Undead Revolution

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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by anax »

I'm with Hey on that, great idea, at this point i'm in a better mood than yesterday and honestly i'd play it even just to keep in touch with something of the DXMP experience.
Plus there's probably a very small chance it might get those people interested in dxmp. So on that note i say go right ahead.
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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by ShadowRunner »

Cozmo wrote:The Gamespy issue kind of screwed with this mod. There's nobody left in the current game to play this (looking back, I doubt most would have even give it a chance) and naturally getting new players is literally impossible, which is largely what this mod was purposed for. Don't get me wrong; I am 100% willing to complete the code for this if it gets mapped, but I'm not sure it's worth a mapper's time anymore

basically: I'm in no position to map this, but I'm willing to do everything else for mappers if they'd like to build some city. I can't recommend it though

Edit: Btw sorry Chees for being offline for so long without a word, my IRL situation is terrible
If you don't mind, a Paris Cozmo 4 was on the cards, literally a copy/paste of the Cozmo 2 assets into the big Paris map and then I would have passed this to you. The map needed a few more interiors than it currently has, but otherwise was a huge city already, the only thing is that the gangs are chinatown gangs so would be a bit odd. The Paris map has been modified to improve the fps dip in the middle, the central area is now two areas.

I think also the SP Hong Kong maps spliced together could be something worth marketing as a Cozmo City, people could play it in SP/LAN and I think people would enjoy the chinatown gang war. It's all set up, lots of market shops and interiors, ready to go, it's just getting the whole city to fit, which I think it doesn't. But that could be quick and relatively painless RPG city, which fans of Deus Ex would recognize and be interested to play. The map and conversation with gang leader could constantly advertise DXMP servers too.

The WW2 thing is constant battle, so I might host that for a while these RPGs take longer. I am not sure of the whereabouts of Poor and his interest in continuing, but I have two versions of Hengsha, not sure if I am able to host either without him, but I can try before Christmas, maybe next month.

It would be great to see UR finished in future, I like the map so far, spooky, detailed and it was fun to see a European location.
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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by Poor »

Hi Rollo. Like some others, I lost interest. With the shutdown of GameSpy, the servers are always empty. Aside from that, I don't have much time for playing games or modding because I work a lot. I finally got a decent gaming rig so when I do have time to play, I'm not limited to 10+ year old games. I do feel very guilty for just disappearing though. I'm an ass and now it's too late to fix it. I don't understand how you can be so eager to host mods for a dead game but I'm willing to pay for a game server for a few months. You can use it for whatever you want and I'll provide technical support.

As for Hengsha, I do have vehicles, shops, and Prototype's stuff working but I'm no longer interested in missions/faction stuff. I take it you are having trouble hosting because your map is partially corrupt, like the last map you sent me. I know how to fix it though.
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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by ShadowRunner »

Totally disagree. You shouldn't feel guilty, there is no point to be constructive in the middle of such a destructive atmosphere, no-one was giving you any reason to go the extra mile on top of the extra miles already trodden. You banged out 3 great mods which were popular and introduced new aspects of gameplay, lots to be proud of. It's good news to know though, that I can holler for help when trying to host, so probably I will do the minimum of work, finish the map to a vehicle-friendly version and we call it a day, host for a while. At least it would be worth filming and showcasing in future. I'm not sure with the gamespy thing, how successful it would be at generating some play, but thankfully Alex and others have done enough for it to be possible. It's the same with UR maybe, we don't need to go the extra mile, just throw anything out there and people would be very lucky in my opinion.
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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Still mapping this in case anyone is interested. Have the shopping center, 3 towers/flats and London bridge setting destroyed and blocked off backing off with buildings to merge with the other parts as one map. Shame the final coding isn't finished by Cozmo. The mission codeing for players have not been started either. But will still map this project for the hell of it!
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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by Cozmo »

Sorry for my absence, I moved out (hooray) a couple of months ago and have barely had internet access since. (I still don't have cable; I'm tethering on my mobile atm but I have a harsh data limit for that, despite having unlimited mobile data :-k uh anyway...)

Most of UR has been done for a while actually, but I haven't coded any missions, because I've realised coding them individually is insane. Not just for UR, but in general. Let me explain:

Typically, even a basic mission will take hours of painful copy-pasting code to create, which is why my RPG had virtually none. It was too time-consuming, so I even started making a tool to create them more quickly (see this), but I couldn't finish it. With this tool, those hours are reduced to about 5 mins in UnrealED! I revisited it a few times, never coding missions (for UR or Cozmo 3 (sorry Chin)) because I was convinced I'd get this working, which would mean all that time hard-coding specific missions would be wasted and obsolete. Then GameSpy died, so I figured that was it.

Recently, I came back to it for a challenge, and actually got it working this time (and much improved, with features like co-op(!) missions). I knew I'd get this eventually, but never thought it'd be this late. Oh well. The tool isn't UR-specific, but I did start it for UR, and it will still cover all the missions this mod could need. I'll make a topic about it over the next few days, with video hopefully. Still need to test some stuff before I upload the v1.

tl;dr: Yes I can get UR missions and more done super quickly now, topic coming soon about the tool

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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Nice to hear from you Cozmo.

Will start getting the UR maps ready then, Not all are finished or tested yet but I will now focus my time back on them to get this rpg released or at least ready for testing stages.
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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by atrey65789 »

Coz is back! Horray! Count me back in!
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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Shame this project is going to waste. All the script and map work gone into it. Such a waste :(
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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by atrey65789 »

Not going to waste. We just have to get more motivated. I will be returning to DXMP since there's new stuff seeming to be hosted, so I'll be willing to help.
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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by [FGS]Chees »

I put two parts of the map together and the limit the engine can handle is way over no matter how it's done. Haven't even added London part or RPG elements yet so will scrap my maps and start fresh...maybe. An open world map just wont cut it with this old engine and what I want to do. The code/RPG is 90% done but not herd from Cozmo in a dogs age. I have everything I need in in this project for it to work I think but the map and rpg stuff and missions for players to do/stay alive and map for players still needs to be done and can only do map side of it. The map side is a tricky. It has to be indoors with an outside but not go over the engine threshold.
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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by Sonny »

Not sure how often Cozmo checks the forum checked it by pure chance tonight but if I speak to him tomorow i'll give him a heads up to check it or something
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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by [FGS]Chees »

Thanks Sonny :) Not willing to hand over his coding or host a half arsed version of this project to others.
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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by Cozmo »

I usually look at these forums once every few days, but without bothering to log in, so it might seem like I vanished :oops:

Our engine is just totally not suitable for this kind of thing. Unreal 1 is subtractive, idk why I ever thought an additive approach could work. The engine can't handle the detail of the map, it can't handle rendering too many surfaces at once, and the AI isn't great no matter what I do with it. I suspect we'd have problems with severe lag down the line anyway, seeing as DXMP wasn't well-optimised and practically everything exists on server, way more actors than necessary, everything ticks 100 times/s etc. A huge, additive map bursting with NPCs is just asking for trouble. Also, our biggest problem by far - Gamespy being dead! After all the work to complete it, <10 people would play this and it would be dead within days. Worst case scenario, if mod fully dies, you could convert your mapping to static mesh for use in newer engines

If we do anything, it will have to be on a smaller scale. Like I said; most of the code is already fine, and I'm happy to use MPConvo to add the rest (which has actually been in a releasable state for a while; I just need to get around to testing it on dedi).
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Re: Undead Revolution

Post by ShadowRunner »

Hi Cozmo,

I will send you Cozmo Moonbase when I have DX up and running again.

I have read a pm from Chees and will catch up!

There's a couple of ways you can merge of course. Trying to copy the whole thing, or partially rebuilding with each type of brush only at a time etc. It would be mighty interesting to see the stats after a rebuild.
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