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My offer to DejaVu...The 10 DX commandments...

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 28 Feb 2006, 21:07

My offer to DejaVu...The 10 DX commandments... - Postby ShadowRunner » 16 Dec 2006, 22:41

This is a proposal to DejaVu...

1. Auggers play on Augged servers in peace
2. 0-auggers play on non-aug servers in peace
3. DXAG and DXSG fans play in peace.
4. RPG City fans play in peace.
4. Deja's attacks stop.
5. Any attacks on Deja or Auggers stop.
6. If a new player exists/joins DX, 0-auggers and 0-aug admins and Auggers and Aug admins WORK TOGETHER to promote Augs as the higher level, the more exciting challenge, the more difficult advanced game.
7. Auggers refrain from spwnkilling and unnecessary/dishonourable killing of noobs and new players, making the Augged game a little more worth it.
8. Deja and followers also ENCOURAGE new players to take up augs by demonstrating that Aug players are LESS NOOB, by acting less noob.
9. Augs are promoted as a more skillful challenge, make it a challenge, not forced play...
10. All of us do what ever we can in our power, peacefully and respectfully to ensure Augs is as attractive to new players as 0-augs is.

Finally, we all play in peace and enjoy the variety on offer.

Basic and ATDM co-exist and there is no reason why the 0-aug and Augs can't...

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 17 Dec 2005, 21:06
 Derby, England

- Postby Jon » 17 Dec 2006, 12:26

DejaVu cares nothing to 0-Augs. If you didn't notice, hes done this to prevent new players from playing 0-augs; hes trying to kill off 0-augs altogether.


Posts: 122
 10 Apr 2006, 13:43

- Postby DejaVu » 17 Dec 2006, 15:45

shadowrunner, you have to understand, that in the past, when only aug servers were up, and newbies started to play, they didnt just leave the game cos their ass was owned.

there are 2 types of players in general: players that play the game without using their brain much, and players that like to play games where they HAVE to use brains. dxmp was originally for second type. producers make games for first type of players, as there are more of them as type 2. when 0aug was born, players of type 1 started joining dxmp and this is the condition we see now, a lot of players type 1, dont wanna play augs as they have to use their brains to get some kills. i figured this out why trying to bring some of my mates to the game. teaching them augs first, playing some days, then they found one 0aug server and most of them liked it more. why? they told me, its just to kill, nothing to think about. they wanted to play game where you dont have to think much. and now? not a single one of them plays dx anymore. (i got them all off cod/cod2 btw). if i was them, i would do the same, who cares about the game, that has nothing good, but lag, high ping and bugs? another thing ive noticed is that higher IQ player has, theres more chance he will like augs as of its complexity and challenge (another mate, that is very good at math and physics, still plays dxmp - but he doesnt play 0aug of course).

shadowrunner, there are hundreds of new players per month, trying out dxmp, MANY of them just check it out and after seeing 0aug or some *loving* laggy rpgs server with 1000 ping, they never try dxmp anymore.

now you gonna ask me, why some players (current 0auggers) joined dxmp anyway? most of them - it was their first mp game. personally, i dont know any 0augger, that started with cs, turned to be one of the bests there, played Euro Cups then finished cs and went to dx to play 0aug. but if we talk about augs, then you have to think about following fact: elmerfudd TCNdk - adam (i forgot his other names) -> after he left ghost (dxmp) (augs of course) he started to play mohaa with ghost, then he choosed his own way in cod scene. i met him there when playing with top euro clans and shortly after that he played NC for UK and then become one of the best players in euro and played for best euro clans, also wining money for playing. if you dont believe me, go check (search for nickname Yekoms).

this is one case that is known to me. now how many of other ex- augged players had/have so briliant gaming future after ending dxmp? i think many more for whose i dont know. im sure there are some americans i never knew very well.

and for example, take a look at messiah. he has talent rarely anyone gets on this planet. he could become the best player in any game. dxmp (augs) is some sort of a gaming test. you can see if your over gaming talent is good or bad. if you can handle augs good, can keep the streak when playing against good players, then you can get very very good at any other game.

when 0aug evolved, dxmp turned into n00bfest. and with godz server even more. and most current players that are against me didnt start playing dxmp in year 2001 or 2002, they started in late years when 0aug/godz was the only gametype to play. no wonder they are against me, ive taken them away for what they started to play dxmp in the first place.

most auggers in the past left cos of disrupted players-harmony. its simple. every good non laggy server in 2001, 2002 contained good, average and bad (mostly new players). good were killing all, average were able to kill average and bad and here and there a good player, bad players were able to kill only bad players, and here and there average one. new players saw the glory of good ones, how could they handle 4 players going on one good and he would kill all 4 in just few seconds. new players wanted to have such power, so they trained (i was one of them). but when 0augs evolved, new players got easy job there, as they were able to kill more other players, and what happened on augged server is disrupted players-harmy - lack of one layer of players - bad ones and then even average. and this caused 2 things:
- overall lack of players in augging
- any bad (new) player joining augged server would get owned by good players as he would be almost the only bad one

now if you dont understand what im saying you are a *loving* moron, cos its so simple. 0aug killed augs. thats a fact. and i didnt see any 0augger saying: aug is better to play. so theres no chance 0auggers would promote augs. shadowrunner, i dont know how old are you, but i doubt you are old enough to understand certain things and how human physiology works. if you did, you would know in forward that your proposal is impossible to ever works.

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 28 Feb 2006, 21:07

- Postby ShadowRunner » 17 Dec 2006, 21:20

i doubt you are old enough to understand certain things and how human physiology works. if you did, you would know in forward that your proposal is impossible to ever works.

And you are old enough to realize that nothing in life is achieved without negotiation...

by your methods, you may well be killing augs yourself...

EDIT: I really aprreciate you taking the time to fill me in on the last five years and explain things, AND I agree totally that augs is a game which should not be killed off and I agree totally that servers which lag should be high up on the list while better servers lag etc...

BUT... think harder about the case of my gf and e.g 2 million CS players in China who could easily be attracted to DX... An aug game is too intimidating...

Take FGS for example. I think most new players share my experience. When I started GODZ was populated and there were a bunch of empty servers playing smuggler. After letting my team down all day and getting 0.20 or 5.20, enough was enough and wanted to see FGS erver, where things were more chilled, no verbal abuse, maps I had never seen in my 5 years on SP... EVen if you can not agree with me, sooner or later you are gonna have to try harder to make better aug servers.

Consider this. In Tom Clancy MP games like Rainbow Six, you can not communicate with the enemy team. Spwnkilling is reserved to spwnkilling servers. It is impossible e.g. for Sike to call the enemy a noob, or the enemy to call Sike a noob in Xbox gaming. If I were a parent I'd rather my kid played Xbox than went on augged DX servers and received NOTHING but humiliation until they could actually kill someone. Why don't you have Aug training servers Deja, where the best auggers donate time to demonstrate the effects of skill/aug combinations etc? By just destroying other people's enterprises and not getting off your ass yourself to improve the aug game, you lose my support.

If you kill off FGS and custom map servers and only present ONE product to the gaming world. I guarantee you from my 38 years experience of life that you are making a fool of yourself in a very big way and shooting yourself in the foot. I agree the 10 commandments are imossible to put into practice, but they should exist and be observed, as IRL.

To stop new players from checking in and checking out every month you have to:

1 offer a variety
2 Bring to the front, those elements of DX which won GOTY awards... which were:

A Free-Roaming
B Augs
C Non-Lethal play

AND then show off the SDK and the best of the SDK usage such as DXSG, DXAG, present as many aug types as possible.

Do I need to tell you the rest, I don't think so...something for everyone. Your arguments are impressive, but by themselves they fall down... FGS is something that always stopped crushed noobs from running away from DX. I'm not a *loving* moron, Deja, you know that, my IQ is higher than most and my brain is often off and away on tangents and intuitive, but these words of mine come from business experience and basic business which you auggers haven't learned. Quit verbal abuse in-game, offer more than product to stay alive and show new players what is exceptional about DX, medbots, repairbots etc...DXSG.

most auggers in the past left cos of disrupted players-harmony

So why are noobs like spaz and sike spwnkilling and cloaking and LAWing and plasma-ing people with no aug experience and then calling it skill?

It is good that you and I have discussed this. If you bring back FGS and leave us in peace, I guarantee you new players... now that I have learned something from you.

Perhaps you didn't realize, but I have often raised the issue with GODZ and DXMS that their style of 0-aug small action maps, remove much of what is great about DX in comparison to CS and Rainbow 6. I prefer to see something like Proteus, if it has to be small, it needs to have maximum interactivity, or Mantra maps or DXSG maps, stocks maps etc... DX without planting nades, turrets, bots, computers, actors, augs etc will die...

It is irrelevant to 0-augs... if you got your act together and made better 0-aug servers you wouldn't need to attack 0-augs. 0-augs would die by itself...


Posts: 390
 28 Jul 2006, 02:11

- Postby Sike » 22 Dec 2006, 13:25

"So why are noobs like spaz and sike spwnkilling and cloaking and LAWing and plasma-ing people with no aug experience and then calling it skill?"

ShadowRunner, there is no such thing as spawnkill. I wonder why u call me and spaz a noob when we have alot more experience than u on DX. I rarely use LAW and I don't use plasma against some random aug beginners.

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 28 Feb 2006, 21:07

- Postby ShadowRunner » 22 Dec 2006, 15:28



Posts: 390
 28 Jul 2006, 02:11

- Postby Sike » 22 Dec 2006, 23:09

Do u have any proof?

"ppl as good as spaz" I don't think so. Look at ur post... and if u try to edit it I have a screenshot.

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 06 Apr 2006, 09:54

- Postby Elemental » 23 Dec 2006, 11:11

Dejavu, I have one thing to say to you. You are just like Hitler.. just in virtual form. You have taken dx and turned it into your sick tyranny. you have no control over who plays what kind of game style. you auggers think your so freaking good, and you non auggers aren't much better. I say both sides need to shut the heck up and ignore the other side. By forcing people to play augs, you think that mappers will be forced to change their mapping styles. Any mapper with a brain will map the way they always have. As for me, i'm not giving into you and your gang of Nazi's.

Legion says:
*Or if you prefer gaming lingo: Don't lie to me, or The admin will open a can of maximum ownage on your happy ass lol
Re: [B] clan member dissing us - New postby SPAZ ROFELZ
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 28 Feb 2006, 21:07

- Postby ShadowRunner » 28 Dec 2006, 23:29

Actually, Hitler wanted peace with Britain? But Britain were the stubborn assholes and honoured treaties with Poland and Belgium and don't forget Hitler was better than DejaVu, at least Hitler did try to negotiate after WW2 started...Deja and Sike are forgetting to be champions for the community and that is why they suk at the moment...and why Nobody and Icho and Jon and Sanct do not suk or smell like you two do...

Elemental - you mean you haven't seen the pictures of DejaVu as Hitler on A?

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 13 Aug 2005, 13:52

- Postby Daedalus » 30 Jan 2007, 17:27

and i didnt see any 0augger saying: aug is better to play

blind man, are you

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 06 Jan 2006, 17:12

d - Postby }{JACK}{ » 14 Feb 2007, 12:07

DV ,sike you call us n00bs for liking non augs you say you want peace but youve took down a whole community do you two seriously have lives or if you do which i doubt is it really worth living you may have the honour of be the first person for me to feel to deserve to rot in hell.

nobody ever dies a virgin life screws all

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