don't hesitate to post bugs that you noticed or bugs which should be fixed by ANNA yet!
Reported bugs:
To be fixed/changed/upgraded in Version 101
- When you throw a weapon its like the net update frequency is 0.5 or something.
- After each player respawn it says 'Player: 1' or 'Player: 0' in the server console.
- The playerlist command doesn't work anymore.
- Ingame commands kick, kickban and playerlist don't work anymore.
- Spectator names aren't delimited
- Adding servername and current map to the scoreboard.
- Adding 3 second delay before entering spectator mode.