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Last requests for mapping/Moving to Single Player

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 28 Feb 2006, 21:07

Last requests for mapping/Moving to Single Player - Postby ShadowRunner » 20 Mar 2008, 10:38

EDIT: I have decided to stop 95% of mapping for MP.

I begin work on "DEUS EX - THE DAY AFTER" a DXSG single player game.

There are enough good DXMP maps I think...
I have the following maps to finish...

DXSG_CMD_TheDayAfter - 80% done...
DXMP_Adrenalina - this is [REN]Chaos' map idea I'm adding Crowind brushes to.
DXMP_ReturnToLandernau - this is Mainman's map I will finish
DXMP_Cathedral_TheDayAfter - no plans for a SG version.
DXMP_WhereEaglesDare - The german castle from the film...
DXMP_Tobruk -
EDIT: DXMP_RootftopRebellion this is version 2 of Ketchup's classic map, featuring Ketchup himself on the billboards lol...

Most of these maps are actually finished, just not tidied up and released.

If you have any ideas or requests for maps, let me know and I'll add to the list...

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