We should try to stop fighting

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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by Hey »

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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by DaniSaggenza »

If you don't go to Darko, Darko will come to you
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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Well I tried today but you were to scared to show your real nick, as always, nothing new, but that was also trap for you, cause you did not expected that I know that you will be under his nick, and that he will come to you and that he will insult spamm and took my nick and nick of other people to distract me. For you, that is bad cause it is not just that one picture, it is way way more, and when I will have time I will send it to ZxxC leader, so I hope you will be 1 problem less for one great server which will remove you and your friend from there. Too bad cause after one month I had time finally to train for a 10 minutes, and that was really enough to have advantage against low level players as you.

As we could see from picture you are threat for yourself lol, you are natural disaster for yourself, people do not need to kill you, you will still find way to get negative score from yourself haha. Really hilarious.

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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by DaniSaggenza »

<-(DD)->Darko wrote:Well I tried today but you were to scared to show your real nick, as always, nothing new, but that was also trap for you, cause you did not expected that I know that you will be under his nick, and that he will come to you and that he will insult spamm and took my nick and nick of other people to distract me. For you, that is bad cause it is not just that one picture, it is way way more, and when I will have time I will send it to ZxxC leader, so I hope you will be 1 problem less for one great server which will remove you and your friend from there. Too bad cause after one month I had time finally to train for a 10 minutes, and that was really enough to have advantage against low level players as you.

As we could see from picture you are threat for yourself lol, you are natural disaster for yourself, people do not need to kill you, you will still find way to get negative score from yourself haha. Really hilarious.

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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by anax »

it's hilarious cause that was me and I never changed my nick any time in the whole day :bwahaha:
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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

You have right you did not changed nick, but your computer did :) So yea it is very hilarious :)
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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Ok guys since they post pictures where it is quite visible that is fake Darko, with no marks, I will just say this, my friends and me always have marks: I know that anax and Dani are kids, but now you will see how badly they lost against me every single time. I have for sure on dvd much more of this from machete also, but this will be enough for now:

Guys lets go make ANAX+DANI fail noob sniperbox, where they both lost against me alone, here it is enjoy: Ps: Thos pictures where you see LuckyToBeHereAgain or something similar, that was my comback after long tim eof no playing, and you will se ehow easy I still beaten them all: So you decide to who you will trust, this is real Darko, this is real win, and when I play I smash, Dani and Anax should know preety well, you will see from pictures, and that is just part of all what I have, if will be needed I will post more where is dani not undercover, so his shame will be much bigger cause there he lost -20, but i keep that if he will be arogant, so that I destroy epic shame on his fake. So make me laugh dani, be arogant, and I will post where you lost 1:1 also. Make my day kid, make my day. Enjoy guys:










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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by anax »

The 1 on 1 didn't even begin because you thought i was Dani.
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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Well you invited me 1:1 1000 times, same as dani did, and ups Look again how that ended for you and dani? Those are just few of pictures, where you always insulted me and invited to play against me BUT YOU ALWAYS, BUT ALWAYS FAILED!!!

You know why I was quiet for so long time? I told you that I will never say that I am best, but you keep pushing and pushing, so I was forced to show your and dani's fails on those picture, cause I have enough of your provocations. Trust me I will post pictures from before 6 months on machete, when I was in top shape, and trust me there I beaten alone often 4 guys in opposite team, so if you wish that i post those pictures also no problem.

I just say to you as a person which I respected as a friend, please do not force me to post all 50 or 100 pictures against you or Dani, cause you will really lose that little reputation which you have right now after those fails from my pictures.

And please do not invite me 1:1 cause I do not like to beat people. I have many pictures where dani invites me 1:1 on sniperbox, stalkyard, smuggler, cargostation alpha, or minidust, but he lost a lot. Mostly he played with fear against me and ajit, or against me and b dawg and trust me he lost together with fear in 22 of 25 matches. So with b dawg 2:2 I was practicly invincible, same as with leonardo when we smashed dani. I am sure those pictures are also on comp. In any case dude, please do not force me to post that all..... Enjoy in day and for your own good, just forget it. If you will provocate and insult me, you know i will post that also. So yes, please just stop. I do not like to beat people and I do not like to hurt people, but you just force me to do it.

Al, best and just forget it. Bye.
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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by anax »

i honestly think you need to see a therapist or something dude.
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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Nope, that problem is reserved for people like you, Masterkilla, and your impressive company which insults people.

I know that hurts your that you never beaten me, I have even more pictures, but no worry whenever I come to game you can always come in same server and show your non-skills, you will be always welcome. Until then, look preety pictures.

And yes, I have not violated rules of forum, but since that is fault of moderators, which removed me option to moderate my posts, and to delete my posts, I was forced to return on your spam, and I will do that again, and with more pictures to shame you if you continue to insult, me, or anyone else, cause you are arogant, insulting, and person which like to lie a lot.

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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

Dear friends and users of FGS forum please take proofs where Dani Saggenzza and Anax abuse other prople nicknames, where they insult people in server, and where they film fake loses 2:6 1:11 as you can see from their fake pictures. I had pure luck that I saw in ZXC server 2 people so I wanted to test my skills after long time, but I was surprised in a very bad way:

From those pictures you will see few things:
1. Dani was this time in a role of fake Darko where he allowed Anax to beat him easy, as we can see on any their fake picture.
2. When I came in server you can see that my ping (Darko 41) was around 280-300 as I always told you, and not 230 or 350 as they filmed.
3. When they saw that I will try to play they started to insult me so that I can not play.
4. Fake Darko started to spectate but I already took the shoot of his ping, and you can see its lower than mine is, so he is Dani, what will be for sure confirmed from side of ZxC leader where I will try to demand their BAN.
5. On the end you will see how I ask fake Darko, please speak croatian, and you will see that he mixed poland and croatian which he saw from me.

Here are pictures:



This is only proof how low will drop 2 people just to lie to others that they beaten someone who they can not beat. It is sad that they only helped to me, to proof that they never beaten me, and that they always filmed fake videos and pictures.

Because of that I want to say I am sorry to: Karky, Leonardo, Ajit, Bajas, Duke, Chees, and specially to Maschete, Hey and Sinthetic which really though based on their lies that I am bad person and that I suck. (Sinthetic, Hey and Machete, for me you were always strong guys and I never BUT EVER i had reason to insult you guys). For sinthetic I know he hated me cause we were in clan war but I hope that is past story, but for Machete and for Hey I was sad cause I know they believed to fake pictures from Dani and Anax. Hey I know you are honest person, and you were so good to ban Dani for my friends which asked you too do that, so as a honest person please look at my evidence, ask even ZXC clan to give you proof. Machete, I never had problems with you, you always hated me for a fake reason (that i am best, that i spam and insult, but man, that is not truth, I am not that kind of a person, that were they).
I also want to say sorry Liquid, sorry Dominic, sorry Julian, sorry Jack and sorry every single person which were insulted ba Dani and Anax when they stealed my nick.

Since I have enough of proofs I go now post same on ZXC clan. Thank you for understanding, and Chees bro, I hope now you believe to me.
I can not beleive how low can go 2 people with no life, I do not know what mental problems they must have, but this is sad, sick and stupid in same time. Dear God, help them, ans save them, I am not sure that we can.

All best too all good people. See ya in game.
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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by anax »

i'm laughing soo hard
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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by <-(DD)->Darko »

You can laugh how hard you want. I already requested ban for you and Dani, this time I contacted server owner, with all pšossible proofs which I ccollected, and I am sure he will confirm very easy from logs same.

Also I have not intention to fight with Hey and with Machete anymore. I will report you and Dani to every single server owner, and I really hope that both Hey and Machete will react on honest way and ban you both if you and Dani will abuse my clan marks, or my nickname, or insult me on any other way. I know that I will ban you both from my server if I would have it.

Important is that after 1 year of accusing I have enough and I will report that on a every single possible way, if will be needed also to masterserver host/owner where you will have range ban forever. I ho not know who replaced masterserver, but I will find out sooner or later, and show them all that.

Hey, if you are honest person, look evidences, please think how will be if you would be on my place, and Machete please do same. When you try to put yourself into my pants, you will come to conclusion, that: I am not that one which insulted you at all, cause I never insulted Hey, and I do not know why he hates me at all, cause I always respected him, and I always said he is great player, and specially I do not know why machete insulted me, but I know from fact that Dani used your nick sometimes too.

FGS nobody, and moderators of this forum, I know you hate me, you think I am arogant, stupid, annoying, etc etc, but please take a look at pictures, and please block them or remove them from trolling on this forum.

It is clear that they spamming and provocating, and I had enough to defend myself now is time to react, and I will not stop until all server owners will range ban them cause of, clan marks abusing, impersonating players, insulting players, and for spamming into server.

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Re: We should try to stop fighting

Post by Leo »

enjoy in day
Last edited by Leo on 11 Nov 2014, 18:39, edited 1 time in total.