RCON Release

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RCON Release

Post by ~TheClown~ »

Hi guys, I hope this is useful for someone. I've been scripting this over the last 4 months, and testing every version of it on my Battleground server.
Name and some of the commands ideas based off of Quake engine admin.

Download: Via rcon.deus-ex.co.uk (Autoupdating link every time a new version is uploaded)

EDIT: Version 6.9 update:
Coding optimizations, new commands, etc etc

Basically, this mutator gives a metric buttload of administrator commands, and a couple optional modules.

  • Warnings - Warn players in-game, with a message explaining why, after a customizable amount of warnings, either kicks or bans a player.
  • Fast gametype switching - Store an array of gametypes that you wish to play, and with one command, change between them all. Default has MTLTeam, MTLDeathmatch and MTLAdvTeam
  • Player-activated Kick voting - Any player can request a kickvote against an annoying player, and if enough other players vote yes, the player is kicked! Useful for self-administration if admins are inactive.
  • Player-activate Map voting - Like kickvoting, but allows players to agree to skip to another map!
  • Private messaging functions - Includes a one-to-one private messaging, and also features an Admin Chat, players can send hidden messages to all online admins, and admins can share messages among themself privately.
  • Silent admin functions- Includes silent AdminLogin, silent summoning, and adding items directly in to players inventory. Just if you want to meddle with stuff aliased, and rule the server with a silent iron fist.
  • Theres many many other commands, listed in the Readme file.
  • Other modules include Nameguard, a system to link name to IP addresses, for protecting your name against theft, also includes a function to auto-admin players if allowed in the array.
  • And a small little bonus is a Nephthys proxy extension, which at the moment, all it does is display a broadcasted message when a player BEGINS to connect to a server, e.g. before the downloading process.
It should be mostly bug-free, theres no game-breaking bugs for sure as its been hosted on my server, but if anything does come up, or you just have any suggestion for improvements or new features, feel free to let me know.
Spoiler: Full Readme
RCON 6.7
By Kai - made in 2014-2015
Gives advanced unreal/quake admin commands.

Add the following line to DeusEx.ini in the serverpackages section.

Initial Setup========================================================
In RCON.ini, the settings are stored; heres a rundown of what each means.

RCONPassword=DEFAULT //This is what you'll use to login to admin with the RCON.Login command, a silent admin-login
MaxWarns=3 //How many warnings a player can get from the Warn command before being removed from play
bWarnBans=False //Does the system ban the player after warnings?
bDebugSaveConfig=False //For debugging, if the Rename command malfunctions.
VoteLength=15 //How long each vote stays active for before ending itself if unresolved.
RGameTypes[0]=DXMTL152b1.MTLDeathMatch //used for the Gametype changing command

The Admins, Names,and IP's lines should not be edited manually unless you know what your doing.
bForceAdminSkin=True //Does the system give the player the custom Admin-only skin once auto-logged in
AAmsg=is a server manager. //The message that is displayed when the system recognized an auto-admin login.
ResetName=Name Stealer //The name given to players who've had their name reset, if they have used a name they arent allowed.
bBroadcast=True //Do we broadcast the auto-admins.

bBroadcastPreLogin=True //Do we broadcast the message when the player first initiates connection, before downloading etc.
PreLoginBroadcast=|P4A new player is joining the server! //The message that is displayed.

bRCONMutator=True //Do we initialize each module at startup. RCONMutator refers to the admin commands
bNameguard=True //Nameguard refers to the auto-admin and name protection
bNPTProxy=True //Proxy refers to the pre-login broadcasts. Still requires bUscriptAPI to be True in Nephthys.ini


Registers your CURRENT name and IP address for name protection, e.g. noone else will be able to use your current name

Same as register, but for admins,enables the auto-admin feature

Register.check <slot>
Checks the details of X slot

Register.delete <slot>
Deletes the details from slot X

Mutate RCON.*

Warn/Unwarn <player ID> <Reason>
Adds or removes warnings for players, given a reason to be displayed in the message.

Removes ALL warnings.

Login <RCON Password>
Uses your set password from RCON.INI to silently login as admin,basically

Silently disables your admin

Remote <ID> <Command>
Sends a command to player

Give <FULL Item Class name>
Adds item to your inventory. Requires FULL class name, e.g. for Assault rifle, you'd enter DeusEx.WeaponAssaultgun

GiveTo <Player's ID> <Full item class name>
Same as above, but gives to another player.

Teleports to where your crosshair is aiming

Rename <ID> <New Name>
Renames a player. Accepts colour codes.

NameColour <Colour Code>
Change your name colour, entering multiple times if your name is already coloured may break the name display.

Gametype <Array number>
Changes the gametype, the Array number refers to the number in the lines set in the .ini file RGametypes list.

GametypeCheck <Array number>
Tells you what is currently listed in the gametypes array.

VoteKick <Player ID>
Votes to kick a player

VoteMap <Map File Name>
Votes to change map

Admin-Only- forces an end to any current vote.

Freeze <ID>
Locks a players movement.

Tell <ID> <Message>
Sends a private message to player

DXMP <Property & Value>
Quite advanced, can break things if entered incorrectly
Will set the Value of entered Property, e.g. DXMP ScoreToWin 13 will set the score to win to 13 minutes or frags

VCon <frags/time/none>
Changes victorycondition

Con <console command>
Inputs a server console command

Gotoplayer <ID>
Teleports to a player

Bringplayer <ID>
Brings a player to you

Inputs a message to all players local log

Drug <ID> <Value>
Drugs target player

Chat <Message string>
Sends a message to the Admin team chat, can only be read be admins, but can be sent by any player.

Create <Class name>
Spawns a class silently, requires FULL package name, E.I. Medkits would be DeusEx.Medkit

Smite <ID> <amount>
Hits a player for X amount (1000 or below)

Heal <ID>
Heals a player to full

Switch <ID>
Switches players team

ShowIP <ID>
Shows a players IP

Client messages list of these commands

Rocket <ID>
Shoots a player in to the sky.

BanIP <IP String>
Bans inputted IP

Broadcasts your ping

Shows current gamepassword

Pass <string>
Sets a password to the game

Mutate Skin.*


Next version?=========================================
No more ideas yet, if you have any, suggest them!

Coded entirely by Kai AKA TheClown
Ideas suggested by Deviant
Name recognition system made with help from JimBowen
Nephthys API by Zora and WingedUnicorn

My contacts===========================================
Skype: Theclown@gmx.com
Last edited by ~TheClown~ on 29 Apr 2015, 17:06, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: RCON Release

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Battleground server tonight was fun and had great battles. Ya never know the outcome of scores with everyone for them self. Can you do a team mode for this? if not it's great and addictive dx game play
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