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The new Nephthys version with its new RIJ (repetitive incomplete join) attack detection is capable of detecting whether it's an attack or a real join attempt. After a server was started, it's being flooded with a load of that attacks but Nephthys sorts that attacks and bans the IPs automatically. Ro...
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
17 Dec 2006, 15:22
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: leaving DX
Replies: 17
Views: 19938

If I get my server back, I'll host it for sure. :)
I'm just having some communication problems with the one who wanted to give me the new server. So the revival of the server is dangered. :(
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
17 Dec 2006, 14:22
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: DXSG_SmugglerV2
Replies: 15
Views: 21794

alright here my answers to the problematic points. :) 1. I made a special alarm light, that works in MP too 2. You need to use TriggerLights 3. what monorail mover? O_o 4. Since SuperRocket_Lite is not loadable without further actions, you couldn't add it 5. same as 4. 6. same as 5. 7. for the alarm...
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
07 Oct 2006, 01:05
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: DXSG_Area51TheDayAfter
Replies: 18
Views: 22052

FFS was messed up again by that wow idiots :evil:
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
05 Oct 2006, 23:37
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: Alpha?
Replies: 7
Views: 11301

Alpha forum is down due to server move or somethign like that.
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
05 Oct 2006, 17:38
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: Alpha?
Replies: 7
Views: 11301

DXSG_Area51_TheDayAfter is ok. :) However you need to tell me yet, to where the ring-transporters shall be placed. Here are the LEAST dimensional conditions for the rings (not that you suggest a place where a ring transporter can't be placed) Diameter of the rings: 256 Units Height of the chassis wh...
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
05 Oct 2006, 17:33
Forum: Maps
Topic: DXMP_Area51_TheDayAfter
Replies: 15
Views: 19009

oh shadowrunner, right before the chaos begins (if it did not happen already)
if you make changes on your map and release it again, then please not with the same name, or we will end up in a chaos of version mismatches
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
05 Oct 2006, 12:18
Forum: Maps
Topic: DXMP_Area51_TheDayAfter
Replies: 15
Views: 19009

Ok.. war schon eine weile nicht mehr hier :oops:

in der ini datei gips eine sektion, die sollte so aussehen
Code: Select all

wenns die sektion nicht gipt, erstell sie einfach
bei TelnetPort tr
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
05 Oct 2006, 00:36
Forum: MP Mods
Topic: DX Telnet Admin
Replies: 20
Views: 34832

The fix for the server crash exploits: Nephthys

this is our last hope! here we go! Nephthys - Mistress of the House by Zora and Winged Unicorn (applause to our heroes :)) What does it do? Basically, makes your server invulnerable for all types of attacks. It's a must for every server to install it. Please, do, and nor DejaVu, nor [MiB]Dogboys, no...
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
26 Aug 2006, 21:28
Forum: MP Mods
Topic: The fix for the server crash exploits: Nephthys
Replies: 14
Views: 25446

Any suggestions?!?

@Icho: komm mal aus'm knick, du wolltest dich doch mit dem mod befassen! :P

Edit by Icho: Sorry .... bin in letzter Zeit etwas faul *g* und in Gedanken woanders ;)
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
18 Aug 2006, 21:13
Forum: MP Mods
Topic: DX Telnet Admin
Replies: 20
Views: 34832

DX Telnet Admin

Ok.. FINALLY This is the first release of the Telnet mod for DX, made by my humble self :lol: It was already running for several months on my SG server, but now i publish it for the public use on any DX server. The readme should explain everything. If there are question left, just ask. -------------...
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
01 Aug 2006, 23:46
Forum: MP Mods
Topic: DX Telnet Admin
Replies: 20
Views: 34832

somehow (how always) i'm fatally too late but i clicked at that web radio the first time today and it's fscking awesome! :)

btw, icho, is there really sitting a human behind the sound selection all the time or is that some random selection :?:
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
31 Jul 2006, 19:26
Forum: Webradio
Topic: Mugge / Music
Replies: 13
Views: 49675

mit solchen posts verringerst du nur deine chance :roll:

etwas zu fordern bei einer Bewerbung (welche art Bewerbung auch immer) ist generell nachteilhaft
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
31 Jul 2006, 18:22
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: FGS mitglied werden
Replies: 23
Views: 27818

aso, und eigendlich dürfte es dir nicht erlaubt sein mit dem Namen Daedalus dich für FGS zu bewerben, weil Daedalus schon existiert. Es ist Nämlich der Leader von [A]lpha
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
30 Jul 2006, 19:35
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: FGS mitglied werden
Replies: 23
Views: 27818

oh mann Übersetzung: Wenn du FGS beitreten willst, musst du folgendes Posten/Angeben: 1. Dein DX Nick namen (optional deinen richtigen Namen) 2. Warum du FGS beitreten willst. 3. Du musst unsere Regeln Akzeptieren 4. Stelle eine Demo (.dem Datei) zur verfügung (nicht unbedingt nötig... wir werden da...
by ~][FGS][Nobody~
30 Jul 2006, 18:16
Forum: Deus Ex
Topic: FGS mitglied werden
Replies: 23
Views: 27818

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