CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

About augs: Yes I saw that on augs also Chees, can be it is that what you say, do not know bro.

But I saw that on zero augs also often and when he fall down he just can not survive that, but he just jumped again and again with no damage, and that was really annoying....
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

For all who do not knows the story..... This is how all started......

Was player who was newbie, and acused about abuses (found out to be truth), to be ok player later.

But when I started to be good, I started to be insulted and banned. How people impersonated me and what they did, all in here.

I received disrespect of admin users visible from this post, even on this forum they mocked me and renamed this topic.........

So from newbie, and good player I started to play 6 hours daily........

Rest is history.

No grudge, all best to all, but people who are now banned, you did protect in this post.

I was banned for nothing, my friends were insulted.....

My legacy started here. I didnt asked for it. You people made it.

Tomorrow is new day.

Wish all best to all people.
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Head up, smile on face and lets move on :wave:
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

All started here, before many many years. I came to ask for help against people that planned to ruin this beautiful game. Same people insulted my friends. Same people tried to ruin my society. Attacked kids....... DD was actually very very big. We were biggest society in growth novadays I think, we won a lot.
After they split us, they started to take my nicknames, insult kids, girls and my friends. They started to film fake videos. They started to modify servers.

They claim its not about me? Then about who? If you have skills, why you need advantage? If there is not someone (me) who is over their league? Today they claim I loose games. Sure in server where I cans switch guns or heal during reload (filmed on discord). AND EVEN in such conditions they cant beat me with sniper as it should. But they refuse to play in euro server.

I can link you my last EURO server fights from euro server. I will say just this, Solid beaten me in USA server 12:3, he lost later in EURO server 14:2? Something like that? In real conditions, in non moded servers, where you can play, where your skills are real deal, they can not touch you. Thats why they moding this beautiful game for years.

Because if youre good, why would you want to play over 60 fps? There is no need, its more than playable, 30 fps is almost as fluid as could be, 60 is just enough.

But instead help against those people, I had here humiliation. And in one they have right. They filmed videos against me, trashed me. They acuse me now I abominate their forum. Guess what, you abominated my name with fake videos, ragequits and abusive talk with my nickname!

Instead help I deserved insults. Reason I came here is because I hoped here are normal people that see what they are doing. Those who are here long enough knows exactly how they manipulated game, and what cheats were used. All was truth, you have Dani's confession also. They bullied Phantom and FullMoon also, for same thing, that today they claim as legit!

You know, I appologize if I insulted anyone, was not my intention. But how here started will end also. Came here to get support, only what I get is bunch of people who support people in their insults, trolling, and eventually they helped them to get me ban in 75 % of servers. Why? Just because I played better than them, because I was almost unbeatable in 2013. Only default player that made them leave game.

I cleaned my name, and do not worry about my legacy, people that know me, know what for a player I was. Hasharin, Bam, Unknown, B-Dawg, Leonardo, Karky, Henry, Duke and many many people can confirm I never EVER had problems with them. EVER. So ask yourself why is that.

I have my own forum, real truth, and my games from 2011 on will be there, all who have desire see if I am really punch bag are welcome to see there, they will be surprised, very very surprised.

I never had desire to hurt anyone, if I did I appologize.

For those who think I will leave game, I can say, I aint. I will play it. And I will have fun, same as I always did. Difference is that from now on I will film most of my games, so those provocators will be constantly filmed how they loose against me. No more fake pleasure for them.

See you around
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

One big thank you for all good people during all those years, who supported me, and are good pals and friends with me. Huge respect and all best in life for all of you. Hope see you around more. You can always find me on my website, youtube, or contact on gaming fb and mail.
Wish you all best. :wave:
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

All started I guess in this same post, so after 6 years, can stop.
Instead of help I mostly got insults, and administration of this forum supported problematic people.
No grudge, no hard feelings, but also have no desire to populate anymore forum of such people.
I think we are even, for some nice memories also.

Now is time for FGS team to again do something and populate their own forum with actually their own work.
I have my own websites and my own place.

All best to all cool FGS people that respected me, I was always cool with many despite what rest of FGS talked about me, and will always be thankful for that.
Also all best to great people I have meet with years, proud on you all and hope we will play in games again. For those who I will maybe not see (or not know because other nicknames in other games, but we maybe play), thanks for great memories.

All best in life, and see you around :wave:
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by synthetic »

Darko, friend, listen to me: what we need right now is to de-escalate the situation. Lets change topic, okay? We can get over this, i know we can.

What ive wondered for a while is,as a man, do you find me attractive?
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

So its truth you like bananas :alc:
[-X ](*,)

Your :assshaking:
[-X work

More luck next time :-({|=
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Take care people , stay cool, stay smart, hope see you around in some games. :wave:
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

The Banana Issue is Pay per View Fans Only
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Došao sam, pobijedio sam, krenuo sam dalje, uživam!

Best regards! :wave:
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by RodNeySaLaMi »

zašto si onda još uvijek ovdje, mali? :-D
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Da tebe učinim još manjim i sitnijim nego što jesi "venerin brežuljku" :wave:
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Re: CRITICAL: Darko's banana issue

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

See you around people :wave: