CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by anax »

Darko, come back when you can compete with the top 10% of players for a whole evening of AUGGED maps, instead of all these imaginary one on one matches you keep talking about.

in total honesty, you have potential, you just need to accept that aug binds are totally normal. And less the chit-chat, less the spectating...
More headshots, more Lams, more EMP.
THEN you can redeem yourself.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Bolo* Darko come back to DXMP an show what your about an not talk....meh on the forums come back an show what you are made of like you make out to be in the forums. No disrespect intended Darko in the slightest on what was said in the forum topics, non of my business tbh. Come back and fight, show and own what you said to others :matrix:
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Haha how funny people.
I ask myself how is possible that I have about 40-80 wins filmed mostly only against "those" arogant "best" kids which invited me 1:1 :) Proofs from zero augs, augs servers, wunderland, Humans vs. Creatures, best scores on Cagematch and Helicopters modes..... Those are just some of pictures which I have. So I wonder, how many times I will have to come?
Yea , you see if you wish that I come, first remove my ban, cause I am proud person and I will rather play on other zero augs servers with ping 200-300 on newbie level, than to come on server where I am still banned. Forget it.
I have nothing to proof, you are those who have something to proof.
Because if you have no proofs on FGS server about my wins, that is not my problem. I have my own youtube channel, FB group, and own website with forum, so if you want to see news and proofs, visit there.
Have a nice day.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Again BOLOX to your scores come show your not a complete arse hole on servers. Thats why you were banned in the first place hence my initial point. Like talking to a brick wall here only the wall has more intelligence :bwahaha: :clout: Don't want to get personal but ffs kid :bwahaha:
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by [FGS]Chees »

plain English....You chat bull crap when in servers and we have all had enough of it. Show in servers, play the game and STFU KID :roll:
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

When you speak about limitation I think that you need to look at yourself in mirror. I am not sure that you will like what you will see.

Same arogant comments from same arogant kids like you. I remmember that I respected you before when you acted "normal", but since I heard (and I saw from pictures and clips), that you are responsible why Lucky get ban in FGS Wunderland, I said to him, send to Chees best wishes from me. We will talk again. And trust me I wanted to say you long time, and to ask you that: Are you normal person or you got some issues? It is visible that Lucky played in FGS, then came 2 people, one took first my nick, other took later Lucky's nick. Not only that, they started to insults and to heavy spam in there! What is more bigger paradox is that Lucky owned them, and tried to play, but then they said Cheese ban him. And well you did.

So tell me WHO ARE YOU, to talk about normal behaviour and normal condition, cause sorry you do not act like normal person. Who saw ever that normal person can kick real person, which did nothing, just to leave in server 2 other people which steal my and his nicks, and which spam massive. And you did that. Not only that they stealed his nick, not only that they insulted him, not only that they spammed in there, they even demand to ban him. Lol IF THAT IS HOW IT GOESS in FGS than sorry I have no desire at all to play in there :) Funny thing is that I came few days later to play in there, and all was fine, but then from clear sky even I could not join in server? So yea that has to do something with you.

And you wish some proof? Some respect? You? Person which banned my community member for nothing when he just played, but you left in server 2 massive spammers, insulters and nick stealers, and you did not banned them. And you will talk about dignity? Not only that I have nothing to proof to people like you, I do not even play with people like you, such people I can only beat.

When we speak about people like you I was right now in server USA zero augs where was some dude which killed me 2 times, and he wrote some insults while I played. But you know what is problem? Even trough he has ping under 70, even trough I had ping over 150, I shamed them and I did massive row after that. So you see, you do not need to be arogant like that dude was, cause you see if you want to prove something first come to me and play with me. When you will lose like all arogant people, then you will have more than enough proofs. Enjoy.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Darko I have never been normal, who is in this crazy world!
Second I was always nice to you until people including me got sick of you talking crap on servers. one thing you always said on every map was 'this is to dark to play' over and over again and said every time on Wonderland server.
Third. Have a meaningful conversation like me Chin, Nodz, Shadow, Unknown, Atery and many others do when playing DX. Whats wrong with that...nothing!
Fourth yeah I have issues and on pain killers right now for Sciatica pain and yeah the pain killers send me mad but don't regret what I said. I respect you but the end result is don't chat bulls**t when in game. By all means talk to others but cut the bull**** out when you do.

AND DON'T CALL ME A KID DARKO. I'm far from being anything like a kid. I'm an adult and :bwahaha: my arse off over this whole topic tbh.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by Mastakilla »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:When you speak about limitation I think that you need to look at yourself in mirror. I am not sure that you will like what you will see.

Same arogant comments from same arogant kids like you. I remmember that I respected you before when you acted "normal", but since I heard (and I saw from pictures and clips), that you are responsible why Lucky get ban in FGS Wunderland, I said to him, send to Chees best wishes from me. We will talk again. And trust me I wanted to say you long time, and to ask you that: Are you normal person or you got some issues? It is visible that Lucky played in FGS, then came 2 people, one took first my nick, other took later Lucky's nick. Not only that, they started to insults and to heavy spam in there! What is more bigger paradox is that Lucky owned them, and tried to play, but then they said Cheese ban him. And well you did.

So tell me WHO ARE YOU, to talk about normal behaviour and normal condition, cause sorry you do not act like normal person. Who saw ever that normal person can kick real person, which did nothing, just to leave in server 2 other people which steal my and his nicks, and which spam massive. And you did that. Not only that they stealed his nick, not only that they insulted him, not only that they spammed in there, they even demand to ban him. Lol IF THAT IS HOW IT GOESS in FGS than sorry I have no desire at all to play in there :) Funny thing is that I came few days later to play in there, and all was fine, but then from clear sky even I could not join in server? So yea that has to do something with you.

And you wish some proof? Some respect? You? Person which banned my community member for nothing when he just played, but you left in server 2 massive spammers, insulters and nick stealers, and you did not banned them. And you will talk about dignity? Not only that I have nothing to proof to people like you, I do not even play with people like you, such people I can only beat.

When we speak about people like you I was right now in server USA zero augs where was some dude which killed me 2 times, and he wrote some insults while I played. But you know what is problem? Even trough he has ping under 70, even trough I had ping over 150, I shamed them and I did massive row after that. So you see, you do not need to be arogant like that dude was, cause you see if you want to prove something first come to me and play with me. When you will lose like all arogant people, then you will have more than enough proofs. Enjoy.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by anax »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Haha how funny people.
I ask myself how is possible that I have about 40-80 wins filmed mostly only against "those" arogant "best" kids which invited me 1:1 :) Proofs from zero augs, augs servers, wunderland, Humans vs. Creatures, best scores on Cagematch and Helicopters modes..... Those are just some of pictures which I have. So I wonder, how many times I will have to come?
Yea , you see if you wish that I come, first remove my ban, cause I am proud person and I will rather play on other zero augs servers with ping 200-300 on newbie level, than to come on server where I am still banned. Forget it.
I have nothing to proof, you are those who have something to proof.
Because if you have no proofs on FGS server about my wins, that is not my problem. I have my own youtube channel, FB group, and own website with forum, so if you want to see news and proofs, visit there.
Have a nice day.
Lol, link them then :---) let us see your "videos"
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by DaniSaggenza »

Have to say that first thing that I did when I saw this topic, was do CRTL+F and search for the word "Dani", and it appears 11 times in just 1 page. \:D/

Darko, thank you for giving me this awesome moment of amusement, your replies are totally bullsh*t, they don't even make sense, but I'd swear you said something like you owned me, well, you've talked too much bullsh*t here without any proof, time to prove it, you have here some recognized DXers, go, show them how awesome you are and how many times you owned "Dani-Boy" :>

I'll post some proofs here, I can look for more eh, but here goes some:

Image (I remember how many times you ragespected saying that your mouse was bad on this one xD)

If you want, later I can keep posting, but I'll have to create a new topic about how many times Dani-Boy left your ass as red as Japan's flag :3.

On another note, you should start worrying more in focusing on your own life than in trying to urine me off mate, these last month on DX only thing that you did is take 3 or 4 kids of 13 years old, and show them how bad person, rude homosexual, and haxor DaniFaggenza is, so later they can come to 0 aug servers spamming: "DaniSaggenza sux haxor ban him from DX reported to DX planet!!!!", and, seriously, what went wrong with you, you used to be a nice guy on Cozmo back in 2010, but when I moved with Solid to 0 augs you went mad on us (because we were better than you I guess) and then you created this DD thing (one of most skilled clans I've seen since [KFC]), and you won a war in the Humans v Creature server!

Now seriously, Darko, you can't come here pretending to get unbanned, actually, you're the clown of the game and no one takes you serious, who can someone take serious a dude that when joins server argues with people who arent even there.... anyways, I think people stopped giving a f*ck about you when you wrote this xD -> Image

Seriously, I've seen some retard dudes on this game. and didn't get to meet another bunch of them, but, im sure, if all the retard people that played this game come back and make a clan, you'd be the one retarded to rule them all.


TL:DR -> Get a life, homosexual.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by Hey »

Darko has truely been sent back to the dumpster.
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Re: Altfire maps

Post by machete »

RP-G-eorge wrote:
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Why am I banned in Machete? Cause I beaten there Phantom
I find this extremely hard to believe. Machete doesn't care who beats who from what I've seen. It's a f**king computer game and if Machete's banning people over such things, then he's a f**king idiot who shouldn't be hosting a server for any game, PERIOD!
Darko: You were banned for being a nuisance. You spam, insult people, make absurd claims, wind people up and my server logs prove it all. Now, personally, I find you hilarious in small doses but there isn't a single regular player on my server who wants you unbanned.

If you ever see your way to changing, I will happily unban you.

As for your ridiculous claims of impersonation, I banned the IP address that was causing the problems. Unsurprisingly, that seems to have been yours.

George: Thank you for that. You're completely right, I couldn't care less who wins. I would never ban someone on the basis of winning a game.
Last edited by machete on 16 Aug 2014, 00:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Altfire maps

Post by DaniSaggenza »

machete wrote:
RP-G-eorge wrote:
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Why am I banned in Machete? Cause I beaten there Phantom
I find this extremely hard to believe. Machete doesn't care who beats who from what I've seen. It's a f**king computer game and if Machete's banning people over such things, then he's a f**king idiot who shouldn't be hosting a server for any game, PERIOD!
Darko: You were banned for being a nuisance. You spam, insult people, make absurd claims, wind people up and my server logs prove it all. Now, personally, I find you hilarious in small doses but there isn't a single regular player on my server who wants you unbanned.

If you ever see your way to changing, I will happily unban you.

George: Thank you for that. You're completely right, I couldn't care less who wins. I would never ban someone on the basis of winning a game.
And thats why we love Machete :D
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by ShadowRunner »

Time is not on my side. I am 46. therefore I will speak clearly.

I know two darkos.

One is a whiny little git who wines all the *loving* time.

The other is a metabolic end product who cheats, bugs, scopes, wanks, whatever you want to call it.

Either you are one of the above or a third party.

Either way, I am wondering why the other two go to such great lengths to impersonate you.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by ShadowRunner »

Time is not on my side. I am 46. therefore I will speak clearly.

I know two darkos.

One is a whiny little git who wines all the *loving* time.

The other is a metabolic end product who cheats, bugs, scopes, wanks, whatever you want to call it.

Either you are one of the above or a third party.

Either way, I am wondering why the other two go to such great lengths to impersonate you

But what is interesting is that your initial post is quite short and polite and then others take great length to insult you.