My Review

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My Review

Post by ~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~ »

The game reminds me of a weird mixture of Quake3, Counter Strike and War Rock.
Quake3 because of the movement speed and jumps, Counter Strike because of the strenght and accuracy of weapons, War Rock because of the F2P feeling and importance of reloading. (I'll explain that later)
I'll be talking about the DeathMatch mode of the game now.


I liked it, definitely better than the other Free2Play game I played War Rock because you can choose whatever weapon you want, you can have a strong primary weapon, a secondary weapon which can be either an auto shotgun, an MP5k or an UMP, and one side arm which is either beretta or desert eagle. There are two kinds of grenades; HE and Smoke and of course you have the combat knife (which I didn't use much due to the amount of weapons I had anyway). You can choose different items, I don't remember them all but I'll mention some: Kevlar, Helmet, Medkit, Silencer, Laser sight. All of them are useful but you can only have two of these in the same time.

Strenght vs. Agility vs. Accuracy

All weapons have their good sides and bad sides. Let's take G36 for example. G36 is a scoped half-auto gun with a magazine of 30 bullets. It's strenght is not as good as the AK-47's or M4A1's, however it's accuracy is probably the best of all machine guns. Scope helps a lot when fighting long range but when it comes to close range, your accuracy becomes extremely important to survive. Most guns are the same weight but there are some heavy machine guns with huge magazines but due to the fast gameplay, I wouldn't recommend them for constant using.

Reloading and Ammo

Very important and it gives a game an important good side.
You have to decide carefully when to reload because in DeathMatch you can be killed easily while reloading. With average machine guns you only have 3 magazines, all clips have 30 bullets. If you shoot 7 bullets and you have 23 more in your magazine and you decide to reload, you lose all the remaining bullets and load a second clip. This means you will only have 60 more bullets however you shot only 7. Reload only when you feel safe, if you run out of ammo, swap for another gun from your inventory. Side arms might look useless but they aren't. In fact they are pretty strong and fast. Beretta saved my ass plenty of times.


Doesn't matter wether the players are skilled or not, in DeathMatch it's very hard to get not only positive scores but a fair kill death ratio. I played 3 games in a row and I always had the same rate. I don't know if there's a hotkey to make screenshots and save them somewhere in the Urban Terror folder so I tried print screen button. Of course it only saved the last game's scores, so I used Paint to save it.


Most maps have both outdoor both indoor areas which makes the game balanced. Maps I played were detailed and bug free.


Very important even though the guns are strong so you don't have to be shooting much to kill someone however you should always aim on the head. You can wall-jump (jump at wall, press jump button again and you jump off the wall in the same degree as you arrived there), you can powerslide (jump and when reaching the ground you hold crouch button which makes a fast slide effect, not as useful as sounds like but it looks good and is fun to do), you can sprint (not too useful either as you run fast enough anyway). If you combine these things smartly then you become a deadly ninja but unfortunately there's always someone else behind your back.


Very bad in DeathMatches. The spawn points are placed too close to eachother and wether you die or not depends on how fast you get sight of the enemy who's aiming at you already, and can shoot him then prevent bleeding out.

Bleeding out

If you receive lots of bullets on the same part of your body, it will start bleeding. You can prevent bleeding by using Bandages which are unlimited to use. It won't give you more HP but will stop the bleeding thus losing HP over time. While using bandages, you are extremely vulnerable to the enemy because you become unable to use your weapons. When using bandages, try to make sure you are safe. You can't always stop bleeding on DeathMatches because you are being shot all the time and if not, someone will spawn some meters behind you anyway. You can't be careful enough.

Tutorial Demo

The game creators made a short tutorial on how to use your enviroment and weapons. Worth watching.


Players don't talk much besides mentioning spawnkills or nice shootings. In the end they say GG though. I'm not sure wether some players were beginners or noobs but the average skill was lower than I expected.

Cheaters and PunkBuster

If there were cheaters in this game, fortunately I didn't notice. PunkBuster is turned off by default so it shouldn't be too hard to cheat and it can't be turned on anyway if you don't have some Quake3 related ID or something like that. I'd rather ask Kothar or Kuchcik about cheaters as they have more in game experience than me.


I had bad pings everywhere but that wasn't the fault of servers but my internet's. The good pings were around 30-60, I had 180-220. However my ping didn't effect my in game performance too much besides having some bad packet losses sometimes. When lagging, you don't have to shoot a meter away from your target to actually hit him/her. Luckily.


I run the game on 1280x960, medium graphics. You can set up a lot of things related to graphics in the options, it would take long to tell about them all, there are some pretty useful things. The graphics are nice, if you saw the video in the other topic, you won't need this explained.

Over all

The game must be addictive and I personally like it already aswell. The game is balanced if we don't mention the bad spawns on deathmatches. I understand those who don't bother much with DX when there are some very good Free2Play games out there with better graphics and physics than DX has. I recommend this game to those who like tactical shooters like Counter Strike or War Rock.
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Post by chin.democ. »

Is it one of these "whoever shoots first wins" type of game?
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Post by ~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~ »

Ahm I wouldn't say that as evasion makes a lot of sense in this game. I was only talking about deathmatches, unsure about other gametypes.
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Post by Skilgannon »

CTF FTW!!! :D My fave gametype in any game....
* Since when were you the one in control?
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Post by Kuchcik »

Deathmatch is rarely played, this game is best at CTF, BombMode and Team Survivor. Team Deathmatch is a noobish mess 90% of the time.

Bomb mode is the uberpwnage if you aren't playing with noobs.

If you are looking for skilled players, go to any Team Survivor server or some CTF servers.
You can choose different items, I don't remember them all but I'll mention some: Kevlar, Helmet, Medkit, Silencer, Laser sight. All of them are useful but you can only have two of these in the same time.
Max amount of items you can carry depends on amount of guns/nades you carry.

Primary+sidearm (minimum loadout) + 3 ITEMS
Primary+sidearm+grenades + 2 ITEMS
Primary+secondary+sidearm + 2 ITEMS
Primary+secondary+grenades+sidearm (max loadout) + 1 ITEM

All items in the game are: Kevlar, Helmet, Silencer, Laser, Tac Goggles, Medkit, Bonus ammo pack.
Is it one of these "whoever shoots first wins" type of game?
it's all about skill, you can always run away and hide, but ofc a headshot from any weapon is leathal if you don't have a helmet.

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Post by Kothar »

I have only seen one player cheat and it was on a noob server so no one noticed until I tried to kill him and after i shot him in the head with an SR8 and he didn't die I just left. cheating isn't a real problem in this game so I wouldn't worry about it.

as far as skill, yes there is skill and strategy involved, its similar to in DX go out in the open and your very vulnerable, always keep moving if you camp you will get killed.

and does the first to shoot always win? in most cases yes because the first to shoot is behind you or sniping, but in 1v1 kind of fights if you both saw each other at the same time depending on your weapons and how prepared you are you both have an equal chance. also if you can quickly get to cover then you have a good chance to win.

and one question I have never figured out how a medkit works does it heal you when you bandage or can you only heal others or what?
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Post by ~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~ »

Medkits make bandaging more effective on team mates.
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Post by Kuchcik »

I have never figured out how a medkit works does it heal you when you bandage or can you only heal others or what?
it speeds up your bandaging and allows you to heal others fast and up to 90%.

Without it, you can heal others slow up to 50%
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Post by Kothar »

how does one heal others?
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Post by ~[FGS]SaSQuATcH~ »

You approach your team mate, stand still to him and keep pressing Bandage button.
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Post by ~[FGS]Próphèt~ »

Kothar wrote:as far as skill, yes there is skill and strategy involved, its similar to in DX ... if you camp you will get killed.
in DX you can camp without being killed...
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Post by Skilgannon »

Yes, we know. It's usually you. :D :P
* Since when were you the one in control?
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Post by sniper »

Actually it looks like XIII
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Post by Kuchcik »

not really, graphical style is different.

XIII is an awsome game tho.
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Post by Skilgannon »

Hmmm, XIII. GRRRRR!!! My dad went and sold that before I could play through it. illegitimate child. :evil: :mad:
* Since when were you the one in control?
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