A note about skill

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Re: A note about skill

Post by machete »

synthetic wrote:There can be no tolerance towards cheating or those that support it (all names mentioned). Dani was long time HVM member and he knows *very* well my policy towards cheating, regardless of what lies he propagates in Phantom's defence today.

Phantom and Fullmoon will cheat 99%-100% of time, so they are not really a question. They justify cheating and are proud of it. Additionally, they think everybody else better than them does the same (Darko much?).

Mango is same, but I don't know how much Phantom has taught him. I'd imagine he cheats every opportunity given his limited intellect permits. He is very close friends with Phantom, Dani, and Solid, so I imagine they help him.

Dani *will* cheat if you urine him off enough, and he is very easy to urine off. I kept eagle eye on his game and would like to assume that he didn't cheat while in HVM. It is safe to say that he is fairly good 0auger, but I don't know what he does in ATDM considering he now backs Phantom. I suspect main reason we fell out was because I pretty much forced my clan into ATDM and Dani only liked 0augs.

Solid I have no idea about. He used to speedhack when lot of newbies did (who had decent computers), but most of the time I've been under the impression that he doesn't. He certainly is a version of Olo on meth, but whether he'll use Phantom's and Dani's cheating know-how.. I don't know.

At some point there was 3R Third Reich clan in DXMP and lot of servers banned them for the name and concept alone. Today we have a group that takes pride in cheating, and I am not talking about binds here, and nobody does anything. Dani is smart enough to know that and actually joked how I can't tell anyone about this because nobody visits FGS forums anyway and game is dead. He may have been right about Alpha, but wrong about FGS. Most all clans visit these forums here, even if they don't post. Small oversight on Dani's part.

Clixor assumed that game accelerates at 120FPS 7-8 years ago, and while my PC was too poor to even reach those numbers I believed there was merit to that. We represent a bulk of veteran gamers that plays online for skilled fun and are not amused by hacky noobs that cannot see the big picture. If everybody were allowed to cheat freely then it is the admin that owns scoreboards in every server, and if you ddos all servers you win internets? *loving* clowns.
You already know my stance on cheating. I'm almost as proactive in my opposition to it as you are. That said, I don't believe that merely associating with a known cheater is enough reason to ban someone. I have a clearly defined set of rules for conduct on my server but I'm not going to try to dictate what people do outside of my server.

I've got a very liberal approach to deciding who can play on my server but that's because my position as admin of one of/the only remaining decent 0a server gives me an inordinate amount of power within DX. That's something I don't want to abuse. The last thing I want to do is chase off active, legitimate players by mismanaging my server.

These troubles belong outside of DX. It's not something for a third party server admin to adjudicate on unless or until there's actual cheating involved. I hope you can understand my position.
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Re: A note about skill

Post by ShadowRunner »

It's true, Phantom was defending speedhacking a few weeks ago and a few months ago was pipedreaming/talking about hiring people to configure the game the way he wanted.

You start to see why GODZ made a noob-rifle and removed augs and hosted 56k maps, which also encouraged broadband mappers, but it also made binding pretty pointless for the most part since there were no augs. While I think anti-godz had a point, they didn't have the solution, which would have been an augged server with absolutely no messing of ini. It set a precedent of the community going to any length to get what it wants and I think it is no coincidence that it was the same year 2007, when Phantom went to any length to achieve his aims. It doesn't matter about beginners anymore perhaps, until this cheating issue can be solved and there are cheats and abuses which work on any gametype or server presumably.

I'm trying to get my head around what exactly is the current main issue. What actual cheating is going on and is the degree of damage to playability different in case.
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Re: A note about skill

Post by ShadowRunner »

It's true, Phantom was defending speedhacking a few weeks ago and a few months ago was pipedreaming/talking about hiring people to configure the game the way he wanted.

You start to see why GODZ made a noob-rifle and removed augs and hosted 56k maps, which also encouraged broadband mappers, but it also made binding pretty pointless for the most part since there were no augs. While I think anti-godz had a point, they didn't have the solution, which would have been an augged server with absolutely no messing of ini. It set a precedent of the community going to any length to get what it wants and I think it is no coincidence that it was the same year 2007, when Phantom went to any length to achieve his aims. It doesn't matter about beginners anymore perhaps, until this cheating issue can be solved and there are cheats and abuses which work on any gametype or server presumably.

I'm trying to get my head around what exactly is the current main issue. What actual cheating is going on and is the degree of damage to playability different in case.

I believe the game could be repopulated to some degree, fixing cheating, a major marketing coup or project and better partnerships, with also proper dedicated beginner servers which are genuinely fair.
Last edited by ShadowRunner on 18 Aug 2014, 19:16, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A note about skill

Post by ShadowRunner »

Sorry I would also like to ask...

There are games I play where even when I move house and change IP, the software and servers are still able to recognize my computer, even after a fresh install. So I'm wondering how it's possible to remove people from those games, if they have proxy or dynamic or some other advantage.
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Re: A note about skill

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I saw that many people insulting Phantom, while all of you use sniperbinds (no zoom but with 3X time stronger hit). Hey even admits that he use that, and that is allowed.
If binds are allowed in game WHICH DOES NOT SUPPORT BINDS, if 3x time stronger bullets with no zoom are allowed, than you are abuser, and please do not call Phantom abuser, cause most of you are abusers.

And 2-nd, leave me out of this conversation. That is your war not mine. I have no problem with Phantom. If he has better conditions that does not bother me, cause I trained my skills so hard that I can beat him. He can beat me also, but i truly believe that he is person with real skills, and when i play with him I can say that many of you use more abuses than he does. I played against him, we had always great fights with respect and it was not important who will win. When I read such comments I can only laugh. I guess people which insult Phantom are only people which can not compare to his skills, and they have issues with him.

Some will say why I defend anyone? I do not, but I will agree with Shadow, how can any of you insult Phantom when all of you or 95 % use this or that, what is not supported in game? Starting from binds? If you are natural like me, why you need to have advantage to beat anyone? Case close, play more, metabolic end product less and stop insulting people. Phantom is just player loike all others. He does not metabolic end product on you all so all of you stop to metabolic end product on him. 95 percent of time he was cool to me, just as any other good people, so I do not like to hear such things when other people which acuse him are not better. Bye.
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Re: A note about skill

Post by anax »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:I saw that many people insulting Phantom, while all of you use sniperbinds (no zoom but with 3X time stronger hit). Hey even admits that he use that, and that is allowed.
If binds are allowed in game WHICH DOES NOT SUPPORT BINDS, if 3x time stronger bullets with no zoom are allowed, than you are abuser, and please do not call Phantom abuser, cause most of you are abusers.

And 2-nd, leave me out of this conversation. That is your war not mine. I have no problem with Phantom. If he has better conditions that does not bother me, cause I trained my skills so hard that I can beat him. He can beat me also, but i truly believe that he is person with real skills, and when i play with him I can say that many of you use more abuses than he does. I played against him, we had always great fights with respect and it was not important who will win. When I read such comments I can only laugh. I guess people which insult Phantom are only people which can not compare to his skills, and they have issues with him.

Some will say why I defend anyone? I do not, but I will agree with Shadow, how can any of you insult Phantom when all of you or 95 % use this or that, what is not supported in game? Starting from binds? If you are natural like me, why you need to have advantage to beat anyone? Case close, play more, metabolic end product less and stop insulting people. Phantom is just player loike all others. He does not metabolic end product on you all so all of you stop to metabolic end product on him. 95 percent of time he was cool to me, just as any other good people, so I do not like to hear such things when other people which acuse him are not better. Bye.
this entire comment simply proves you don't understand DXMP at all.
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Re: A note about skill

Post by Hey »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:I saw that many people insulting Phantom, while all of you use sniperbinds (no zoom but with 3X time stronger hit). Hey even admits that he use that,.
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Re: A note about skill

Post by DaniSaggenza »

if 3x time stronger bullets with no zoom are allowed, than you are abuser,
I don't really understand what you mean by this, but I guess that you never tested any bind out because you don't even know how to set them, so, you say that everybody "haxes" just because they know to do something that you don't.

Anyways, 3x time stronger bullets, rofl, does that mean that everytime that I hit your head in 0a with my sniper rifle, your body suddenly gets destroyed in "flesh" form?

Ah I just read first sentence and I went tired of the rest, can't understand a single sh*t and it's full of non-sense.
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Re: A note about skill

Post by RP-G-eorge »

ShadowRunner wrote:Sorry I would also like to ask...

There are games I play where even when I move house and change IP, the software and servers are still able to recognize my computer, even after a fresh install. So I'm wondering how it's possible to remove people from those games, if they have proxy or dynamic or some other advantage.
It may have something to do with their modem. I'm not sure though.
It's quite possible that the game installs files on one's computer, where even if they change their IP, etc, the installation has placed something as some type of identification somewhere.

I read Blizzard has something installed that can see what processors are running on your computer, due to the amount of people who use bots on their game.
If Blizzard can't win, I doubt Deus Ex can, though it's all about what one is willing to pay to get what it is made. I read some people pay up to $300 American dollars for a program that can cheat.
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Re: A note about skill

Post by RP-G-eorge »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Some will say why I defend anyone? I do not, but I will agree with Shadow, how can any of you insult Phantom when all of you or 95 % use this or that, what is not supported in game? Starting from binds? If you are natural like me, why you need to have advantage to beat anyone? Case close, play more, metabolic end product less and stop insulting people. Phantom is just player loike all others. He does not metabolic end product on you all so all of you stop to metabolic end product on him. 95 percent of time he was cool to me, just as any other good people, so I do not like to hear such things when other people which acuse him are not better. Bye.
I am curious though. If nobody was ever taught how to bind other than button changing, I'm sure the person who learnt how to would be banned if that information never came out to the open.

I can't help but wonder, if this person Phantom were to have this so called speed cheat program out there for everyone to use, would people be open to trying it, as they were with binds?

Binds have obviously made the game faster to play from having to do less, so this speed cheat program would make games go even more faster and people taking advantage with their computer parts wouldn't get looked like a target no more.

I'm wondering if the problem here with Phantom isn't because of what Phantom might be able to do, but because people don't have access to such a program. Just like binds, if everyone can speed themselves up like people have said Phantom can do, then there would be no more problems about the speed issue. Afterall, people have learnt binds, adapted to it too and as Anax said, if you want to play Deus Ex, you have to learn how to bind, so why not learn how to take it to the next level with speeding things up? People adjusted to one, so why not the other?
Games will be faster and people can take full advantage of their computer parts.

As there's bind learning pages, why not have a download to this speed program.
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Re: A note about skill

Post by Solid »

Hey wrote:
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:I saw that many people insulting Phantom, while all of you use sniperbinds (no zoom but with 3X time stronger hit). Hey even admits that he use that,.
Hey you're face went PERFECTLY with that hahaha :-D :bwahaha:
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Re: A note about skill

Post by anax »

RP-G-eorge wrote: As there's bind learning pages, why not have a download to this speed program.
because binds are entirely part of the game and external programs are not.

this metabolic end product is so interesnting to me i even made a goddamn graphic, XD.

(keep in mind i have played for 4 years on and off in total, save a brief stint in 2005 when i had net.
So there are gaps in my knowledge without a doubt.)
feel free to add or take away from the graph to suit your opinion.
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Re: A note about skill

Post by IchoTolot »

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Re: A note about skill

Post by RP-G-eorge »

anax wrote:
RP-G-eorge wrote: As there's bind learning pages, why not have a download to this speed program.
because binds are entirely part of the game and external programs are not.

this metabolic end product is so interesnting to me i even made a goddamn graphic, XD.

(keep in mind i have played for 4 years on and off in total, save a brief stint in 2005 when i had net.
So there are gaps in my knowledge without a doubt.)
feel free to add or take away from the graph to suit your opinion.
Crouch bugging and grenade bugging? I've read nothing about this one. Did a search too.
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Re: A note about skill

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I will ignore coments of those people: Anax, Dani. No point to drop on that level.

First of all I will say this. I finished computer school where I learned a lot about technology, and many about advanced technology I learned on my own. If I learned something with time: I will rather train hard and be pro on hard way with many work, and without binds, than some random noobish insulter which smile on kids when they first start. Anax and Dani are type of people which insult every single person. I wonder if there is any person which was not insulted by them.

What is 3x no zoom damage. That is sniper bind, but it is not only that, they go one step forward (i heard some things from them, some from other people), Hey even admited that to me, even trough he does not admit here now. Our conversation was like this: Me: Binds, and sniper instakill or 3x with no zoom is cheat, and I do not care what you say or any other community on internet.
Him: Binds are allowed by all server owners, and sniperbind without zoom with strenght as he has zoom is allowed since last 3 years, and I am not only one who use it, all use it.
Me: I do not use it, and all such people are cheaters for me.
Him: So you say we all are cheaters, cause you do not use that?
Me: Yes I say that because all what is modified in ini folder and what is not supported in game itself ic cheat. End of conversation.

I know what I say. Example: If i have advanced robot which can move left and take cube, and game supports that in script and rule, that is allowed right? nOW: if i go in program folder and change line code and make robot move right also even trough that is not supported in game, and robot will move right also, that will be cheat? (Scripting)
Case closed.....

Every single person which use binds in game which does not support binds is CHEATER. I do not care who says what, that is end of conversation and I will not waste my time on stupidity. I know what I talk. You can not do in game folder WHAT YOU WISH. Some games EVEN HAVE .INI file protection against modification! That says all!!!

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