Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Man I am so many times called noob, nab, delusional, weak player and many many metabolic end product, till every year I reminded SAME people under different or SAME nicknames that despite fact that I lost against most of people, I beaten APSOLUTELLY nayone I was faced well probably ever.

If you want 1:1 dude, just say server place and time, you know I will come, same as I did in 2011, 2012, well you get the picture every *loving* year after that. And yes, I am almost unbeatable in infinite augs fun servers. 6 people tried to kill me (Fear, Ken, Solid, Anax, Dani and Machete) in Karky's and well they could not even kill me, cheasing me around the map where I did 1 by 1 till every single of them ragequited based on fact they actually could not kill me.

Same I did on non augs map with fun stuff, like swording or flying where despite their desire to humiliate me, it was actually harder to achieve it. Only place where I was actually humiliated was in high ping servers where Dani's abuses and my bullet hit ratio with ping 200 were totally slam in the face and normally I lost once against Dani and Solid, and I think Anax. Its impossible to play with ping 200 when your oponent has 120, even i cant save that. All 3 were on long range (all who know me I am person who looses with sniper maybe once per a year, once Chicken Salsa (cargo station alpha), once Fear (sniperbox), 2 times Kyle from Alpha (sniperbox and cargostation alpha), once Unknown (sniperbox), and once Sidewinder (sniperbox)......) Those are my ALL loses under regular conditions with sniper in so many years. I play since 2011, do the math. I think i have not forgot anyone else.

If you know anyone who lost in so many 1:1 fight less times with sniper, let me know. I did probably hundreds 1:1 fights and won probably around 90 % of those even if we calculate time when people used cheats and trolled me with 1:1 for years.

If you know anyone who was chased by Dani and Chicken Salsa for over 10 minutes in map and they could not kill me on UL augs, let me know.

If you know anyone who in whoile 2013 lost maybe 2 times in 1:1 and probably just 5-8 in team, let me know. I played over 180 fights just in second month of 2013, JUST in Machetes server. I had so insane win ratio he refused to put logs online, Yes thats the same year as when 6 people tried to beat me on Cargostation alpha.

If you know anyone else who beaten squad of 6 people in one server alone (Fear, Dani, Machete, Solid, Phantom and maybe Chicken Salsa not sure for last person), then let me know.

If you know anyone else who trained 7 years old kid who beaten Hivemind on 2 maps alone (but also had more kills than those all together), then let me know. He also had first ever monstaer kill in DX i ever saw, and I did some insane things in this game, but never achieved that high, he was also with me unbeatable force in sniping, together we had in average sniping fight over 110-120 kills....

You got the picture. I do loose from time to time, but if someone thinks I will refuse ANY fight in zero augs, or FUN server or unlimited augs, then he is in huge huge problems, because I am not scared of anyone. You can link best scorers in DX, bring whoever you want in those 3 mods, Riccy, Hey, Dani...... Man I will fight anyone. I dont care who is prime by your standards, I will fight.

If you think they will own me, your right to think that way. Problem starts when they actually try to own me, not to mention even to beat me, well thats my friends little harder part. And yes, many people start against me with 5:0, and all is fine, till their score start to drop, drop drop and then booom...... They dont laugh anymore....... I dont play much, but if you think you will walk over me whoever you bring........ Then...... Good luck.

You can use binds, cheats whatever you want, I will anyway avoid close combat because those superbinds and firerate abuses are such metabolic end product that is not worth to waste my close combat time....... I will snipe you all anyway. I never EVER refuse 1:1, and you can call your legends.

I will be proud to see how NOT EVEN close I am. They telling me that for already 8 years. Every freakin year same story.

But man if that makes you happy, nice. I will never say I am best, I loose like all people, but some of you should know where is your place after so much time.

And yes I played against all those who you mentioned, maybe not in 1:1, but you are seriously wrong if you think I am not even close or not capable to win, that much you can count on.

For zero augs I can say they can put me down (depends on map) and if they use superbinds.

For fun server chance is 25 % to beat me.

For unlimited augs server I am afraid chance to beat me is lower than 5 % whoever you call, those are servers where I trained my skills and played for almost decade so yes, not even sure that I ever lost against anyone in there.

Have fun and dont let me down, I will be proud to show how not even close I am, I am doing it for already how much 7-8 years?

Nice to talk with you.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I just dont like to repeat myself, sounds arogant and rood, but I cant stand when people dont show respect to ANY player in society. Reason?

"Any player can beat you, its all in lucky day, last minute joining and lucky hit in last second, or skills, but it can happen"

Happened to me many times, some say they never lost to some people, well I did to many, sometimes I didnt cared, sometimes I let them, sometimes I lost proper, but thing is, all things I talk for so many years are on this same forum. Most will be posted on my website withing next few months if all goes well, so i dont like to repeat myself because people will get wrong picture.

I will not respond much in future to such reactions.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

I'm down to play in Sev's TAC server since you said you like the infinite bio. Also can play in Sunny Side. I get like 300 ping there so I will struggle but I can still put up a fight.

I also like Sharpshooter server.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I have no problems with that. My ping aint any lower also, will be around now.

As I said I am always for fight when people call/provoke me. Never refused.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Im gonna boot up now
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Ok bro im on sunny side
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I was yesterday several times in the game, didnt see anyone, except one gamer under nickname player, thats all.

I Was in Cozmo, 21 guns Sharpshooter, BotArena and 21 guns.

Zero augs was sadly passworded, same as one another server.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Darko I want to train you to be good enough to play with the rest of us but you gotta chill on the long winded rants and the accusations bro.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

You are one hilarious dude man :)

I called people out even when I won. And trust me all honest people know I am right.

Do not know who you troll, and who will believe in that crap, but every single of us (besides crew of 20 of you), knows you guys abused game on most insane ways.

Before you guys "claimed" superbinds as legit, including with raised FPS i remembered how you guys changed server info, not to show FPS stats........ Yep I do remember that quite well, that way even when I won (what was almost every time), you guys were not shamed to loose even with raised things.

Do not forget that Phantom had first raised FPS, and you guys bully'd him for ages for exploit. But now when you guys doing it, he is still cheater, and you guys say its fine, and do not count for you guys.

Let me say like this..... "bling bling" ringing the bell? Red alert.

Anyway, you guys are welcome to "train me", if you ask me, give me password of zero augs, bring 5 or more of your friends, and try to "train me", would be happy to see my bad results, and post them here to see " how you guys ended with training me".

You have my screenshots in this same forum from fights, and those are only from few games.

On my website you will soon see how I train arogant people.

Anyway, I am always ready to be "trained" specially by such people who later retunr after 1-2 years with new nickname.

Have fun.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Seeing as your a newer player I can see why you would think people changed the server info to not show FPS. But in fact the original versions of DXMP and MTL didnt show those stats, it was the gentlemen of FGS who made the recent versions of ANNA and MTL that provide the ping and FPS info on the scoreboard.

You're pretty confident Darko, though it seems to me you're not the kind of player that would ever admit he needs improvement or that anyone could best you. I'm assuming you would just accuse me of cheats and abuse if I won against you.

We should play a few rounds in KOJAK's KILLERY. Show eachother some tips. I know you know how to play, I just dont believe you are up there with the best. But you have potential.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

I am confident, because I know after just few days I will be tops.

Every single year I started I had lame first day, but never sucked that much, even when Machete claimed to own me (same as you now), you can see how they were arogant on forum, acused that in team of 4 of them I killed just player who was newbie. So in their words, I didnt killed them at all, and I killed only player?

Anax, Machete, Player and one more strong guy against me, and I found on Iceworld only that guy player to stay positive? Seriously dude. And they started to shoot on me when I was unarmed or didnt had time to proper fight. I started with how much 0:5? Then started to shoot on machete, anax laughed when I said youre now done, I am getting in shape.

Most people laughed because I got first kill, but you people dont get it..... Once I start to hit, you guys will start to drop down........ Why? Because old moves start to get into my hands.......

Have you saw my score in the end of that match? It was positive in score......... And after trolling in first 5 minutes, I didnt saw Anax and Machete to brag anymore LOL.

They said, well you had Phantom in your team. In short they admited Phantom is still legend (and he is legend), and he was reason they lost? Well I laughed on barely positive machetes score, he said well it was cause you had strong oposite player on your side. Hm let me think, well when he and Anax pinned me on 2 sides, with 2 more guys, they didnt had more strong people against me haha?

Oh yes, and Machete is using superbinds and raised FPS, so after fight with him I often didnt had energy to refill myself....... So yes I am confident.

After few more days, one more guy constantly played with Anax as Player. Was it Machete? Do not know, but man I owned both of them constantly each day, and In third day I was again ME. Usually I need 3 days to be in top shape again, max.

But in general to be on the level as in 2013, well that is hard. I played against society where half of people abused walls (in green color, pistol glitch, jump glitch, minimtl abuse, and aimbot), while other half had raised FPS and superbinds binded with one button to change, heal, and put back with zoom included, lol! Still I did miracles.

I think you are that one that you can not comprehend how fast I was....... I smoked EVERY single legendary player, despite I had only 60 fps and scrool. They could not believe I am so good.......

Proof? Anax made server and put inside some metabolic end product, where he could see my setup, and man, there was no metabolic end product in my gameplay, they had proof I am natural, and only 60 fps scrool player.

And yes call me arogant man, but people didnt insult your friends, WITH YOUR nickname for 2 YEARS, you were not insulted constantly as I was, so I was forced to play until I was superfast, super precise and super insane. I had so insane reflexes with sniper that I can hardly describe here.

I am probably not so insane as in 2013, maybe never will be even close, but trust me when I say, despite i dont do anymore so insane flicks, so insane jump shots, I can still give lesson to every single player on sniperbox........ I dont need to train that at all, I am still sniperman......

I have even from 2018 some pictures on my Google+ site where is visible I still can do some nice results. 2 times best, 3 times second was not bad for guy without raised fps.

Am I full of myself........ Man......... After 2013, they removed FPS stats, they were active before for some time, but on some servers they removed so that they dont shame themself to loose against me despite superbinds and raised fps, and trust me, they did lost, like a lot.

Explain why sniper auto reload was removed in 2015 after just a week? Because they were positive their chance with sniper would be higher if they dont need to reload, but man, that made me even more invincible, even on maps like Iceworld, where my close combat was another level....... After just a week, no more sniper reload......... Coincidence? Dont think so......

But then came 2016, minimtl abuse proven, pistol glitch proven, Dani admitted some nasty things and nobody called me paranoid or delusional anymore........ Dirty laundry came out, all what rest of us suspected was proven on clean!

Since 2017 I was not able to beat people anymore with regular setup......... Did I struggle against Machete? Lol dude, sure I did.

If I would use superbinds and raised FPS you guys use, do you think ANYONE i mean literally ANYONE would stand a chance against me? If I had that metabolic end product, or half of metabolic end product in 2017, I wonder how freakin insane I would be then. I would probably not loose even those 8 losses I had whole year with team fights included.

So yes, call me arogant........ I know what I can, and I know I was fastest player with 60 fps and scrool around because I healed so fast I could do it in air, and I was one of rare that used assault + sniper, and not pistol + sniper + assault. And I smashed them all because I died in direct fight against anyone maybe in every 2-3-rd direct fight. That is reality.

When I realized in 2017, some people snipe me from 1 metter, some dont heal at all, or that I dont se ehow they heal, I was sure some metabolic end product is improved out.......... Nobody could overperform me, I know that! So later was proven superbind with one click that was so fast that I could not be competitive on close fight.......... More and more regular players started to realize its not only their healing, its obvious their firerate is freaking fast, over half faster than should be..........

And with those superbinds and possible aimlock on target, I still suspect their is something more there (since more any more people sniped way too good for my taste with sniper from 1 metter, directly after healing), and with faster firerate I had to admit close combat is not my option anymore..... Even I am not so good.

But guess what, I still didnt lost, I came into server and was third despite fact I came 5 minutes later than rest of people, while Phantom was first. All of them had raised FPS, I didnt. Reason i was not first is because I could only snipe.

Why I dont comply to "legit stuff"? Why would I? I dont need advantage over others to win. If others need some metabolic end product to be on my level, good for them, I will not humiliate myself with modifying .ini file, and then brag how I won against some player.

If superbinds and raised fps are for me legit win over someone with mouse wheel and 60 fps, then I am seriously low level player. Medkit is not possible to bind from main directory to mouse by default, firerate is not possible to switch in inventory, so for me, AINT LEGIT. Why? Because most of people would not know how to do it, either from console or from .ini file, so for me to have advantage over other player is LOW MOVE.

And I AM NOT low person.

So yes I will play on 60 fps, and with scrool, I dont need jump glitches, pistol hack, pistol glitch, minimtl abuse, raise fps, and probably body detector binded to superbind (I seriously believe they have binded that metabolic end product to sniper since I dont believe as games playing 20 years with sniper that metabolic end product is possible, besides someone close to them told me they have instakill wherever they aim with sniper after healing, what would prove why more and more players do such "miracle" hits after healing). Besides those instakills with sniper are on botarena, so they are not possible to be done in regular game as exploit? Please..... I am sure you guys found the way :)

I respect any honest player with 60 fps, and no superbinds....... For rest I will not waste my time.

About winning against me, you realize that aint gonna be easy? Its superrare, and very tight, no matter who is on other side. Besides on zero augs I play only sniper maps exactly because I will not play close combat, what would be a point?

For rest modes as I said, I am always there, except for atdm where I know they have individual binds binded to mouse, what is lets be honest again unfair advantage so no point to step there.

You have right to talk how weak I am, sooner or later we will meet in game, and you would realize same as others, things are not as you think they are. Many people called me noob, so they tried over and over with nickname player to beat me, but that was such pain in the butt for them......... I am almost never negative in score, and I lost so little ammount of 1:1 fights that is stupid even to talk about that.

In any case wish you all best in gaming, I will stop now to talk about my skills and successes, I respect every person.

I am pacifist, but when people attack me in server, then party starts, then guns talk a lot. You are welcome to try. I hope for you will you will not end like many before you, and that I will not have to come here and post screenshoot with words "I told you so".

Anyway man, wish you all best.

See you in game people.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

When you tell me you're very tight, you just make me want you more.
Smell The Glove

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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

All this talk is just to try and intimidate me but I know you just flossing
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

You talk too much, I am often in the game.

All are welcome.
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Re: Enjoy in game and do not let anyone to ruin your day

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

Narcissistic delusion often manifests as someone who projects their own insecurity into others around them.
Smell The Glove

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