I want to play some MP

The time is right for a suicide!
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by synthetic »

Ermac wrote:
synthetic wrote:I played hour or two the other day, but only ever see Phantom or Darko on. Doesn't exactly encourage to play. We need some way of communicating, Tom.
You was lucky to have so many time to play with Phant.
Enjoy your last games with him.
You will have soon only Darko.
The funny thing is that if I quit DXMP with the other REN guys in 2008, I'd only remember Phantom with good words. Unfortunately I stayed in the game. He knows what he did, he can take his fame with him to his retirement because nobody besides you two gives a metabolic end product.
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by Ermac »

We don't need to retire.
The game itself retired with empty servers 24/7.

Trust me, the fame of Phantom is far better than yours.
I should post here your last matches of the last week against him in ATDM with your shameful fps abuse but i won't do it because nobody cares about and we aren't like you.

I admit that sometimes i am confused about you. I still think you can change but i am wrong i guess. You seems smarter than you are.

Phant said last year or maybe more:"Let bygones be bygones" but he's wrong.
Because when i see all bs and lies that you posted in your forums (ye, although you tried to delete all your tracks, we keep screenshots of them), when i see how many brain-washed you did after dani washed yours, i cannot see a fix to be honest.

This situation is pretty pessimist but it isn't actually.
The end of dx is the best thing which happened.

Thanks to Eidos to have built too quick a multiplayer game full of bugs and to let the monkeys in the jungle rules it with the sdk.

It's the proof that even the best idea in the mind can be a big fail in the reality.
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by synthetic »

I think it is called indirect evidence, meaning that someone who writes this much complete nonsense is probably not the squarest square.

I'm going to leave you and your friend with a little tip, pretty much the reason why dani lost his little warplan against me and why you too will inevitably run out of arguments: "Õige hõlma ei hakka ükski".
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by Ermac »

so boring
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by CarlRoberts1996 »

Lel, the hate on my server is hilarious.

Quite frankly, you guys are probably the type of players who played on the server for 2 minutes and made a snap judgement of it.
It's this attitude that makes me not able to stand DX players. Peacefully addressing your issues, multiplayer games are multiplayer
games, and you will always get noob players or players you don't like using methods that will annoy you. I am in no way inclined to
spend hours of my time to constantly tweak things to suit EVERY player, if you don't like the server, simple, don't play it and shutup
complaining. My server actually gets players because it has new custom content and functionalities, rather than people who cling
on to the same old style DX servers with the same classic mapsthat so many people cheat, exploit, and quite frankly, be complete
asshats on without punishments or appropriate control. I always make sure cheating or abusive players recieve appropriate punishment.
As for the 'my server is a chatbox' complaint,I give my players the freedom to choose what they wish to do, sometimes people do come
onto hang out, deal with it. It's the style of the server, and players have free choice, it is fully compatible for deathmatches and the style
of gameplay you would expect on other DX servers, and as for the "it isn't a tiny bit dx related", I would really love you to expand on that
because I'm pretty sure we discuss alot of DX related stuff.... if players are taking time out from the game or just hanging around,
that is THEIR choice and you're uncomfortable with that, simply take the whining elsewhere, I really don't HAVE to listen to your

All I can gather from this is just pure immaturity and insolence, and it angers me when we have active staff members and people
who constantly develop the server to make it better and more compatible, for people to whine and complain on a forum slating me
behind my back, and re-iterating the point, you probably haven't spent even five minutes on the server before making a biased
judgement on what the server is like. On a final note, whiners usually don't rejoin my server but eh... that doesn't bother me,
play elsewhere. I would rather keep good players on and keep up the servers popularity than let complainers and trolls on,

Kind regards,
Owner of Deus Ex Augmented.
You will behave like a jackass. That's an order you bitch! Weehee.
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by synthetic »

The context as well as some of the accusations are highly ironic, but I have to say that you've posted one surprisingly good reply. Very nice to read.
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by CarlRoberts1996 »

Appreciated good sir.
I do my best for people, but slating me on forums isn't needed. I've just seen pure ignorance.
Good to see someone with some decency.

You will be remembered in Hong Kong for allllllllllllllllllllllll time. Please join us for drinks at the
Lucky Money.
You will behave like a jackass. That's an order you bitch! Weehee.
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by [FGS]Chees »

I've had some awesome battles on Carls server that are spontaneous which makes it more fun. One min everyone is chatting then bam fight on. Not to mention all the other mods they are working on and completed ones to keep players busy in a server. The mini games are a great touch as well. The amount of people playing Hide 'N' Seek mini game at one point was more than any server had seen in 6 months. Keep up the good work lads.
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by Ermac »

CarlRoberts1996 wrote:Lel, the hate on my server is hilarious.

Quite frankly, (...)
Owner of Deus Ex Augmented.
Your post here makes good sense and it's obvious that you are the only captain aboard on your server.
I am totally agree with you.

However what is the point of banning everybody?
I don't know why Fitsg, Fullmoon, Darko (i can guess for him), Nobody, Psycho, Phantom and me have been banned.
For me, i can tell here what happened.
I played silently for around 5 min using the gep (the server was without the ads aug!).
After a streak of kills, the player tagged hk was whining about me pretending i was using an aimbot and the godmode (lol? Julian leaves his body!) and I have been blocked by you :/
But it's ok. I don't care. Really. I forgive you :]

Now, i will give you some hints to be more loved by others if it isn't the case.
1.Because you have banned Fullmoon, you shouldn't go to his server and insulting others players (" little cretin","anna is metabolic end product","this server is metabolic end product",...) especially when the owner isn't here. Firstly because it's pointless. Elsewhere you aren't better than him if you act exactly like him. Lastly, we don't have to be involved in your mess with him.
2.You shouldn't spam the chatbox trying to be kicked repeatedly because it's boring for everybody.
3.You shouldn't try (you or Kai or Anax) to hack the server (the RCON package installed in the server and made by Kai shouldn't be a way for you to abuse).
If you respect these simple principles, trust me, all will be fine each on his way.

(Nota1: i could give you hints for your server like stop to summon suddenly 10 or more karkies which make lot of lags, stop to change the map without a warn when others was having fun about fighting,... but i won't because this is your server
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
(Nota2: Unfortunately, Psycho is right about the mods. When they are too many, we have lags :/ but not you since you host :)

Best regards my friend.
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by CarlRoberts1996 »

I have perfectly good reasons for why I ban people at my discretion.
I also don't expect to be 'loved' by anyone.
Nobody recieved an accidental ban as Chees had an inclinct he may have been a faker, this was purely accidental.
Pretty much the other players have been banned for being complete pains in the bottom, an extensive list of
reasons won't be provided. Fitsg has been unbanned since and I stick to my reasons why he recieved said bans.
As for the hacking part, I don't even know where you get that from. We haven't exploited the usage of the RCON
system in the first place. I have my own opinions on players, and I am mature enough to understand my behaviour
at times has been just as inappropriate, which I am willing to accept. But let's face it, we're human here and not
perfect, and I am quite understandably sick and tired of the trolling nature and constant whining I recieve for
pretty much no reason, it makes me want to give people a taste of their own medicine. On both of your notas,
for nota one you are damn right it is my server but I understand the point.. nota 2, the server has plenty of
custom content for new things that can be used by players and give a new experience, people don't stick
round for it clearly though.

Any nasty behaviour or anything of the sort was unacceptable, but people need to realise that I'm sick of whining
about my server now, especially when it's not directly to me and on a forum. Rather than address isues to me
directly, I basically get insultive behaviour behind my back, which inclines me to be nasty backwards. If someone
peacefully said that there is room for improvement, I would listen to it, but I've grown tired of taking nice approaches
with people now when I get trolls on my server to not play even 2 minutes and to get the "this server sucks" attitude.

The attitude for the banning is in no way wrong in my opinion, as mentioned, I'm growing tired of the approach of
being nice to players when I'm shown a clear load of disrespect. It doesn't make me want to change things for the
better. If the DX community was nicer, I wouldn't have this situation in the first place.

I don't have the patience to stick around to be complained at anymore, nor be falsely accused. If there is an issue, I'll
do my best to resolve it, but to be insulted on a forum behind my back is low. Other players need to also realise they
are not perfect and sometimes from the attitudes and personalities I've seen on this game deserve everything they get.

Apart from this, I believe I've more or less covered everything.
When people show peace and stop with the disrespect, I'll do the same, until then, I have addressed your points and
look forward to a response.
You will behave like a jackass. That's an order you bitch! Weehee.
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by synthetic »

Mate from Norway came over here and I couldn't resist to show him DXMP. Obviously he ended up fighting Phantom for one fight ^^ Hes played some CS but was pretty blown away by the amount of keys we use for ATDM.
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by Ermac »

synthetic wrote:Mate from Norway came over here and I couldn't resist to show him DXMP.
It's Player131?
Why using a proxy or a vpn from Oriental Russia then?
synthetic wrote:Obviously he ended up fighting Phantom for one fight
Congratz him. He is indeed a very good opponent and he gives to the community lot of fun.
But i hope you will play too soon. There are several active players these last weeks. U could take your part of fun too ...
synthetic wrote:but was pretty blown away by the amount of keys we use for ATDM.
That's why its hard to bring new players. They all told me that this game is awesome but it's too hard and there isn't enough people in the server to learn deus ex game properly.
And BTDM uses even more keys!
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

Thank god I just need my left mouse key to shoot my super-rocket! :-D
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
~¤¥ÐJ¥¤~ said: THERE IS NO CAKE!
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by Ermac »

~][FGS][Nobody~ wrote:Thank god I just need my left mouse key to shoot my super-rocket! :-D
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Re: I want to play some MP

Post by Ermac »

I'm trying to plan a clan wars and it would be cool if you can join us Player_131.
Check the DXSL please.
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