No Time For A Workout? Here Some Helpful Tips

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No Time For A Workout? Here Some Helpful Tips

Post by seltzerchuck »

When it comes to losing weight, most of us are reluctant to put this into one of our must do lists. We don't look at losing weight as a priority due to our work week being so stressful and hectic and our jobs are heavily involved with our daily routines as well. Trying to find time to make the true effort to lose weight and gain a healthier lifestyle should be a daily goal. When we put off taking care our body's, we end up disliking what we see come a few weeks later.

One of the biggest issues I believe we have today is how we don't think about what we are doing to our body during the day. We are usually so hung up on work and getting in and out for lunch that we look for the quickest way to grab a meal through fast food restaurants and continue on with our day. All our efforts are always geared to something else due to the lack of time we feel like we have in a day.

Here are some excellent ways to incoportate weight loss exercises that will show results quickly.

I'm not sure if you have ever heard of high intense interval training which is also known as HIIT. If you haven't let me just say that this kind of cardio exercise is by far the best when it comes to sparing time and gaining the most out of your exercise. HIIT is based on intervals, where you will be using different interval speeds from high, medium and low while keeping the rest time to a very minimum. It works twice as better than your traditional cardio workouts with burning fat and losing weight.

So the target goal is going to be about 15-20 minutes of HIIT training. You will only be needing 15-20 minutes because this training is highly intense and will leave you exhausted by the end of the session. Here's what this this kind of training looks like, you will warm up with stretches or jumping jacks, something to get the blood flowing, then based on the cardio exercise you choose, start off slow for 20 seconds, take a 15 second break, increase to full speed for 15 seconds, 15 second break, then go back to a slow pace for 20 seconds, 15 second break and then to a medium intensity level for 15 seconds and a 15 second break. You will do this for 15-20 minutes 3 times a week.

One of the better cardio workouts that go really well with HIIT training is jump roping. You can work on your upper and lower body through jump roping and the calories you can burn are much higher than your traditional jogs and walks at the park. It is very effective in helping lose weight and burn off fat.

An exercise, or sport which already includes HIIT style of training is tennis. This is probably the most effective way to lose weight and burn fat. Tennis has shown to burn about 900 calories with in a 2 hour period. If you can manage at least 30 minutes of tennis 2-3 times a week you will notice big differences in your weight and fat percentage. It's by far one of the best cardio workouts you can do.
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Re: No Time For A Workout? Here Some Helpful Tips

Post by ~DJ~ »

can u tell my mate about the butt exercises? his email is

pls he needs
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Re: No Time For A Workout? Here Some Helpful Tips

Post by ShadowRunner »

The borg is active I see. Resistance is futile. These droids will rule the universe one day.

4 paragraphs to tell me that Tennis is good for you.
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