DXHR LiveStream

The time is right for a suicide!
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DXHR LiveStream

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Got an XboxOne cheap and it has Twitch built in. So now I'm playing Human Revolution live in segments. Seems like Twitch streams better than youtube does.

I'ma play thru HR Director's Cut on GMDX difficulty then play thru Mankind Divided.

Smell The Glove

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Re: DXHR LiveStream

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

In this game you play as a robocop detective in a dystopian future. You owe your existence to a biotech corporation whose Research & Development provides cybernetic prosthetics to the human body. At first it was for amputee war veterans, but gradually more athletes & artists began to install them as "body augmentations", enhancing their physical abilities to beyond human peaks, setting records in olympic sports & bringing new capabilities to life in the workforce.

It is becoming near-normalized to recruit laborers into the workforce on the condition they receive body augs in order to work beyond the human limitations. These programs promise to partially cover the cost for the augs in exchange for garnishing wages from augmented workers by working off the debt.

In desperate times, many people trying not to go broke or be left behind by the new breed, get augged to gain employment. But there are many in society who shun the technology and how it has seemed to force itself into nearly every facet of society, shifting the class structure dramatically, and beginning talks over the moral implications of full-body cyberization to transcend the natural human form into something else, a tangential branch of our evolution into something new.

Adam Jensen, is a former SWAT Cpt who became the Head of Security for Sarif Industries (with the help of his ex-girlfriend Megan Reed, one of Sarif's lead researchers). He was jaded, rebellious, yet still dedicated to doing his job well, to protect Megan and the amazing work she was doing. Many at Sarif Industries disliked Adam and thought him unqualified, but in the corporate world they kiss up to him given his position on the company ladder.

On the night of **.**.2027, on a momentous night when Dr. Reed was to present her newest discovery to make physical augmentation a universal technology, no longer dependent on particular blood-type eligibility or dependence on the anti-rejection drug Neuropozyne, before these findings could be brought before a U.N. Summit where it would be determined if the technology would be heavily regulated to slow its development, or made into a nationally subsidized service, a terrorist attack on the Sarif HQ building in Detroit killed the entire research staff, including Megan Reed, and nearly killed Adam as well.

Adam was augmented to save his life, given the most advanced cybermechanical enhancements Sarif Industries has, including tech not yet on the market, top secret. Now Adam owes his life to Sarif, who he was already sworn to protect, but never fully trusted, and even suspected was having an affair with Megan.

As a minion of Sarif, Adam goes forth into the world of corporate espionage and political unrest and economic shock, to become a detective/spy, not only for the private interests of his employer, but for his own need to get justice for himself and for Megan, and to find the truth behind the mystery of the attack, and unravel a deeper conspiracy.

Smell The Glove

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