Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

The time is right for a suicide!
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I understand all, played on Cozmo for ages, and always will, that is my personal history and place I love most, since first map I entered in MP at all, was Cozmo v1.

Thing is, they want to act like their gameplay is natural, but its not. I am one of 10 % (if not less), remaining players that DONT modify ANY part of the game, that use only default keyboard setup, and natural FPS.

Rest have any form of advantage, whatever it is, and honestly for me any win of such people aint gonna be natural. If I raise my FPS to 180, if I bind guns to my gaming mouse + medkits, ask yourself, how good then I will be.

But I dont need that. I dont need to be best as I was in 2013, loosing is part of the game too, even if that is against cheaters or people who have advantage, they will not take my pride.

After all if someone thinks he is better than me, there is real life, webcaffe, fresh install of DX, no modifying of ini file, no raised fps, just regular setup, and let best win. But so far never accepted that, since I playing full natural since 1-st day.

Dont know for others but I will always have fun, I dont care what others do, I am pacifist in soul anyway.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

A reload bind? Why would ya need that? Just right click and press 1 quick enough and you do it at the same speed.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

For anyone who wants to use my control scheme here it is for your System folder. Back up your User.ini first though before pasting the contents of this text doc attachment into your User.ini
R= Ballistic Protection or Targetting
E = Cloak or Vision
Q = Regen or BotCloak
Z = Rocket Blocker
X = Energy and EMP shielding
C = crouch
V = buyskills
F= take out Medkit
TAB= take out biocell
CTRL= switch ammo type
ALT = check ping/score/fps/behindview

Minus = Mapvote Menu
Equals = Score/Ping/FPS
BackSpace = Play Dead
J = RunSilent
B = take out multitools
N = Take out lockpicks
M = take out LAMs

U = DropItem
SHIFT = Altfire
Home = suicide
G = Aqualung
H = fleshlight
CAPSLOCK = togglescope
L = ActivateAllAugs
K = Deactivate All Augs

Also for Q and E you can still lean, but it also activates the augs there if they are F4 or F8
also my controls disable mousewheel
(12.33 KiB) Downloaded 1332 times
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by Kaiden »

RodNeySaLaMi wrote:A reload bind? Why would ya need that? Just right click and press 1 quick enough and you do it at the same speed.
Not sure guess it was 1 keybind instead of 2 but mostly redundant yeah.
{E.D.H}{FPS}HDD21 wrote:I like ponies
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:HDD21 was brutally stronger than any of you
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Since people dont take me serious, love to call me nab, since people constantly forget what I did in 2013., (or lying themself), since people forget that I play without binds, and mostly on high ping now when servers are on US ground, since people constantly forget that I NEED to train few days before I start to play well......... I had no choice than to train...... how much 1-2 hours?

And yes I needed how much, 2-3 days before I start to win on servers where I lost, so I am here forced to come and say "I TOLD YOU SO".

Nah, now I will tease a little, I am not forced to come here, I just came to say, I TOLD YOU SO. You can call me not relevant, you dont need to believe me, but you cant take away my skills, just because most of you believe to your words and not in PURE REALITY. Everyone looses, but I do only because I didnt played relevant matches for long long time.

Only 2 days later, I refused to play on EU server, what would be special about that? So I invited you guys into US server. Only one came, but that was enough because result would be same. I would win.


Since you guys were positive I dont make videos, here it is one just for you people. Do I mock you people with sarcasm, sure I do, respect to rest people who had nothing with that trolling on me that happening every single year. Enjoy in video.

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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Good fight. See you around.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

What program you use to record? You should set the export to 720p at 60 fps. Also if only for the demo playback set brightness higher for clarity. Also might be good to show fps counter just to prove legit. Id also recommend playing in 640x480 resolution.

I use OBS studio to record then Open Shot for editing my vids. But if you are playing in OpenGL or Direct3D9 renderers the game capture will always be in .45 brightness for some reason.

But those programs are free and imo better than Fraps.

Anyway, you should read back at your own posts Darko, cuz the only reason I think ppl mess with you is because you insult first. Maybe one day we can play with you without accusations and insult.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I forgot to turn on: statfps in down left corner of the screen, but Sev can easy confirm my gaming setup since he has as admin access to what probably Anax had. Still thanks for not for next time, not a problem.

We all called cheaters at some point (probably all), besides legends than Jeff, he is awesome, or Kyle from Alpha (Messiah I never meet, so cant say), but lets be honest, most of us had truth. If you watch out how all started you would see it was not my halutionation. I accused 2 people who really abused game, and you have confirmation in here on forum. Why I did that? Because DD Gaming Community was creatued for kids back then like Leonardo, B-Dawg, Budder Ball, and rest. We had more than 1k visits just in first week. More than 10-20 people in first week.

With time I found out that someone (will be polite and not say who), bully'd B-Dawg and told him to step out of community in order not to be bully'd by them. Sad, but truth, since we started right away with win in our first clan match + rest of matches.

After that things didnt stop, my nickname was taken, my friends were badly insulted, people though its me, but thing is I didnt like to insult people like ever. I dont think I am better as person than anyone, never did. All escalated as I said in FGS server when people provocated me that I cant beat them so we played game there, and I was doing fine, but then 2 people joined and trolled with my nickname. Owner said he didnt know who was who, what is lie because he did know to setup range ban on Croatian IP?? So they were not banned, but I was and he blocked my countries IP, what probably blocked other Croatians to enter also. That says how much they care about this game. Those 2 were their friends, and they told multiple times that they dont care about Deus Ex, and there are posts that they tried to ruin it in 2-3 weves, but they never did and never will. But they were close.

Sad is that after that they did same in 75 % of servers, chased away over 50 % of people, and I needed 2 months to proof to people (mostly joining at thre same time) and fighting those guys, to proof its not me. First who believed me and exposed all was Karky. She went so far she gave range ban to those people, exposed their nicknames and countries from logs, and told me. Thats why I know which 6-7 people in total wereinvolved in that project. Again, because I am polite I will not repeat who they were anymoe.

I dont say I was not a male sex organ. But if not provoked I won and lost games in peace, many of my gaming pals can confirm that. Ask Die, Karky, Poor or many other people if I ever cursed or trashed in their servers when we played? Never. I only returned to curses and provocations when my pals were insulted or when foreign people trashed on me and my friends.

Sorry to repeat that, but as you can see I dont make up, I constantly repeat same story, because sadly that is how all happened. And that fameous quote, Cheater I see now, is not mine, its from Julian. Also Julian is lot better player you guys think........ In one zero augs fight he killed me 2 times easy, and I asked him, wait bro, you actually kidding whole time? He said yes, killing is so boring, so I just fool around and joking, thats lot better.

Ok, thats what I do know.

Filming: Loilo Game Recorder (I confirm its best, comparing to paid or non paid ones, does on 60 FPS, but you need quad core for that at least and at least 8 GB RAM), because on 8GB RAM and Dual Core, my comp was little too weak.

Since Loilo Scope 2 is trial version (but insanely good), I turned to VSDC. Sadly was not so happy with output and fact that even my quad core has to struggle with cutting and editing video of 6gb (you heard me right), I demo in Mp4....... So after few reviews I switched to ShotCut. And man I am happy with it. Easy and fast editing, and ONLY 30 MP of file after finishing 30 FPS Mp4 output directly for youtube, IS INSANE low MB value, for original one.

I think I found perfect 2 for my needs.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Kaiden wrote:
RodNeySaLaMi wrote:A reload bind? Why would ya need that? Just right click and press 1 quick enough and you do it at the same speed.
Not sure guess it was 1 keybind instead of 2 but mostly redundant yeah.

Most binds are like redundant to me once I can do this:


Don't need no reload bind just timing requipment
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Well Darko if all the times you said this before, this time I read you loud and clear. I wasn't in DX at the time all this happened.

Maybe I'll try that ShotCut
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Its ok, I know you were not around, so normally you could know. But also I do not want to repeat names because most of those people either changed (at least little), or they dont want reminder of those times. So I try to avoid that.

Based on my experience you would love it. My video had 6 GB with MP4 file on around 8 minutes, after editing + entering picture 2 times, video has around 30 MB in size, what is in MP4 seriously low ammount, you would agree (for MP4 file I mean).

In middle of screen you can see preview of match, left you have playlist (near video preview), best is just to drag and drop there, rather than to open manually file by file.

After that just drag from playlist down to bar, but on the left side, there will appear.

Use marker to drag left and right on the track (picture) (video will automatically preview), and then on desired point just press ][ button, its splitter. It will split video on the place of marker. What is best video will connect automatically, so you dont need to worry about gaps. Also you can extend each item left or right, so you dont need to type manually lenght.

Works fast easy and its unlimited, free and open source. I know you could find edit on youtube, but this will save your time.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by anax »

Darko, come back and play on FGS mostly 0augs and join the discord, ur slacking!
AKA Knifeworld on Discord etc. Frozen brains tell no tales!
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I never left Deus Ex, its just I changed job and country for some time (1 month and half so far), so I am not so much on, and little before that I had some preparations for job also + getting in private life shape.

I am now on laptop so I can actually enter FGS, but I would have from laptop change my setup, and that would not be still same, I would need to buy longer cabel + play from table, since in my room right now I cant actually play on 30 % of normal skills, and I am not on 50 % what I was in 2013.

About FGS, probably was a joke since in Croatia, and on my PC, I am banned there. I dont regret that, all know why (because I gave them good reasons for bad, after they banned me for 2 years instead other people who took my nickname). Speakon of that Kojak told me some people use my nickname, since I didnt saw any doing it, yesterday some guy told me he is sometimes doing it. I was like wtf? Could not believe. Just no comment.

Kojak often asked me if I played but I didnt for long time. Mostly I am playing fun servers and Cagematch cause its higher chance someone will come + its best way to play for hours.

Also I saw on Kojak's video more people taking my nickname, including maybe him if that was his video, so nothing positive to say about that. Their shame.

I came in DX server in Kojak's in last 1.5 months only once to test if my game in Dutch working fine, and that was for a few sec. I barelly touched games. Apex is scratched for me, tried to play but nope, so all games are mostly no options for me.

Anyway will come here and then to say hello, gaming hardly, at least till i come home on my PC. On Discord I do come here and then. Anyway people have fun and see you around.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

You mean this video?

Yeah that's me playing. I was just trying to keep DD active and make it look cool in game. And then people starting copying me. It's all good though. Very fun games.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Ye, I am not happy with part where I am doing internet marketing, and updating my sites.I admit, aint happy with that. Need to work a lot on sites, since they looking solid now, but low material on them, whats again shame, considering how much materials I have, including videos etc etc.

Will try during weekends to update forums and sites. Its just harder to motivate yourself while in other country. But will get there. :matrix: :D
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