Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

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Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by Fear »

In a temporary ending of my personal DXMP game and forum embargo because i just can't contain myself for one last time.

Dear Ken Alvarovič,

I've had a read of the most recent threads on this forum, and i literally find myself puzzled at how anybody can say the things you do and not be considered to be suffering the same mental disorder as Darko, with a little more intelligence and grammar to lessen the comedic value of what you post.

I left this game a heap of months ago and you STILL can't knock the habit of bringing my name up, whether it be on forums or in instant messages to other people that I've been informed about, voicing opinions that only you share in the present day, please please acknowledge that you have a big problem, you're going to be one of those sour stubborn pensioners who lives alone without any friends because they can't stand you if your online characteristics are anything to go by.

I've never known anybody to have their own head so far up their own behind reading your posts, it's absolutely disgusting, sure we can talk about the obvious morons and kids of DXMP that we've been unfortunate to encounter over the years, but you sir have left a horrible taste in the mouth of at least 70% of the remaining community these last couple years, and if it came to it, I'm very confident in people admitting it.

How dare you persistently slander people for cheating on this game when you've ADMITTED to using them, it doesn't matter if it's to play against cheaters, or test them out of curiosity, you down talk the things you do and escalate the things other people do like a child. You mentioned me calling people who get the better of me cheaters? misleading since I've only ever done that to you because i KNOW you've used all kinds of exploits on this game, whether it be to test or simply *love* around with in public games, you were never to be trusted, just like a Phantom.

Go check your clan roster and have a go at figuring out why these drastic and rather rapid changes came to be.

There's loads of people we can argue are at fault for picking DXMP away piece by peice making it the abandoned building it is today, some obvious, some not, you're near the very top IMHO, especially within it's last few critical years, you're views and choices made over the years have been very hypocritical and made you out to be quite the fool, if anybody cares to dig things out of the sand and put everything into perspective.

Since we never did say goodbye... It brings me great pleasure to never share any sort of gaming experience with you ever again, and for there to still be people tolerable of you in 2014?!?! well, hats off to them is all i can say.

In all seriousness, The best thing you can do in your life is move on.

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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by ~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~ »

yo I just had a very similar but much briefer outburst about the exact same thing, and yet I was ignored like a bad hangover at work.

now all of a sudden dannyboy makes a dramatic intro and his words, unlike mine, stand out like a psychedelic poster from the 70's in a modern day high school bathroom.

and yet i do not believe such is without proper reason.

the man speaks some truth about matters regarding hypocrisy and exaggerated stories that project a bad light on others. i myself find this to be an irritating habit.

now let us thank our lord and savior the holy mary jesus for providing us with goods for tonight's show. god bless y'all.
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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by ShadowRunner »

I saw Dan's new workplace... looks like a Deus Ex map... seriously...
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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by ShadowRunner »

I saw Dan's new workplace... looks like a Deus Ex map... seriously...
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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by anax »

That sounds cool, is there a biobot?
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by Mastakilla »

No but there were forklifts!
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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by DaniSaggenza »

Fear wrote:In a temporary ending of my personal DXMP game and forum embargo because i just can't contain myself for one last time.

Dear Ken Alvarovič,

I've had a read of the most recent threads on this forum, and i literally find myself puzzled at how anybody can say the things you do and not be considered to be suffering the same mental disorder as Darko, with a little more intelligence and grammar to lessen the comedic value of what you post.

I left this game a heap of months ago and you STILL can't knock the habit of bringing my name up, whether it be on forums or in instant messages to other people that I've been informed about, voicing opinions that only you share in the present day, please please acknowledge that you have a big problem, you're going to be one of those sour stubborn pensioners who lives alone without any friends because they can't stand you if your online characteristics are anything to go by.

I've never known anybody to have their own head so far up their own behind reading your posts, it's absolutely disgusting, sure we can talk about the obvious morons and kids of DXMP that we've been unfortunate to encounter over the years, but you sir have left a horrible taste in the mouth of at least 70% of the remaining community these last couple years, and if it came to it, I'm very confident in people admitting it.

How dare you persistently slander people for cheating on this game when you've ADMITTED to using them, it doesn't matter if it's to play against cheaters, or test them out of curiosity, you down talk the things you do and escalate the things other people do like a child. You mentioned me calling people who get the better of me cheaters? misleading since I've only ever done that to you because i KNOW you've used all kinds of exploits on this game, whether it be to test or simply *love* around with in public games, you were never to be trusted, just like a Phantom.

Go check your clan roster and have a go at figuring out why these drastic and rather rapid changes came to be.

There's loads of people we can argue are at fault for picking DXMP away piece by peice making it the abandoned building it is today, some obvious, some not, you're near the very top IMHO, especially within it's last few critical years, you're views and choices made over the years have been very hypocritical and made you out to be quite the fool, if anybody cares to dig things out of the sand and put everything into perspective.

Since we never did say goodbye... It brings me great pleasure to never share any sort of gaming experience with you ever again, and for there to still be people tolerable of you in 2014?!?! well, hats off to them is all i can say.

In all seriousness, The best thing you can do in your life is move on.

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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by synthetic »

Very nice of you to dedicate a whole thread to me, Daniel.

You are one of the most abusive and annoying players I have had the misfortune of playing over the course of 9 years. I hope your future endeavours will result in a less stressful environment for you and, especially, for those around you.

I won't even begin to point out the many accusations in your post that are, well, simply false. Have this bunny with a pancake on its head.

Also, don't think that seeing Phantom and his few little hacky trainees box me in gives you some kind of right to get a jab in. I haven't played DXMP for about a month, though, if that makes you feel any better. Only cheaters and noobs like you left these days, and my friends have all grown up. Can't bug them to play anymore.

edit: as for the clan roster, and cheating accusations and whatnot, don't listen to dani so much mate. Dani learned how to organize clan and community events from me, but he didn't learn how to think. It is well established that you cannot think, but relaying the misinterpretations of others through your mouthpiece doesn't necessarily improve its accuracy. My most active members were Dani and the 2 new members that he subsequently stole from me. You on the other hand were hours away from being kicked out. The way I see it, you were, regardless of who told you that I planned to. Entire active Hivemind was built upon new members and trainees. I didn't care what their background or history was : everybody got a second chance to clean their act up. 3 members did so, 3 members failed. 50% success rate with difficult beginners is good enough in my book. I was and still am quite upset about Dani, though. A skilled and funny player that seems serious enough suddenly goes and starts recruiting for the most famous cheater in the game, a person that I thought was a friend suddenly starts telling lies about me behind my back? Now, guys, that is not very pleasant, let me tell you this.

In 9 years, since 2005 when you were in Z and BIA, there was only a period of 3 days where I could have a normal game against you without having to put up with your perpetual whining. Straight after you left Hivemind. It was a downright bliss. How a worm like you managed to get under Sonny's side still evades me, though. I guess he took pity of you.
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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by Fear »

Oh you're welcome by the way, it's been long over due believe me, not specifically from me, but somebody willing to not give a metabolic end product about bad press.

I don't know why I'm even arsed replying to you since nothing ever sinks into your skull... but anyway;

Firstly, I don't listen to or believe anything Dani says, i've actually told Dani to stop messaging me about anything DX related. There isn't a single person on Deus Ex that ever has or ever will influence me to do anything or say anything, including you, which is probably why you have such a problem with me after all these years because as witnessed (by many) in Hivemind you have a horrible habit of trying to mould and control people to your liking.

Me and Sonny have been very good friends since 2007, so that comment has about as much credibility behind it as the bunny one, you actually sealed his decision to leave Hivemind by the things you were saying about me to him in a private conversation on enjin, i forget the exact message but he pasted one particular line you said to him which repulsed him.

I have never been a part of BIA, what ever made you write that?

The cheating accusations I'm referring to you are based on you admitting to using them in recent posts, i know full well you've cheated in-game in the past, Ive played the game over 9 years don't insult my intelligence because it's absolutely obvious when somebody is cheating. You're ego on Deus Ex is beyond repair and i put absolutely nothing past you. You probably don't even recall admitting such things a matter of days ago as you have a selective memory when it comes to people bringing up things you've previously said, oh... I'm suddenly experiencing dejavu, isn't that odd.

If you'd stop for a second and acknowledge your incredible amount of flaws instead of pointing out other peoples, or bringing things up from many years ago that no longer apply, i think you'd be alot more respected by people. You don't actually realise how many people on the game think you're off your trolley, and with great reason, maybe we should round up every Deus Ex player of the last 5 years and take some sort of poll, i imagine the results being quite comical and suprising to you.

I've never denied being a brat back in '05, and that's the difference between me and you because you've been nothing short of a two faced, egotistical, manipulative and bitter liar these past few years, you're head is still stuck in 2005 unfortunately, i strongly believe you have an illness.

It's very rich of you to call me a worm, when actually, what you see is what you get with me and it's always been that way, ask anybody who knows me. You on the other hand are an absolute snake in the grass, who's lost his touch a bit over the years, because believe me, alot of people know what you're about.

Let me point something out, I've only ever been denied entry into 1 clan by my recollection in over 9 years, ironically it was your clan... the first app nobody really had much of a clue about my personality bar what you had told them, and the 2nd app i recieved a great amount of yes votes and was only refused because you took on an improving prospect in Phantom and you're corrupt influence on the final say (and let's not deceive people here because one of my best friends on the game was a long serving REN member at the time, Sidewinder, you may know him, we spoke frequently during my application).

Anyway my point is, i have a pretty good record for somebody who does nothing but abuse people and moan like you say eh, if I'm what you say i might aswell be called Soviet, whom i seriously doubt would have been accepted into FGS on 2 occasions. You need to get your head out of the old sand and realise that you've done nothing but make me feel sick these last few years with the constant provoking, indirect and direct jabs, lies and general idiotic behaviour whenever I'm in a game. You're quick to talk about people acting like kids during game when you ran around under an [EMO] tag spamming during games and talking so much gibberish i couldn't believe, one ruling for one and one for another eh.

Take my advice and leave DXMP, it really is the best thing for you, and this time, unlike the previous 50 times you've said it, mean it.

People wanna enjoy the games dying days, not have to put up with somebody like you putting a complete downer on everything you get involved with.

I have nothing more to say you, no matter your reply, because it will no doubt be full of trademark Ken garbage. Just consider my advice to you.
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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by synthetic »

If someone is curious what Darko will look like after he has played DXMP for 9 years: please, here is Fear.

I remember first map against you clear as day: it was 0aug CMD and I was playing with clixor, then some random Z member camping the ladder bit by the front doors started screaming about aimbots and whatnot. Since he had BIA tag on at that point I remember telling Clix that they need to recruit Grubby too for the lineup to be perfect.

Later, a chance would bring me face to face with him on Area51 with just us in game. Surprisingly, the following is precisely what happens in any 1on1 situation I've had with Darko: 1 kill (fear: aimbot!) 2 kills (fear: turn aimhax off) 3 kills (fear has left the server). It is interesting because Darko always needs 3 deaths as well before he stops playing. Most of time he goes spectate instead of leaving server, though. Okay, that was 2005. In 2010 the same guy would complain to me about shooting torso, and advising me to "L2P", ironically as a response to his own deaths. In 2012 the guy that had clearly changed by now and grown up ( :roll: ) was adamant that the aimhax was still very much there. In 2014 he was on about some kind of movement hax. *sigh*
It got old, very old, about couple maps into playing you.

Fear, you're a noob and you've always been one. That much is clear. What is not clear, however, is how can an active player play 9 years and STILL be a noob? I was noob for 1 year, still relatively inexperienced for another year (I remember asking DZ whats the best mouse sense, 6 or 10, and going WTF when he said 1), but your 9 year noob streak wins you some kind of very special prize.

This ego bs aside, there are two things you seem to be quite adamant about: that I manipulate other people, and that I cheat.

First of all, you are right. I do manipulate people, and pretty much always have; I manipulate people into playing without cheats, staying clean in that sense; and latter half of my time here I am also guilty of manipulating my clan mates into trying to maintain a sportsmanlike attitude. I also have a manipulative streak to me that compels me into encouraging my friends to get better at the favourite past time. So, I can't really argue with you there..

And indeed, for some three times I have cheated in a cheat server against a cheater. While this has nothing to do with skill and serious or even casual games, you are also right about this.

Now, lets look at what I put against you, shall we?

You are an abusive noob-type player that has spent nearly a decade insulting other gamers and talking some kind of weird bull that basically rivals that of Darko's. I know some players disagree, and it is also clear why. If you play worse than Darko, he will be very nice to you and teach you how to play like a master. Same deal with Fear here. If you play better than Darko, you get reported to romero, planet deus ex, to nochanc and obama.

I lobbied for nearly a year of my life to get the coders in DXMP to release an anti-speedhack fix. Once released, I know of only one player that stopped playing immediately after that, while others had no issues at all. That one person was you. The problems you described back then occur in two instances: A ) your internet is lagging so bad that you cant play serious game anyway, or B ) you are speedhacking, knowingly or not.

I feel a bit silly writing so much to this idiot here, but considering that I made several lengthy posts in Darko's thread, I might as well contribute to the other noob as well.

edit: I don't play anymore so I encourage you to get back and active in DXMP -- I want to see what happens if the only active players in the game are cheaters and noobs. Actually, if someone could fast-forward it for me, I'd pay to see that. :-D
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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by ShadowRunner »

Fear wrote:How dare you persistently slander people for cheating on this game when you've ADMITTED to using them, it doesn't matter if it's to play against cheaters, or test them out of curiosity, you down talk the things you do and escalate the things other people do
As I said before, in a previous thread recently when you mentioned "others in FGS" and only mentioned FGS as a cheating clan, it was worth me commenting I think, because your view was misrepresenting the actual truth of the last 10 years in DXMP.

It's interesting that in your 1138 words and 6070 characters you've written since SASQUATCH spoke to you, you don't seem to have acknowledged Sasquatch's post or its existence, your remarks are entirely about Fear and according to you he is an abuser, noob and cheater and we are back to the "FGS and Phantom killed DXMP" many metabolic end product.

The point is, it doesn't matter if you are right or wrong, who is responsible, or who is to blame, because that is not really worth discussing much, the issue is about funding, time, assistance, how to fix DXMP technically and update it and a ton of things are worth actually talking about, but there's no real conversation.

As long as people cant agree on the solution, all other issues are pointless. Special projects like Hengsha and Undead Revolution and the best ever ATDM server/maps aren't enough anymore. DXMP needs total rebuild, with 21st century game security, anti-cheat, registration, admin, things we just can not provide easily or quickly at the moment. Because people can't agree, a democratic solution to every decision will be slow too. Even then you will still have crap graphics and 20th century gaming, it will ALWAYS be hard in DXMP, so start realizing there are ways to make it easier.

The first step would be to create a cool atmosphere.
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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by Fear »

Yea i got more, you ain't closing the topic out on nothing but lies.
This ego bs aside, there are two things you seem to be quite adamant about: that I manipulate other people, and that I cheat.
I said you have cheated, as you openly admitted, i don't recall me anywhere saying you still did, or do every day, so be more specific and less misleading.
I remember first map against you clear as day: it was 0aug CMD and I was playing with clixor, then some random Z member camping the ladder bit by the front doors started screaming about aimbots and whatnot. Since he had BIA tag on at that point I remember telling Clix that they need to recruit Grubby too for the lineup to be perfect.
I've NEVER EVER been in BIA, i don't even know any of those guys as people so where are you mustering up this *loving* many metabolic end product information about me lol, have you got the wrong person or something, i know there's been 1 other fear in this game but seriously, what's the matter with you??

I took on the Fear name in early 2007 when i joined [RTK], i believe it was, and i came into encounters with the original Fear (wearing a B2S tag at the time), who at first said why the *love* am i copying his name, but then agreed to let me use it as he no longer played the game.

I have NOT spent nearly a decade insulting other gamers as you keep on bullshitingly saying, i hadn't had any altercations with anybody bar you since 2007, proper altercations that is, so i don't know what the hell your actually talking about seriously.
edit: I don't play anymore so I encourage you to get back and active in DXMP -- I want to see what happens if the only active players in the game are cheaters and noobs. Actually, if someone could fast-forward it for me, I'd pay to see that. :-D
Unlike you i wont ever return to the game, and i can safely say that the DXMP community without a horrid person like yourself is a far better place, though... you ain't actually going to leave.
I lobbied for nearly a year of my life to get the coders in DXMP to release an anti-speedhack fix. Once released, I know of only one player that stopped playing immediately after that, while others had no issues at all. That one person was you. The problems you described back then occur in two instances: A ) your internet is lagging so bad that you cant play serious game anyway, or B ) you are speed hacking, knowingly or not.
I have never cheated, to be perfectly honest with you i have no idea how to, nor would i ever be sucked into such bullshittery.

What actually happened was that Minimtl230 broke my game in a very bad way, i was having severe issues with unstable servers, speed ups and slow downs as i walked around, enemies warping, weird visual glitches with firing and allsorts which was very offputting, all of this made the game unplayable and i therefore stopped playing and was very angry that all my favourite servers bar FGS thankfully were changing over to it, so i left, as did alot of people so i don't know where your getting your info from there.

Anyway i spoke to Dani months later about my problem and he sent me over everything he was playing with to see if it would make any difference and allow me to play finally, he used 2 different kentie shortcuts, he launched one to change the settings, and another to skip the dialog and launch the game, i was playing with his render and settings and the game ran good, it was the first time since minimtl230 came out that i could play the game properly again, and i had nothing added to my ini before that bar a medbind, so you explain that one.

I said on the HVM chatbox once, the difference between me and you is, i say things there and then, whereas you move to forums, chatboxes and PM's to avoid bad press, you used to talk about Hey using this hax that hax all kinds of hax when he was beating you, so again i repeat, stop criticizing others and forgetting about yourself.

If you have left i'm very happy for you because your a *loving* horrible lowlife, i can handle listening to a *loving* brain damaged *metabolic end product way out* like Darko all day because nothing more than a child with a mental disorder and troll like characteristics, however you, i find you to be the most repulsive person i've ever interacted with on the internet, in over 14 years.

Clix has the only legit peice of flaming from me, under the name Killzowned, taken in maybe 2006 when i called him a Granny Tampon, which i look back on and laugh, we both have numerous times, me and Robbert became good friends in 2008 and spoke frequently away from game, i used to get drunk to metabolic end product with him on webcam, no homo, we barely used to discuss deus ex, though we'd occasionally play and have some great games and banter, probably because around this time you weren't around, good things tend to happen when you go missing...
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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by synthetic »

Well.. I could start debating your sentences one by one, but that'd make for an awful long post. Suffice to say, the real difference between you and me is that I can play team sports and apparently you can't. That'd be the difference that within DXMP context and this thread would actually matter. You could've owed up to your metabolic end product attitude in game decade ago and that'd leave me fairly defenseless. You opted for another option, though, and for past four or five years you've started to talk some kind of fictional many metabolic end product that I could disprove day in day out every day. Against many metabolic end product I am fairly well armed, mate. Should've just owed up. Ste at least did, most of time. With you its always everybody else to blame, never you. As for the remainder of your post.. you realize it makes as much sense to me as anything Darko wrote here recently? Maybe you can fool someone who hasn't played much lol.

Tell me, after insulting me for near 10 years, what kind of attitude you expect from me, exactly? I play the game for fun and competition, I don't appreciate some noob whining at me for *loving* 10 years! Could've just let me play in peace fucktard. But noo, you have to try and save your face and talk metabolic end product about me to this day. You keep talking about my ego, I ask you, what ego? I am the first to admit my mistakes, for your mistakes everybody else are always to blame, always.

After all these years I thought you wouldn't be able to surprise me anymore. And then what you did? You went and harassed some beginner because his *loving* footsteps were DISTRACTING you???! The *love*? Knit everybody in your team fluffy slippers or something??!

In any given year, a typical game between me and fear would look like this:

me: *enters server plays quietly*
fear: *gets killed and starts moaning about aimbot*
fear: *starts talking about how how I shoot all the wrong body parts*
fear: *starts talking about how I hate him*
fear: *mentions aimhax again*
me: *snaps*

As a result you get pages and pages of drama. Quite simple, really. I am a very patient person when it comes to beginners, but not particularly patient when it comes to noobs. Some FGS members have seen me snap at noobs when I was in FGS. I make no secret that it happens. I guess mr Fear here didn't like what I told him as a response :-)

You should've seen him when he left Hivemind. He hated me so much he actually kept his mouth shut for couple days. I was so blown away by this experience of playing a quiet Fear that I doubt I ever forget it rofl. I think he also even managed to finish some maps, at that.
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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by Fear »

The level of complete nonsense that comes out of your mouth completely astounds me, this will be a never ending thing as per usual.

I've whined at you for 10 years lol, *love* me, it's not often i laugh IRL when reading the internet, but you're absolutely ridiculous.

The correct summary of the last 10 years would be i was an immature 15 year old in year 1, probably took 2 or 3 years to calm off give and gain respect and make genuine friends with people, but somewhere around this time you came along... and thereafter you have done nothing but completely two face lie, contradict yourself by moaning at people for things you do yourself, make up absolute bollocks, make a huge deal and take 95% of things i say out of context, and follow me around like a bad taste you scum bucket, and that my friend is why you get the attitude you do from me, because you repulse me like no other player ever has.

I really do wonder who you had these cyber-beefs with back in the day, i didn't have a run in with you until you wore a REN tag, i never knew you prior to that and thank *love* i didn't either.
In any given year, a typical game between me and fear would look like this:

me: *enters server plays quietly*
fear: *gets killed and starts moaning about aimbot*
fear: *starts talking about how how I shoot all the wrong body parts*
fear: *starts talking about how I hate him*
fear: *mentions aimhax again*
me: *snaps*
Lol good *loving* grief, i don't act that way in game you female sex organ so stop saying it, notice you never have a single person to confirm the metabolic end product you say yet i've had 2 people confirm the metabolic end product i've said about you in this topic, it's like you wait and wait and wait for me to say something during a game so you can make a full blown completely out of context many metabolic end product deal about it, You talk out of your fuckin' arse.
After all these years I thought you wouldn't be able to surprise me anymore. And then what you did? You went and harassed some beginner because his *loving* footsteps were DISTRACTING you???! The *love*? Knit everybody in your team fluffy slippers or something??!"
Seriously are you *loving* trolling me? rofl.

The things i mentioned about minimtl230 have been reported by other people too, are you really that ignorant to just concentrate on me all the time. This is why i get super angry at you because the combination of talking and making up complete many metabolic end product combined with being VERY persuasive to people is quite a dangerous combo, you need a good smack around the head cos i think something ain't right in it.

Nobody else shares your false views and made up many metabolic end product, i beg you to find others who do, find any sort of proof to back up the metabolic end product you say because I'm literally feeding you more opportunity to slander me with this many metabolic end product, I'm literally not arsed to say another word to you now and i mean it this time, i wouldn't urine on you if you were on fire and i hope some severe karma hits you one day for annoying the *loving* metabolic end product out of me for atleast 5 years straight.
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Re: Get well soon, from everyone in the real world.

Post by synthetic »

Fear wrote:The level of complete nonsense that comes out of your mouth completely astounds me, this will be a never ending thing as per usual.
Well, which fact that I raised is nonsense? Bring them out one by one and lets take a look at them, then!

Fear wrote:I've whined at you for 10 years lol, *love* me, it's not often i laugh IRL when reading the internet, but you're absolutely ridiculous.
So, you're saying that you haven't? lol. I guess only difference between you and Darko is that you have better English.
Fear wrote:The correct summary of the last 10 years would be i was an immature 15 year old in year 1, probably took 2 or 3 years to calm off give and gain respect and make genuine friends with people, but somewhere around this time you came along... and thereafter you have done nothing but completely two face lie, contradict yourself by moaning at people for things you do yourself, make up absolute bollocks, make a huge deal and take 95% of things i say out of context, and follow me around like a bad taste you scum bucket, and that my friend is why you get the attitude you do from me, because you repulse me like no other player ever has.
Prove ONE thing where I've contradicted myself? One thing? So you calling me cheater for 10 years and advising me to L2P or get skill is completely out of context and you in reality meant something good by it?
Fear wrote:I really do wonder who you had these cyber-beefs with back in the day, i didn't have a run in with you until you wore a REN tag, i never knew you prior to that and thank *love* i didn't either.
Eh, everybody knew you. You among with Grubby were the Darkos and Olos of 2005 lol. Grubby from US, Killzone from EU, and constantly whining. As to whether you knew me, I couldn't care less.

Fear wrote:Lol good *loving* grief, i don't act that way in game you female sex organ so stop saying it, notice you never have a single person to confirm the metabolic end product you say yet i've had 2 people confirm the metabolic end product i've said about you in this topic, it's like you wait and wait and wait for me to say something during a game so you can make a full blown completely out of context many metabolic end product deal about it, You talk out of your fuckin' arse.
You know how many players I remember from this decade that weren't noobs, but did play you a lot? A lot of such players. Okay, maybe most of them have quit dxmp by now, but each and every one of them would confirm what I said. You on the other hand have Leonardo and Darko backing your version?
Fear wrote:
After all these years I thought you wouldn't be able to surprise me anymore. And then what you did? You went and harassed some beginner because his *loving* footsteps were DISTRACTING you???! The *love*? Knit everybody in your team fluffy slippers or something??!"
Seriously are you *loving* trolling me? rofl.
Now this is interesting.. you're trying to put a few lies in there. Since this incident happened only last year, I am 100% sure you remember it well, and look at you now.. no clue, no idea, were climbing trees when it happened.

Fear wrote:The things i mentioned about minimtl230 have been reported by other people too, are you really that ignorant to just concentrate on me all the time. This is why i get super angry at you because the combination of talking and making up complete many metabolic end product combined with being VERY persuasive to people is quite a dangerous combo, you need a good smack around the head cos i think something ain't right in it.
Better to be persuasive about correct facts than some kind of emo hurt fantasy. We used to make little picture boards with you and other noobs calling us cheaters or whatnot. Posted them at forums to see who had more noob fans. You were represented nicely on all of those, lol. Also, while you were busy owning beginners and running away from skilled players, I was busy trying to learn this game's issues and get some coder to fix them. As a result, I know what I am talking about, but you have no clue. Indeed, a laggy player from US complained a lot about the anti-cheat. Not able to speak for other clans, my guys were seriously training at the time and none of them had issues with it. While a guy on a poor connection playing from some assend of US of A will have an issue, I suspect that your name isn't generally associated with a high ping and laggy game.

Fear wrote:Nobody else shares your false views and made up many metabolic end product, i beg you to find others who do, find any sort of proof to back up the metabolic end product you say because I'm literally feeding you more opportunity to slander me with this many metabolic end product, I'm literally not arsed to say another word to you now and i mean it this time, i wouldn't urine on you if you were on fire and i hope some severe karma hits you one day for annoying the *loving* metabolic end product out of me for atleast 5 years straight.
Nobody else? How about everybody that had any skill in this game? And there were more of those than you think. A friend of mine even joked asking if I want him to rough you up as you didn't live far. It wasn't just me that you whined at and accused with no proof, even if I am the last skill focused 0auger left playing. Or were. It is because of noobs like yourself that I actually don't have any reason to play. REN was largely a failure as well because post 2005 all skilled clans died, so all REN could do was own noobs like you, and that was boring. REN was actually shut down because we were too active and had nothing to do in DXMP.

Also, I think its a pattern of past 2 years not more, but it seems that instead of leaving the server after your bitching, you actually spectate now and rant for 10 minutes. I know someone else who does that, and he posted similar stuff to your words here not long ago.

The part of not running into me before I had REN tag is also false. REN was made in summer 2006, I was active for hours every day through 2004 and 2005. While I never saw you in skilled servers in 2004, your whining started popping up in DCSB and FGS servers from 2005. You also don't get to play the age card because 10 years older you bitch even more than you did back then! Is it so hard to just play?
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