Hurricane Jane

The time is right for a suicide!
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by synthetic »

Psycho wrote:That's the biggest reaction that I've seen towards Neymar leaving Barcelona.
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by synthetic »

I understand where Dani was coming from, but it was a bit unnecessarily male sex organ move when he could've just passed the responsibility on. With the dead game comes a lot of frustration and disappointment. I hope the new Discord channel will do well. It was quite well organized and had many nice features, bringing together some interesting people, in no small part thanks to Fear actively advertising the channel. Unfortunately from what I can see, the SP and MP communities lack a bigger picture and not much interesting is actually going on, which eventually triggered me to leave, and led our don juan here to his little outburst. Bad publicity for the community, but I doubt about hundred of them even noticed. Might as leave a personal comment to two that shall remain unnamed as well, here: no, empty servers are not actually funny, and if one actually thinks that players don't know what they are doing, then one should never attempt to work in games development, ever. If players are doing something, they have some kind of reason for doing so, likewise if they are *not* doing something. It is very basic.
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Funny how things go,

I am happy that I am not on the Dani list, but if he is honest (I believe he is, at least about that) & he knows very well what he did to me and my friends back then with some people. I respect that he left me out of the list, at least that. But still I wonder Dani why you sometimes behave polite, then suddenly from nowhere this?

Its legit question, not provocation. I saw you (and its not only you who acts like that) and you were fine, then 1 week later, boom. Ok at least you appologized, and admited what you did, and I respect that. Its needed strenght to do that.

But still, I dont understand why you had such desire to ruin this MP, or game or whatever. You know this game will remain as best game of all times, like forever. And actually i o play this game in single player, and I DO CARE if people here develop modes. I will play them. I do work, but I intend to play all MP maps, and all single player modes. And yes I DO CARE about new DX, or new graphic engines, because I want to see all possible modes in this game, all possible graphics and other stuff. But yes I adore this game as it is. As far as I play it, I see impressive things. And no, new games can not compare to DX at all. Try to play it again, you will see fast enough why was/is so special.

So much about that part.

Also second question I dont understand. You said that you did a lot of crap for Phantom. Hm maybe, but I am confused then. You and me both know that you and Anax were tandem who literally had goal to ruin MP in 2012. Am I right? People who abused my nickname and filmed fake movies were you and Anax, right? Most of people know so, despite there were even 3-4 more people who trolled when you guys called for backup. Often even up to 5-6 people. I will not name people because some are maybe shamed of misshits from past, so let it be.

But my next question is: IF you did all what you say for Phantom, IF you trolled with Anax, and if me and B-Dawg beaten you and Fear as most dangerious tandem in that 2012 year, how is possible that you did all that with 3 different people? All 4 of you were aware of eachother, or you did all those things separatelly with them without they knew?

- Because obviously you fought against me and B-Dawg with Fear? Or who that was?

- You trolled with Anax?

- But you also did some craps for Phantom.

All that in 2012. Those were either involved with you, or you kept in secret those 3 things from each of them. Because other guy who played against me and B-Dawg suposed to be Fear. We won 5 of 7 matches. Guys with who you trolled you said was Anax, and well had to be him since all knew that. While also things from Phantom. Weird. I am not sure how you managed to combines those things with 3 different people, in any case, no words.

To put it simple:

1. Why such rage towards this game, of community in general? Some weird desire to ruin MP together with several people who were with you in that plot in past. But for some reason you still have such desire. Why? Honest answer please.

2. Why you are sometimes ok, sometimes you just switch, and then again all crap starts (like when you tried to beat me this year with Bajas, or whoever that was) and insulted me in ZxC server?

3. Were those people in 2012, separated people, or same person? Was guys with who you played against me and B-Dwag Fear? Was guy whose abuses you used (Phantom), I know you told that even then? Was guy with who you massively trolled Anax? Put down glowes man, and say to whole society real truth about dirty wash of some people. At least to me. Do not see why you would not be honest now.

Do not have anything against you much, you did appologized and admited thing, while those who acuse you for many things, never admited what they did, and never said sorry to me. You at least admited, and said what you had. They never said sorry to me. So yes, I respect you for that part if nothing else. But well I dont judge people anyway, so well just want simple answers if possible.

All best.
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

And now message to all rest of you:

1. When I said there are hacks in game you called me delusional, and basically lied about that, put it as secret, but either you knew and lied, or you were wrong. So was I right? I waiting? I was right. So I was not delusional. There were cheats as wallhacks (its not hard to be blind when you hide behind wall) and you watch guy comming to you (despite its no logic to come there) and you watch how he just knows.

2. What about those medkits which some admins and mods abused? Its legendary secret (was secret) until I exposed it on sniperbox in 2015, when I filmed guy how heals on the map with no meds after I shot him 5 times before he put hit back to me. LOL. So was I wrong that some people abused minimtl? No I was not.

3. What about obvious warping of some peope where I told that some people MUST move game over the 60-90 FPS (uncappeed),because they literally warped 2 metters from clear sky when they were heavy damaged. I see one guy calls one "legendary player here" as acused" by Dani, but I know for sure he used that. Because that "legendary" player warped like insane in gampley fights with me, and often raged when he lost. But thats now past I know hes not only one who played over 100 fps.

4. You all acuse Dani, but how much of you (neutral ones) blamed me for things that are obviously truth? I can now say to all neutral ones, I TOLD YOU SO. So? Well let it be I TOLD YOU SO.

5. People like Kai, Anax, Nobody, Chees, Solid, Fear, Sinthetic, Machete & Carlos, seriously, you blame Dani, and insult him. Tell me one thing, he admited abuses, when you guys will admit your part? At least he burried his dirty wear in past, but you guys are not ready to admit what you did. AT ALL. He at least told to me hes sorry or admited what he did. NONE of rest of you admited in here what he did. NONE, except him. When you guys will be ready to admit shits you did? You blamed me for many crap in this game, but lets face it, my only crime was to react towards "mentally bip bip" people with problems who provocated me. I should zip it about cheat, but mostly you did abused. And lets be honest I did beat you all despite all crap you used.

At least he was honest. You are still not. So when you will admit it? I wat? When you will say sorry to me and to all others? And you judge him? Seriously. I dont blame any of you, but stfo about judging other people when you are not man enough to admit your own metabolic end product.
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »


- I appologize if I was serious idiot and if I insulted anyone when I attacked and responsed to people who abused my nickname, and insulted people under my nickname. I hope I have not hurt anyone's feelings, even from those who did metabolic end product to me or my friends.

- I appologize that people should listening about abuses some people use.

THOSE 2 things are for what I must appologize. As for rest of the things, I NEVER, EVER attacked or insulted people, because I am not such person, and, specially I never did things like I AM THE BEST KING OF THE KING thing, except when they invited me to fight with them. That fama is made up by them. I officially appologized for 2 things I had to do.


- Fear, will you finally admit that you were involved with Dani in some MP fights against me in 2012, and that you lost in 5 of 7 matches against me and B-Dawg? Calling me noob, but I was not that one from 2 of us, who lost in 2012 in front of all on Zan-Gogh.

- Sinthetic, you were always loud against me, tell me when you will admit that people Hivemind did had some problems, never liked me anyway, that Leonardo (back then kid) basically had more frags than whole Hivemind on 2 maps? Also admit or not, me and Sev did actually beat 5 of you alone in VoiD's server.

- Machete, oh yea, guys who told I never beaten him, guy who hides real truth how often he lost, guy who refuses to post logs from 2012 when he had server hosted. You crap about me how i lost several matches, but you refuse to publish match with Sretnik (me) where you claimed that you beaten Darko 10:1, while funny I played there and beaten you, Anax & Dani, on my own, alone. Anax -17, Dani -8, you were in -1. So tell me, will you ever admit it what is clearly on this forum. Not to mention our recent fight from 2016, when you and Anax lost both first against me and Phantom, then later I did beaten you and him in next 2 days, even alone. But most important, If I am such noob, will you publish, LIKE EVER scores from 2012, second month, when your server was up? You told me to come there and show how good I am. I PLAYED 5 HOURS EVERY DAY until your server was hosted. I stay behind my words that I played more than 180 games that month, I lost only maybe 5 matches in team (never negative), and only 2 in 1:1 fight (one from Chicken Salsa, and one from Kyle from Alpha team), rest of 170+ matches were all wins. Including legendary where I won against 6 people alone. ut I am tired to repeat that over and over.

- Carlos, you are sometimes good guy, but you do switch mood for no reason. We were actually very good until one guy (in particular) became close to you, funny how you turned on me very fast. Will you finally appologize and admit it was not about me, that you often muted and insulted me, for no reason. Onyl crime I did is to call you to kick or warn Anax when he abused powers in your own server (that you gave him) when he changed my nickname and wrote in front of all dirty messages about me. You said , not my thing? Oh, but was your thing to kick warn and mute me, when I asked to react? Will you also admit that you did messed in your server with confiq of players and was able to bind their key setup for no reason at all? YOu did that to FITSG and me.

- Kai will you finally admit that you messed up with my scores in your server, just be polite and admit it. I even tested it with one guy from R clan and when he killed me I always had 2 deaths. Funny, right?

- Anax, will you appologize for all metabolic end product you did to me, and whole community for every single possible metabolic end product you did in 2012, and after that? For every fake nickname abuse (impersonating), and fake videos you made? Will you also appologize for every admin abuse you made in servers where you kicked me and even banned for no reason? Until AiB or FGS or Hey should unban me, and admit that "someone" abused their trust?

- Chesee, you were good guy once, but will you admit one key role, why a I so hated in this community? Will you finally admit that you banned me and Lucky, instead Dani and Anax, when they took our nicknames? Your defence was, it was not me, I did not know who were right 2. But it was you, and you knew perfectly well that you kicked me and Lucky who were your pals, or at least we believed that we are. And you left in server 2 dudes who insulted under our nicknames all people. Will you finally admit that you started all that metabolic end product, because you allowed them to do crap which they started to do since then in ALL OTHER servers TO ALL OTHER PEOPLE. So yes Cheese, be a man, admit some tiny mistake, which lead to something terrible wrong for sake of this community. Also will you appologize and admit that you abused admin fly god mode to kill me through walls in 2015, in FGS servers?

- And Nobody, against you I cant say much, except, why you do not clean that mess here, and admit that you support such rotten behaviours because most of those are your friends. But thing is that most of THOSE your friends did shitty roles which marked MP of Deus Ex very hard.

Dani admited his mistakes, I did too because I was idiot when I returned insults, but at least I never abused or did dirty things like rest of you. So question is, when you guys will admit what you did? Have fun.
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Oh and I almost forgot, what was that for funny thing to finally unban me in FGS servers, and then 2 hours later boom, banned again lol?

Weird stuff :P
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Happy New Year & Merry Christmas to all (with delay). All best.
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by ~TheClown~ »

I'll keep things short because I'm tired and don't want a whole argument. I wasn't gonna respond at all, but since you called me out by name, here goes.
- Carlos, you are sometimes good guy, but you do switch mood for no reason. We were actually very good until one guy (in particular) became close to you, funny how you turned on me very fast. Will you finally appologize and admit it was not about me, that you often muted and insulted me, for no reason. Onyl crime I did is to call you to kick or warn Anax when he abused powers in your own server (that you gave him) when he changed my nickname and wrote in front of all dirty messages about me. You said , not my thing? Oh, but was your thing to kick warn and mute me, when I asked to react? Will you also admit that you did messed in your server with confiq of players and was able to bind their key setup for no reason at all? YOu did that to FITSG and me.
I'll answer this one, since I'm pretty sure Carlos has just quit, he left the discord and haven't seen him around in awhile.
I was there during the time when you were friendly, and I was also there when you turned on him. Everything was nice and friendly until, and i remember the exact map, Die's_Train, we were messing around, and he killed you with cheats on, because we weren't actually playing a serious map, we weren't playing deathmatch, but you thought we were, you started accusing him of cheating and started the insults, and ever since then, the arguing escalated. Then yes, he did mess with you, changing names/key setups etc, but that was only AFTER you started attacking him and accusing him of things. And with Fits, we were nice to him for a long while, but after awhile Carlos did get sick of his negative and condescending attitude towards other people. And in reference to "not my thing", i assume you meant when we said "not my problem", as in, if someone is impersonating you, it's not our problem to deal with them, because frankly, we don't care. We shouldn't have to take control and ban people who you decide should be banned because they troll you. Thats your problem, not ours. Kicking and muting you was because you directly attacked us. The guy trolling you was perfectly polite to us.
- Kai will you finally admit that you messed up with my scores in your server, just be polite and admit it. I even tested it with one guy from R clan and when he killed me I always had 2 deaths. Funny, right?
No. I don't have a mod that allows for that. I can globally set everyones score (admin set playerrelicationinfo score X, effects all, can't target individual), and set MY OWN scores with my RCON mod with admin (mutate rcon.selfset, can't target anyone but myself, and in order to execute on another person, they would also need admin), yes, but that command would be disabled in a combat environment. And considering this test of yours supposedly happened when I wasn't there, I don't see how it was a command that did it. Not to mention I never host combat servers, and when I did, they had all admin commands disabled so people like Deviant and other clan members who had access couldn't abuse them. Possible explanations would be game mode testing (My custom modes mess with scoring systems, and at times did glitch during testing), or other mods that messed with scoring because the server was an RPG server, so scoring wasn't important, or something along those lines.

TL;DR: Mods can mess with scoring, they wouldn't be enable in any situation where scoring mattered for the game, so if you experienced them, it meant you were causing some glitch, or deathmatching in RPG/non-deathmatch game, or unaware of a custom modes scoring system.
As for rest of the things, I NEVER, EVER attacked or insulted people, because I am not such person, and, specially I never did things like I AM THE BEST KING OF THE KING thing, except when they invited me to fight with them. That fama is made up by them. I officially appologized for 2 things I had to do.
Nov 23 22:14:23 <SERVER_Carls> <-(DD->Darko entered the game.
Nov 23 22:14:33 <SERVER_Carls> <-(DD->Darko(9): johhny nice to mieet you
Nov 23 22:14:38 <SERVER_Carls> JohnnySWE(2): tnx
Nov 23 22:14:41 <SERVER_Carls> ~{l7}Th��l�w�~(1): im starting to get a headache now
Nov 23 22:14:44 <SERVER_Carls> <-(DD->Darko(9): kai, carlos, go *love* yourself and heal yourself
Nov 23 22:14:52 <SERVER_Carls> ~{l7}Th��l�w�~(1): the *love* did i do
Nov 23 22:14:54 <SERVER_Carls> <-(DD->Darko(9): search help
Nov 23 22:14:57 <SERVER_Carls> <-(DD->Darko(9): mental issues high
Nov 23 22:15:00 <SERVER_Carls> <-(DD->Darko(9): both of you
Nov 23 22:15:01 <SERVER_Carls> ~{l7}Th��l�w�~(1): im trying to be *loving* nice to you
Nov 23 22:15:04 <SERVER_Carls> <-(DD->Darko(9): and yes, *love* yourself
Nov 23 22:15:08 <SERVER_Carls> A new ban entry has been inserted by ~{l7}Th��l�w�~.
Nov 23 22:15:08 <SERVER_Carls> <-(DD->Darko left the game.
So nice "not attacking us" there. In regards to why people might ban you from FGS server, this is a good hint. I mean, I dont ban anyone, but you made me want to in a minute, that's impressive. And this isnt the only quote i have lol. The log of you threatening to hack us always gives me a chuckle.

I kinda forgot my point here, something along the lines of, this may be why noone believes you anymore. And blah blah it's dinner time. Drats, post dragged on longer than I'd hoped.
Enjoy in have nice day.
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I have not expected that people which are not capable to appologize and admit mistakes, actually appologize.


What you just did, is a proof, that admin, and host owner has ACCESS to logs. So if I lie how dominant I was in 2012 (only guy who could compete and beat Dani and co), when I actually lost only 2 matches whole year 1:1, and probably max 7 combined to team ones, why then Machete does not posts logs from 2012? You logs are proofs, that amind has access to scores and to results, even chat logs. So why people do not post here my biggest wins about which I talk? Because they know its truth. And besides I know how hosting works, to what you have access, etc etc. Had actually one company registered, so well, some experience there too.

Now you see Kai, I didnt expect you would appologize, cause clearly you aint capable to do it. Sadly. But there is tiny problem in your theors, based on your words:

- its fine when MODERATOR that YOU PUT UP, insults people & changes their nicknames, JUST BECAUSE he does not that to you? SERIOUSLY, that is normal?

- But its not normal (based on your words) when I asked to remove his mod, or warn him to stop, and you wonder why I attacked you anax and Carlos when hre insulted my community, impersonated and changed my nickname and crapped on people IN YOUR SERVER? but thats fine cause he did not do it to you? Seriously that your theory? Clap clap, bravo legend. GEM OF THE YEAR!

- Based on my claims to stop him, you muted me EVEN WITHOUT insults, please post here logs from hide and seek (NY generator part of map), so that actually people see hwat your precious moderators did to me, what they wrote about me, my community, how they changed my nickname, and insulted me. BUT WE ALL KNOW thats not your problem, so you muted me when I asked to stop him. BRAVO, CLAP CLAP again.

- And there is one tiny problem in your logging there. Its truth I did attacked you, but you forgot, that we had 1:1 fights in zero augs before that, and Anax LOST. You forgot that part? Or you accidentally forgot that to mention, that every single of you lost, so you guys impersonated me. Not only that, YOUR BOT WAS NAMED IN YOUR SERVER AS <-(DD)-> , with abusive extension!!! That was reason why I entered so mad. HOW I KNOW? Because I saw from multiplayer list on google. I guess you forgot to mention that to people. So you curve the truth as you like. But we both know that you guys first impersonated and lost against me in zero augs, then you had also bot in your own server (what i reported in here), which actually impersonated MY BEHAVIOUR and insulted me when I entered!!! Not only that insulted me, it insulted also OTHER PEOPLE, with my clan marks. And you consider that funny. Pictures are on this same forum.

You curve truth very well, but too bad you cant hide real truth you know. I posted in here in separated topic bot name that you created to impersonate me, and you guys even admited that was created to pretend TO BE ME, so attacked other people. And you think you deserve better than you get? Think again.

I do not know WHAT IS NORMAL IN ENGLAND, but in any other part of the world, on any normal portal, on any cultural place, even forum, moderators must behave. Its not important who they like, or not like, they MUST BEHAVE. While our moderatos had grey past, and even changed nicknames, impersonated, and you had even bot which insuklted me and people when we entered. But lets pretend that you forgot to mention why I entered and said what I did said.

As I said, I appologized that I reacted as I reacted towards people who by the way deserved what they get, but still I was idiot, because I should ignore them (you). You people just do not know better.

Period. Nice try of manipulation, too bad that it didnt worked. Oh by the way, that is log from that map with pool, with secret room where you change songs, and that has tresor. So I dare you to post here also video of whole that conversation + FULL chat log (because that bot attacked me, and you edited that text, but you know that pretty well) + you forgot to post picture here, so that people see what actually happened, and how was NAMED that bot who attacked me, and insulted me, my community, and other present people.

I didnt even expect anything else from you. Ad I said, some people are not capable to admit own mistakes, at least I admited that I was idiot to return insults and to react on provocations at all. But I NEVER started without reason. All know that more than fine. People who got from me what they got, deserved it based on own past.

As it goes from me, I said all what I had. For me is that part closed. I just wonder when rest of you will admit what you guys did actually to MP community of this brilliant game, because you ruined it totally, I will not name but there was 5-10 of you who constantly insulted, or supported most dirty and filthy ways to polute some brilliant game. I dont talk onyl about cheats which you guys supported and neglected despite all of you knew about them, its how you protected impersonators and insulters who pretended to be me, and insulted other people, FULL 2 YEARS you guys constantly chased people with that crap and talked that I do it, while all knew its not me at all. AS I SAID FILTHY, SAD, POLUTED AND MOST PATHETIC what someone can do, and at least 5-10 of you was involved in that pathetic act. So sad. Problem is that those 10 people are not enough man to admit in here what you guys (they) actually did all those years. Dani admited. But rest of you obviously not.

DO not forget, if you guys dont admit, me and you both know that I still beaten your precious pals even in time when they used most posible abuses, I had no binds, no cheats, and guess what I played on 60 fps, and was only who could stop Dani and Fear in 2012. Who else besides me can say he played on honest way all the way since day one. I can say. What you guys did? Tried to ruin my perfect reputation in order to save your poluted. Pathetic.

As I said I dont judge anyone, I admited that I was idiot when i returned insults, and when I responded to such sad acts at all, and I am sorry if I hurt someones feelings or gameplay on any way. I really appologize for all. But at least I know I was always honest, and I had no reason to attack people at all. That is not my stile, Never was. That is fama created by those who impersonated me, and filmed fake videos, but honestly, thats not my problem, and will not appologize for acts of other people. I can only feel sorry for them for such low acts.

When it goes to rest of you, its on you, if you guys are willing to admit own mistakes. But you need to have courage to do it, to risk own reputation. Dani did it. Will rest of you do that. Well, I dont believe. But I dont judge,m maybe you guys admit one day. Who knows, I dont judge, if you guys love the way you do, good.

See you in game people, have fun. All best.
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by ~TheClown~ »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:I have not expected that people which are not capable to appologize and admit mistakes, actually appologize.


What you just did, is a proof, that admin, and host owner has ACCESS to logs. So if I lie how dominant I was in 2012 (only guy who could compete and beat Dani and co), when I actually lost only 2 matches whole year 1:1, and probably max 7 combined to team ones, why then Machete does not posts logs from 2012? You logs are proofs, that amind has access to scores and to results, even chat logs. So why people do not post here my biggest wins about which I talk? Because they know its truth. And besides I know how hosting works, to what you have access, etc etc. Had actually one company registered, so well, some experience there too.
You don't know how my hosting works, obviously. I'll explain.
Those are logs from the publicly accessible IRC chatroom. They can't see any scores or anything, its ONLY the chat from servers using my mod, sent to an IRC chatroom that anyone can view if they're logged on during that time. But I don't have access to logs from 2012 because I was away from the community during those years, and the IRC room was only created in 2016.
Also "how dominant i was" after "i never claim to be better than everyone" lol.
Now you see Kai, I didnt expect you would appologize, cause clearly you aint capable to do it.
Because I didn't and can't mess with your scores. If you don't want to believe that, even with the proof that your own tests apparently gave that it wasn't me, and my explanations as to what may have caused it, well, nothing I can do.
- its fine when MODERATOR that YOU PUT UP, insults people & changes their nicknames, JUST BECAUSE he does not that to you? SERIOUSLY, that is normal?
I've told Carlos off for being nasty to people in the past, I've tried to keep the peace many times, but the people who aliased as you were never admin, because it was usually Dani and his friend, Emily or whatever its name is, and they've never been admin or moderators of my server.
- And there is one tiny problem in your logging there. Its truth I did attacked you, but you forgot, that we had 1:1 fights in zero augs before that, and Anax LOST. You forgot that part? Or you accidentally forgot that to mention, that every single of you lost, so you guys impersonated me. Not only that, YOUR BOT WAS NAMED IN YOUR SERVER AS <-(DD)-> , with abusive extension!!! That was reason why I entered so mad. HOW I KNOW? Because I saw from multiplayer list on google. I guess you forgot to mention that to people. So you curve the truth as you like. But we both know that you guys first impersonated and lost against me in zero augs, then you had also bot in your own server (what i reported in here), which actually impersonated MY BEHAVIOUR and insulted me when I entered!!! Not only that insulted me, it insulted also OTHER PEOPLE, with my clan marks. And you consider that funny. Pictures are on this same forum.
About the 1v1 fight, why would I mention that? Does it matter? Who even cares? The attacks aren't about who's better, never has been. Carlos just doesn't like your attitude, and the fact that you keep bringing up how often you beat people, kinda negates what you said in the previous post about not claiming that your better than everyone, because noone else actually brings it up but you. Your basically saying there, that you "beat us" and that gave you the right to attack us? That doesn't help your argument.
Side note, "you guys impersonate me", wrong. See the above log.
About the bot, yes, I made a bot named after you. I also have a bot named after Carlos, Nax, Dani even has a bot, Fits has a bot, Mango has a bot, It's what I do, it doesn't actually mean anything. No lying or "curving" of truths, because yes, the bot exists, but it doesn't mean anything. The fact that it talks, and also note that the messages it sends are actual quotes you yourself said, is just a joke. Shouldn't really take it seriously. The fact that it references to fact that someone else joins the server with the same name, is a joke, based on things you yourself say. If you didn't like it, you could have just asked nicely to remove it, and I probably would have. But instead, you threatened to hack us, which didn't make me want to remove the bot, it made me want to give it some new quotes. Thats something you maybe don't understand, the way to get things, is to ask, not to threaten to hack us.

You curve truth very well, but too bad you cant hide real truth you know. I posted in here in separated topic bot name that you created to impersonate me, and you guys even admited that was created to pretend TO BE ME, so attacked other people. And you think you deserve better than you get? Think again.
I admit what I can admit. I admit to the bot, but score meddling, no. Your own test with that R member proves that it can't be me, since it happened when I wasnt there. So... yeah. I never impersonated you, Carlos never did, I can print out my IP logs and show any references in my server. It lists Dani, and some guy called NerdyMlner who I'm not even sure who that is, and then alot of your IP's.

I do not know WHAT IS NORMAL IN ENGLAND, but in any other part of the world, on any normal portal, on any cultural place, even forum, moderators must behave. Its not important who they like, or not like, they MUST BEHAVE. While our moderatos had grey past, and even changed nicknames, impersonated, and you had even bot which insuklted me and people when we entered. But lets pretend that you forgot to mention why I entered and said what I did said.
Funny how you always bring country in to it. Since you keep doing that, is racism normal in Croatia? And I already explained the bot, not hiding anything there.

Period. Nice try of manipulation, too bad that it didnt worked. Oh by the way, that is log from that map with pool, with secret room where you change songs, and that has tresor. So I dare you to post here also video of whole that conversation + FULL chat log (because that bot attacked me, and you edited that text, but you know that pretty well) + you forgot to post picture here, so that people see what actually happened, and how was NAMED that bot who attacked me, and insulted me, my community, and other present people.
Here you go: and
For clarity, first log is the one Darko requested, the Darko with the (DD) tag is the real one. -DD- tag is the fake, who I'm not actually sure who that was, but that wasn't my bot, that was another person.
As far as I can see, the log shows someone, not any of us, aliasing as you, yes. But as we were all there with our own names, it couldn't have been us. Right? The log also shows that it was B's server, not mine, or Carlos. We don't have power there to do anything, only he did. The only access I had was because he installed the IRC mod.
And I don't have any videos, because I have better uses of hard drive space than recording videos of arguments.
I didnt even expect anything else from you. Ad I said, some people are not capable to admit own mistakes, at least I admited that I was idiot to return insults and to react on provocations at all. But I NEVER started without reason. All know that more than fine. People who got from me what they got, deserved it based on own past.
Don't you think attacking someone is the wrong way to go about things? Noone should decide what sort of attacks people deserve, thats a bad attitude to have.

As I said I dont judge anyone, I admited that I was idiot when i returned insults, and when I responded to such sad acts at all, and I am sorry if I hurt someones feelings or gameplay on any way. I really appologize for all. But at least I know I was always honest, and I had no reason to attack people at all. That is not my stile, Never was. That is fama created by those who impersonated me, and filmed fake videos, but honestly, thats not my problem, and will not appologize for acts of other people. I can only feel sorry for them for such low acts.

When it goes to rest of you, its on you, if you guys are willing to admit own mistakes. But you need to have courage to do it, to risk own reputation. Dani did it. Will rest of you do that. Well, I dont believe. But I dont judge,m maybe you guys admit one day. Who knows, I dont judge, if you guys love the way you do, good.

See you in game people, have fun. All best.
I don't know any of the bull about fake videos or whatever, that was during the time when I was away. My opinion of you is based only on how you talked to me, and I can safely say they were you, not some impersonator. You know for a fact that I've always tried to be nice, I've tried to talk like grownups, and in return I get told to *love* off, I get your friend Fits trying to crash my server, thats why we banned him many times. And we mute you because you spam the server chat and never had anything nice to say. Ive always tried to explain nicely, that if you'd just be polite and follow the server rules, thered be no need for the mutings.

I'll apologize for the bot, sure. But note, I don't just make bots of you, there is bots of almost everyone here. And so far, noone else complained about theirs. If you had a problem with its coding, you only needed to talk to me about it.

Always fun, I missed our little chats. <3
Have nice enjoys.
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by Fear »

Almost 15 years of DXMP... probably my favourite forum topic of all time.
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by Cozmo »

synthetic wrote:if one actually thinks that players don't know what they are doing, then one should never attempt to work in games development, ever. If players are doing something, they have some kind of reason for doing so, likewise if they are *not* doing something. It is very basic.
If this is directed at me, then I think you've misunderstood what I meant. My little ramble was about player control rather than player choice. Example: I understand why certain maps are popular, and encourage them to be hosted, but enabling the players to vote the same two maps repeatedly will quickly kill the server. Why would anyone ever vote for their third favourite map or worse?

Nobody here is deluded enough to think they know the player's preference better than they do. It's frustrating how you jump to such strange and negative conclusions about others, and it's a shame we've lost your energy for the game itself. Ah well

@Dani - All you managed to do was waste other people's time because of your Napoleon complex. You went from being a somewhat respected person here to just an annoyance. You even used a triggerbot in a dead game to feed your deluded ego :-k strange guy
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »


Thanks for posting, those well thats a start, isnt it? And no it was not referrence to England (have no personal issues against anyone, specially not about someones land, what is holy for every person).
Ok I am happy with answers. But what was main problem? I come and I play in peace and then someone impersonates me, and teases me. Why? Is that nice? We both know I was cool with you. Problem started why some of you (admins) does not protect? You guys could mute him too, or force change his nickname, if you did not had desire to kick him. My problem was why no reactions at all. That is all. Nothing personal, nothing else. For example, Karky had no mercy. First warning then kick, no matter who person was. She did that to me, and to all. Thats the admin spirit, behave of chill :) Thats why people behaved there, and why I personally loved to be in Karky's, and Die's servers.

But if you are realistic now, you can clearly see that I am not such boohoo badass with problematic behavious, and that there was bot, but obviously impersonator who pretended to be me. So its not like I started with no reason, as many people say. Fact is I am not such person. Do I bring up things that I am best. No. Why? Because you and Nicky beaten me in your fun server probably more times than I did you. Karky and Die were apsolutelly best players in their game mode, and I dont even hide. I saw Karky once in zero augs, and she smashed there too. So its not like there are no people that kicked my ass. Also Unknown who I respect too was in better shape in 2015, than I was. I told him that, we talked. Also Fitsg kicked my ass too, during our trainings in ZxC servers. Its not aht I dont loose. All I said was that I was good. How good, not important, I did lost against anyone, but I did beaten too. Let it stay on that. I surelly dont crown myself, nor I have desire. Actually if people beat me, and they are happy, when i see how happy they are, I am happy too. You cant imagine how happy I was when Leonardo kicked my ass and had better score, and he was happy, well that made me happy too. I just love when other people are happy. Thats me, I love when people are happy.

I miss a lot of games too. Latelly I play singleplayer so I am not on multiplayer as much as I have been, but will be around, like always.


I seriously love your work, same as I love unique things from Kai, such and hide and seek. Maybe I am child, but I seriously enjoyed in that gamemode. Specially in that hangar with Boeing (where you conflit Anna Navarre in single player). Also I miss humans vs bots mode from P (i think) from Slovenia, and also Cagematch, or helicopter mode. So yea, you guys should continue work (if you have desire), because trust me, I seriously miss Cozmo maps (all versions), those are my favorite maps, and first map in which I entered at all in MP.

Nice to see all of you in here, and one message:

"If you play this game, and you do not know if there is any other person, believe me there is, its me, I will always play it, whenever I will be in position, I adore this game, I right now playing single player, after that I will pass all modes too".

"If you are programmer and if you worry if anyone will play your mode at all, well trust me, dont worry, send it to me, because I will play it, I will enjoy it, and I DO CARE, i adore all related to Deus Ex, I adore all work you people put in new game modes for this game, and yes, I will play it".

So there are people who care about this game, who still playing it in single player and multiplayer (I do, and will continue), and I have intention to pass every single map and mode you guys have. I dont mind if there is 100 mods, I will play untill I will get old, but I will try to pass them all.

I adore this game, and that will not change. Have fun people and all best.
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by machete »

Psycho wrote:That's the biggest reaction that I've seen towards Neymar leaving Barcelona.
Best post in the thread. =D> :bwahaha:
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Re: Hurricane Jane

Post by TheWolf »

Incorrect inform -- ps -al : attach. Streets clear. No danger.
Ingame: Sev
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