Latest discord link

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Re: Latest discord link

Post by ~TheClown~ »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Well still he was ONLY one who said sorry for what he did. Despite he acted like kid, and repeated it. Still he always said sorry, honest or not. Rest of you did not do it. I dont judge you guys, not even him, specially because he said SORRY. Didnt see you guys said sorry to me, and did same what he did. So who has right to throw stones on him? Seriously? Just saying.
Wut? We did. Thats the whole reason we stopped the arguing. I'm pretty sure you can still see the posts from it. You replied to them. I was hoping this nonsense was over with now.
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Re: Latest discord link

Post by ~][FGS][Nobody~ »

Apologizing is nice and easy but means nothing, if you don't walk the talk.
Best contemporary example is Mark Zuckerberg. :roll:
Nobody is perfect...
ô¿ô¥[GODZ]¥NOCHANC wrote:I can ban any one I want ANY time I want. You have no rights here.
Magus wrote:Maybe one day I will understand your arcane rituals of voting :)
chin.democ. wrote:You can use light bulbs that emit light, and when shot, do not.
synthetic wrote:and while every person is interesting in their own unique ways, there is some degree of uniqueness that a doctor can help with.
~ô¿ô~][FGS][Nobody~ said: THERE IS NO SPOON!
~¤¥ÐJ¥¤~ said: THERE IS NO CAKE!
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Re: Latest discord link

Post by Fear »

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Re: Latest discord link

Post by synthetic »

de-dot the dot
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Re: Latest discord link

Post by synthetic »

dotity dot
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Re: Latest discord link

Post by machete »

synthetic wrote:
machete wrote:
anax wrote:
<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Thanks, will do my best. God knows I hve time next 45 days if not more :)
...dani is banned from here and will be banned from the discord in the unlikely event he tries to join and doesn't apologize for his retarded actions...
If he's ever accepted back into the DX community, I'm leaving it (and I've never used that phrase before now so you know I'm super-cereal).

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, what the *love* are you bunch of women and children thinking?!

I've known that Dani has genuine (self-confessed) mental health issues for probably 4 or 5 years. In that time, I've only seen the manifestations of his illness get worse in terms of his interactions with the DX community and their effects. I had sympathy for a long time, even though I was at the epicentre of almost all of his drama*, but he's shown no willingness to actually work on his issues and, at some point, you just have to go into self-defence mode against anyone as recklessly impulsive as he is. Well, I say "recklessly impulsive" but actually some of his transgressions show signs of significant pre-meditation, which obviously makes them far worse.

*Not so much the most recent stuff but the fact that he still felt the need to call me out in his ragequit screed after so long speaks volumes. We haven't had a proper conversation in years. Actually I was slightly surprised to find myself on his hit-list because he wasn't even a blip on my radar at the time. But it's an esteemed list of gentlemen so I'm not complaining.
I wouldn't over-dramatize some kind of mental issues. I've known him for a long time and I don't think there is anything wrong with him other than him just being a bad person. Back when we were often on voice chat, I remember the days when Solid would own him on CS:GO global all day long, and hed take short breaks between matches to harm small animals; guinea pigs, squirrels, kittens - you get the idea. He particularly liked the persians...
It says a lot about Dani that I didn't even realise you were joking until that last part. And then I lol'd.

The dude genuinely did have mental health problems though. I could find out exactly what it was by going through old Skype logs but even after everything that's happened, I'm just not that kind of guy. He told me in a private chat and what happens in PMs, stays in PMs.

Heh. The Fear thing is pretty funny. After being friends with both of you, I'll never understand your beef. But whatever.

Yeah, I would never have given Dani any control over the old server. Whoever did that made a massive mistake. It's not like he had a history of just randomly and impulsively deleting stuff (*cough* Nevermind forums *cough* everyone from DX on Skype). I don't know who made him an admin but I know that it's probably a friend of mine given the current and previous admins. I don't want to go in too hard on them because the new Discord is already bigger and better so it doesn't really matter but I hope they learned something about trust from that experience. Don't trust the lunatics to run the asylum.

I wouldn't lump you in with Dani. I'd join your clan if I wanted to watch a slow and painful death. I'd join Dani's clan if I wanted the thrill of knowing the whole thing could be gone at any moment. As it goes, I got to experience both. And I preferred the HVM approach in the end.
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